HL2 Releases 21st November 2003

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Originally posted by Knobby
Well thanks to all that reckons this is BS, but im afraid not

I am a buyer for a major retailer and this info comes directly from our marketing diary and the 21st November is when vivendi has booked in all promotional activity with us and thats the reason i cant id myself anymore than this since it could jepodise any future working relations we have with vivendi

Trust me im as disappointed as the rest of you and have been looking forward to HL2 since its anouncement ;(

The thing is, Vivendi were apparently going round telling people the date was November before ECTS, and then it was confirmed for the 30th September.

Gabe himself said that he had no idea where the November date came from.

Have they specifically booked for Half-Life 2? Vivendi publish a lot of games.
Originally posted by Lobster
The first line of ur post suddenly filled my vision with the word Bullshit written 200 times in bright red...

yarrr me matey.
Originally posted by Feath
Vivendi aren't in charge of the Marketing, Valve are.

Maybe Valve's doing the PR, but I would think that Vivendi would handle anything to do with retailers, including in-store promotion. Vivendi already has relationships with the retailers, Valve doesn't.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Maybe Valve's doing the PR, but I would think that Vivendi would handle anything to do with retailers, including in-store promotion. Vivendi already has relationships with the retailers, Valve doesn't.

Good point, I thought of that when I wrote the post. But my last post still stands. Vivendi have apparently been saying November for Months.
Yes mate its for HL2 and vivendi have also booked in CS condition Zero for an earlier date too
You freaking savages.

If somebody makes a thread saying HL2 is being released on the 30th you praise him like he was the next Messiah. Somebody comes along and tells you it's delayed, and you scream "BAN!"

(okay not all of you are savages...)
Man, I heard that Microsoft bought Valve, ATi, Nvidia, and Sierra. Now Half-Life 2 is an Xbox exclusive.

I can't tell you where I got this information because I might lose my job.

To the weak-minded: I am being sarcastic.
Yes mate its for HL2 and vivendi have also booked in CS condition Zero for an earlier date too

The fact that you just said "mate" makes me think you're not from America. This being said, I don't think the information you have about the release in your country really applies to a North America release.
Originally posted by Knobby
Yes mate its for HL2 and vivendi have also booked in CS condition Zero for an earlier date too


I'm still having difficulty understanding why you need to keep this a secret. I mean, in the sense of Vivendi not being happy if you told us. Why?

You can understand that we are skepical, can't you?
>The nearest thing to a golddate was an article by Gamestar which >didn't mention a source. That said the 13th of September.

I'm far too lazy to go digging up quotes. So let's say you're right and Gamestar is just making a gold projection based on the release date.
That projection is still pretty valid. It WILL take about two weeks from gold to the shelves.

And as unnecessary as it is to actually announce the gold date when it happens, it is NICE of them to do it to prevent it's legions of fans from having heart attacks. It is good business to be nice to your supporters, eh.

If they wanted to keep it a surprise, they would never have announced Sept. 30th. But since they did, they are kinda socially obligated to clear up any ambiguity and announce the gold date when it happens.

I would be very disappointed if they kept it to their chest until the release date. Oh, I'd still buy it, immediately. But I think my disappointment might rub off on other people and get them to think twice about shelling out the bucks there and then....maybe they'll just delay their purchase of HL2 until next year...or the year after.

Originally posted by not28
You freaking savages.

If somebody makes a thread saying HL2 is being released on the 30th you praise him like he was the next Messiah. Somebody comes along and tells you it's delayed, and you scream "BAN!"

(okay not all of you are savages...)

speaking of savages. i wonder how savage video cards will run hl2 heh
Knobby, do you normally have publishers scheduling in-store promotion two months out? That seems a little early to me, since nobody really knows exactly when a major game will be in stores until it goes gold. Is this common for publishers to do?
Originally posted by poseyjmac
speaking of savages. i wonder how savage video cards will run hl2 heh

And whats your point?:dozey:
I just hope sep 30th is not the gold date, and then it takes 3 weeks approx to get it out.

maybe gabe meant release date as in when it leaves valve to get pressed.
but fear not, this is just speculation.
I think Feath has something there, kids. Lets assume Knobby is being truthful and his info is correct. Vivendi is going on a major marketing push on November 21st. Just before the major holiday shopping season.

That doesn't at all clash with the September release date. Who here has seen ads for games or movies AFTER they came out and AFTER they were successful? After I played the pc version of Vice City, I still saw ads for it. (And told everyone watching that it rocked the house.)

(It seems to me that) Valve and D. Lombardi are handling the initial marketing. Alcatraz, initial Sept 30th date, Steam, Special Editions, etc.
Vivendi, the big damm company, has so much faith that HL2 will be an E ticket item, that it's preparing well in advance of the holiday season to widely market a game that will already have been released and praised.

Crumbles does has a good point.
It does worry me, as he seems to be fairly sane.
We'll have to wait and see. (I'll just buy SCII instead to tide me over :D)
Yes its common practise to book spaceupto 2months or morein advance so they can have confirmed space in the stores otherwise the may not get the datelines they require

Yes i can understand the suspicions you all may have but please i only posted here because im as upset with the change as anyone
Originally posted by crumbles
I think Feath has something there, kids. Lets assume Knobby is being truthful and his info is correct. Vivendi is going on a major marketing push on November 21st. Just before the major holiday shopping season.

