HL2 Preload 4

I don't know whats going on, Is there any HL2 content in this latest pre-load?

if not, then whats the point in it?

If this is only the stuff from the update last week then why have it as a pre-load as well?

Am I missing something here?
ButtHoleMcGee said:
That huge CSS update was probably our preload.
Yea, probably was. Smart idea, so Valve servers wont be flooded tonight.

Dr. breen. CS:S full was in the update. CS:S is Halflife2's multiplayer so it is considered part of halflife2
It's not even asking for me to preload anything. Rats.
Wow, alot of posts. I missed two whole pages! Was this a real preload?
Never mind, I have CS:S beta, so I won't be getting a preload tonight.
L337_Assasain said:
Is this the last preload?

Of course its not the last pre-load.
Its common sense really. The last preload will most likely be a few days after HL2 goes Gold.
How do you get the fourth pre-load to work? It says that It's done pre-loading but I haven't had Steam on for almost a week.
HL2 has been cancelled by Vivendi. However a new and exciting version of Gunman Chronicles 2 is being offered in it's place.
wow...that was so....ironically, not funny. If this were true, I'd go postal. Literally. I think VUG would need to be taught a lesson. BY EATING MY LEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Although Gunman Chronicles 2 would be cool.
Doesnt this show Valve is planning on releasing on steam? It is like a message to venvidi
At first I was downloading at about 800Kb/s, now (started at around 81%) I am having trouble. It cuts in and out, and only downloads at like 50kb/s (CRAP!!!)
DiSTuRbEd said:
If you have CS:S already installed I am betting we got the update a few days ago ;)

That is correct.
btw its probably been mentioned, but this .gcf is all unencrypted, so if you're bored you can listen to CS:S sounds among other things..
the dl just finished for me and it is 889mbs so how many gbs do we have of hl2 and css all together now?
There will defiantly be at least two more preload phases for sure!
First there is still “Half-Life: Source” to preload and then there is the rest of the files to enable all the CFG’s to be final versions, (to enable the games to be unlocked probably a small 50Meg update phase/download not so much a “pre-load” more a final phase download.

poseyjmac said:
btw its probably been mentioned, but this .gcf is all unencrypted, so if you're bored you can listen to CS:S sounds among other things..

steampowered says it's encrypted.
coZ said:
There will defiantly be at least two more preload phases for sure!
First there is still “Half-Life: Source” to preload and then there is the rest of the files to enable all the CFG’s to be final versions, (to enable the games to be unlocked probably a small 50Meg update phase/download not so much a “pre-load” more a final phase download.

hl:s isn't included with hl2 unless you buy the collectors edition, i doubt they would preload it to everyone.
what about counter-strike source then? not everyone will be buying the "normal" version there is a "single player" version also.

Edit and in my other post i said "CFG’s" what i ment was "GCF's"
ytinupmi said:
steampowered says it's encrypted.

well i clicked a gun wav file and it went boom boom, so i dont know what to tell ya :)
ytinupmi said:
hl:s isn't included with hl2 unless you buy the collectors edition, i doubt they would preload it to everyone.

Im a coupon holder so does this mean i dont get HL:S ? :eek:

JPack said:
SP-only version no longer exists.

Damn then there probebly isnt going to be any more preloads for normal steam users... :|
Gabe Newell said they would be porting Diakatana to Source. . .

Yeah right
I remember them saying something.... in the emails from valve section.... someone asked why the CS update was so big and they said it was because they were finishing up the preloads for cs source
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:

daikatana, the game that john romero created, and he hyped it to hell, and then it sucked.

funny note, one of the advertisements for daikatana said "john romero will make you his bitch"
gweedodogg69 said:
I think it would be the last preload until the HL2.exe file is possibly out. So well, I guess this blows out the September 30th release date unless they give it out within 3 days or so.

Us CS: Source beta testers already have hl2.exe :naughty:

Always wanted to use the smilie...
Actually i think there is a maps preload still to come... :bounce:
not sure if this question got answered but.. is this pre-load only for pple who weren't a part of the CS:Source beta?

because i have the beta.. and theres been no updates on my Steam account...
So far, Half-Life 2 + CS:Source = 3.35GB. Half-Life 2 overall is 3.5GB.

If CS:S is indeed the multiplayer for HL2, we only have 150MB left to preload. If it isn't, we've still got around 1GB left.
We still haven't got the maps for hl2 which will be about 800mg.

In fact there's 2 more files i think. If you look in your clientregistry.blobl there's mention of

Base Source Shared.gcf and Half-Life 2.gcf
Well seeing as I already have the CS:S preload due to the CS:S update not long ago this is just so so news for me. But the fact that they preloaded it to the rest of the steam users looks good for the RC of CS:S don't you think?
this can only be good news, perhaps the cs:s section of the RC has been accepted :D
yeah, these are definitely unencrypted....dunno why the Steam update said they were...