HL2 Pricing. (This worries me.)


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Swede [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 4:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: HL2 question (surprised?)

<4>Will HL2 be more expencive than regular games? Becouse by buying HL2 you buy 100000 games in one(mods)

4) We're looking at a variety of pricing approaches - basically a three tiered retail strategy as well as a subscription option for people who'd rather go that way. We always have tried to give gamers more value for their dollar than other game companies.

3 tiers?

Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus limited mod playing ability = $XX.00
Basic game plus unlimited mod playing ability = $XXX.00

If that's the case I will be truly depressed.

Or maybe it's...
Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus Counterstrike = $XX.00
Basic game plus Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike = $XXX.00

could be...
Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus 6 months of multiplayer time = $XX.00
Basic game plus 12 months of multiplayer time = $XXX.00

I dunno. I'm worried though.
Half-Life 2 can play all mods unlimited no matter what.

Team Fortress 2 is going to be a stand alone title.

By subscription he meant 'Steam', not monthly fee's to play online.
Steam - Unlimited games @ $XX/month

HL2 - Collectors Edition - XX.XXX
HL1 + HL2 - Insane Fan Edition - XX.XX
it will probalby be the same price as most pc games, its just going to be better :)
Yeah, when I saw that post it worried me. Maybe they mean:
1. Basic game
2. Collectors Edition
3. Collectors Edition in DVD Format

THey will NOT Charge you to play Multiplayer when you can set up your own servers.
You should not worry about this. The game will probably cost about the same amount as any other game that is released at the moment. if it does happen to cost a little bit more for some reason then that would not be a good financial strategy for them because they would lose out on many people. They might charge extra for the Limited Edition because that one (should) come with other things so that price is justified.

Also even though halflife2 can potentially come with many other mods you do not really pay for them. You are buying halflife2 ...you are not buying day of defeat + cs + tf2 + blah blah. So far, mods have been free except those lucky enough to get noticed by the big companies and then shipped off to retail.
I don't mind paying more upfront for the game itself. But I hope Valve doesn't intend to charge monthly subscription fees for playing online. Now that I would mind.
Originally posted by chili pepper
I don't mind if HL2 cost more than other games. You're getting a lot more.

I believe i have read officially that steam itself will not cost money. If you BUY Halflife2 or some other made for retail game off of steam then THAT will cost you money...but so far i do not believe they have plans to charge for steam.

EDIT: If this post makes no sense that is because i quoted the wrong thing...i meant to quote the statement made about steam having monthly charges.

Half-Life 2 - $XX.XX
Half-Life 2 Collectors Edition (HL+HL2+TF2+CS2+nice wooden box) - $XXX.XX
Half-Life 2 via Steam - $XX.XX
Originally posted by Nucleus

Half-Life 2 - $XX.XX
Half-Life 2 Collectors Edition (HL+HL2+TF2+CS2+nice wooden box) - $XXX.XX
Half-Life 2 via Steam - $XX.XX

well the limited edition box is gonna be metal, as opposed to wood...(wtf would want a game in a wooden box?)
I am pretty sure HL2 will be around the same price as other games. Mods will probably be separate if they are made by valve. I.E.) HL2 = $50.00
TF2 = $30.00
CS = $30.00
Originally posted by jasonh1234
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Swede [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 4:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: HL2 question (surprised?)

<4>Will HL2 be more expencive than regular games? Becouse by buying HL2 you buy 100000 games in one(mods)

4) We're looking at a variety of pricing approaches - basically a three tiered retail strategy as well as a subscription option for people who'd rather go that way. We always have tried to give gamers more value for their dollar than other game companies.

3 tiers?

Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus limited mod playing ability = $XX.00
Basic game plus unlimited mod playing ability = $XXX.00

If that's the case I will be truly depressed.

Or maybe it's...
Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus Counterstrike = $XX.00
Basic game plus Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike = $XXX.00

could be...
Basic game = $XX.00
Basic game plus 6 months of multiplayer time = $XX.00
Basic game plus 12 months of multiplayer time = $XXX.00

I dunno. I'm worried though.

wow. That is an ultra pessimistic interpretation of he said. You are ready to join doomsday cults.
Originally posted by jasonh1234

What the hell?

They will release the game, Half Life 2. You will be able to buy a normal version, and a special edition. The special edition will cost abit more, as you will be getting extras.

There will be expansion packs, ie Day of Defeat 2 and counter-strike 2, which you will have to pay for.

There will be comunity made mods, which will be free to download.

There will be patches, which you will obtain through steam, or as executables from websites.