That doesn't at all clash with the September release date. Who here has seen ads for games or movies AFTER they came out and AFTER they were successful? After I played the pc version of Vice City, I still saw ads for it. (And told everyone watching that it rocked the house.)

(It seems to me that) Valve and D. Lombardi are handling the initial marketing. Alcatraz, initial Sept 30th date, Steam, Special Editions, etc.
Vivendi, the big damm company, has so much faith that HL2 will be an E ticket item, that it's preparing well in advance of the holiday season to widely market a game that will already have been released and praised.


Wow, and again Crumbles you make a very impressive statement... It almost makes too much sence.
Valve just needs to make an announcement by tomorrow night. The sooner the better though.

knobby... knobby... AH!

STEELHED RETURNS!!!! welcome back man we all missed your nonsence, keep on preaching brutha
uh, thanks. Just trying to clear logic cobwebs. I'd like to hear an official announcement by tomorrow though.


Crumbles DOES rhyme with bumbles.
I don't think we have any reason to disbelieve Knobby. Esp since retailer dates match up pretty closely with his date, obviously Vivendi has been telling retailers this date for months now.

Knobby, do you work for a US or non-US retailer?
Old and annoying, i really wish moderaters would lock these stupid threads about a release date.
Originally posted by dscowboy
I don't think we have any reason to disbelieve Knobby. Esp since retailer dates match up pretty closely with his date, obviously Vivendi has been telling retailers this date for months now.

Knobby, do you work for a US or non-US retailer?

I don't know whether to believe him or not, but I'm definitely leaning towards this being a hoax, partly because he hasn't replied to anybody's questions.

As for your comment, of course he'd use dates that are close to what other retailers are saying...it adds credibility to what he's saying. That's definitely not a reason to believe it more, IMO. It would actually make me believe it less...
It's going gold tomorrow...

You can murder me in any way shape or form if it doesn't. :cheese:

I remember Gabe saying he likes Tuesdays a very very very very long time ago during the pre-Valve years.

HL went gold on Tuesday,
Hi all,

1st off i cant say where this comes from as it will cost me my job

What job?... You're probably 14 sitting on your fat a** with an open bag of potato chips on your desk, drinking a dike coke because you want to work on your figure so the kids in 7th grade won't pick on you..
Old and annoying, i really wish moderaters would lock these stupid threads about a release date.

Why? So we can never hear any new information?

Release dates don't get written on stone tablets people. Issues come up all the time in software development, and thus release dates can change at any time. Just because someone said 'Sept 30th' 2 weeks ago doesn't mean the story could be completely different now. Heck, if someone said Sept 30th 2 HOURS ago it could be a different story by now.
it sounds kinda right since ATI is saying be the first to have hl2 and the 9800xt in 3-4 weeks.
I work for a european retailer so i can only assume that the info i got relates to the euro release but my counterparts in the US havent had any concrete info from either valve or vivendi in regard to the US launch but please bear in mind that this only relates to the retail release it still is possible for a online release via steam on the 30th Sept if they ever get the bugs worked out of the client :(
You people are so boring. I wish there was a different forum from general discussion like Delay or something to stop this bs. Stop people are funny and others are just venting but stop delay threads please!! There has to be something better to talk about, i would rather flame fragmaster than this
Originally posted by G·Man
What job?... You're probably 14 sitting on your fat a** with an open bag of potato chips on your desk, drinking a dike coke because you want to work on your figure so the kids in 7th grade won't pick on you..

Hmm some issues stil to work out eh?

Please dont flame me for trying to help out, after all the game is still coming this year be thankfull it hasn't done a DOOM3 on us

Originally posted by Knobby
Hi all,

1st off i cant say where this comes from as it will cost me my job:eek:
Yeah, if I were your boss, I'd fire you in a heartbeat for giving out bullshit information.
Originally posted by G·Man
What job?... You're probably 14 sitting on your fat a** with an open bag of potato chips on your desk, drinking a dike coke because you want to work on your figure so the kids in 7th grade won't pick on you..

No need to throw insults around. What do you know about him?
Originally posted by Knobby
I work for a european retailer so i can only assume that the info i got relates to the euro release but my counterparts in the US havent had any concrete info from either valve or vivendi in regard to the US launch but please bear in mind that this only relates to the retail release it still is possible for a online release via steam on the 30th Sept if they ever get the bugs worked out of the client :(

lol... European retailer huh? bwahaha

Is that some attempt to make your job at the local game shop more professional? Beside's, when's the last time you've ever heard of a game store having the correct date's? Ummm, never!
Originally posted by Knobby
I work for a european retailer

Ok, that's good news. Remember how Valve said "HL2 will be on US store shelves the same day it's released on Steam", implying that the non-US brick & mortar release would be later
Thanks Dscowboy

OMG i cant believe the attitude of some of you out there please dont make things personal since u dont even know me of course i want to look out for my job who wouldn't with a morgate and 2 kids eh?

Originally posted by G·Man
lol... European retailer huh? bwahaha

Is that some attempt to make your job at the local game shop more professional?

Geez, enough already. Some people who post so-called 'delay info' are obviously just trying to be stupid. But like I said, I don't see any reason to disbelieve Knobby at this point.

Or are you just going to insult and demean anyone who tries to post any kind of information they heard that would pertain to a release date?
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