Valve isn't stupid enough to charge above normal retail price for their game. I mean, it's gonna be a damn good game, but it wouldn't be worth a monthly fee or anything. Seriously, I believe he was referring to the different editions, not the regular game. Although that subscription comment is bugging me a little.
It has to do with purchasing the game through steam.

Its only going to be an upfront cost for the game, half life isnt an mmorg.

God can you people freak out any more? Whats it matter if it did cost a little more than a regular game. Its not hard to get a job and save up a little money.
I'm guessing since Half Life 2 is going to be one of the best games out it will be priced somewhere around 300 US Dollars.
HL2 will be around $50

"Subscription System" prolly means you pay for some kinda steam service (per year if anything) and get whatever Valve games/updates/whatever-else-they-trow-in during your subscription period.

"3 tiered retail strategy" refers to the marketing aproach they are going to take. IE Tier1: advertise the heck outta HL2...release HL2...Tier2: repeat process for TF2 and again for CS2 is my guess.

Or, like others have stated...HL2 initial release...then collecters edition, and then a platinum pack with all 3 games.
Valve is NOT gona charge for multiplayer time. If they do, nobody is gona give HL2 a rating higher then 7/10 (including me).

Like people said, I think they mean 1. Steam, 2. Retail, 3. Special Ed
Re: Re: HL2 Pricing. (This worries me.)

Originally posted by DrEvil
wow. That is an ultra pessimistic interpretation of he said. You are ready to join doomsday cults.

rofl , good stuff. 3 tier probably means like HL1 , HL , Collecters Edition and then maybe HL2 + TF2
Just went and preorderd Half-Life from my Local EB Store and the clerk said that the total was going to be 52.99 so that's about 49.99 plus applicable tax. Of course i didn't pay in full yet, but hey 13 bucks now, then 40 on September 30th. I even asked him if they were getting it on the 30th and he said, "A lot of times we end up getting stuff early" Heck YA!
I hate steam first of all, I'm not paying for anything off of steam, I'm not getting games off of steam, I'm not a lazy ass.. if steam costs money F it with a stick, they better not make me install steam with half-life 2, they better not make me get patches off of steam, if I have to pay for patch support then I will play unpatched, and being I'm the only one who cares about single-player out of everyone I know in real life that is a definate decrease in sales if their is a subscription option...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Like people said, I think they mean 1. Steam, 2. Retail, 3. Special Ed
This is the most likely scenario. Trying to charge customers for updates or multiplay doesn't coincide with his second statement about Valve wanting to give customers a lot for their money.

I think some people really need to calm down.
Originally posted by method04
I even asked him if they were getting it on the 30th and he said, "A lot of times we end up getting stuff early" Heck YA!
They get stuff early all the time, but they're not allowed to sell it until the official street date. If a store is caught breaking the street date then they can get in major trouble. I wouldn't count on getting it earlier than you're supposed to.
Heh ..

i'm thinking when they say three tiered they're referring to the price going down after a period of month. standard retail strategy.
Valve would never do that to us. They are not in any relation to EA *cough*Evil Association*cough*. If the price would be rased it would be by the retailers. Also, if I remember from my business class is that the maker of the product decides what the most a retailer can charge... I think, I didn't do that well in the class.
Valve isn't gay, or Microsoft. They wont be charging gamers more than $50 for unlimited play, multiplayer or mods. :)
And if they do? **** VALVE! :(
If they release it like they did with Half LIfe 1 it will be fine and plus they will have old costumers coming back and still make lots and lots of money.
Its already been released on the "Home Shopping Network". Didnt you guys know..... final cost is 437 paymenys of $27.40

edit: ok

Stupid conclusion jumping un-informed jackass retards....

Yeah, you guys do realise that you can buy the game right now, don't you? Obviously the single-player HL2 game (not special edition) is going to be about $50 when it hits stores, like anything else. The question is, how will Valve price things like

- HL2 Single Player purchased over Steam (not the retail box)
- HL2 Multiplayer (could be a separate product/module)
- Additional HL2 Single Player content, additional episodes that can be downloaded via Steam - official Valve content
- Mods that people make and decide to charge for and distribute via Steam

And other issues like
- If you buy a retail box, will you still be able to enter your HL2 license into Steam and be able to download it on whatever computer you like?
- What do 'subscriptions' entail? Do they give you access to all Valve and non-Valve content published on Steam?

Valve's master plan for taking over the world is slowly becoming more clear, but there are still a lot of questions to answer I think.
urseus, you seem overconfident.

It seems almost logical they would try to pull a fast one on us.
i can see them making steam subscription, which would be ok IF it wasn't necessary to play normal HL2 online (people claim this is true)

the pricing "tiers" worry me too
you will not pay seperate for a mp component that would make them loose alot of faith from us fans