HL2 Releases 21st November 2003

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Originally posted by Knobby
I work for a european retailer so i can only assume that the info i got relates to the euro release but my counterparts in the US havent had any concrete info from either valve or vivendi in regard to the US launch but please bear in mind that this only relates to the retail release it still is possible for a online release via steam on the 30th Sept if they ever get the bugs worked out of the client :(

*cough* world-wide release=released around world at same time *cough*

unless steam is the worldwide release, and any problems will be auto-patched over steam. makes sense... the games pretty much done. release this shit already, before i get a major project for school! lol

bummer.... i have a field trip the first weekend after hl's release....
Originally posted by The Mullinator
I can't wait for HL2 to be finally released so all these delay threads can FINALLY STOP!!!!!!!
Yeah, then all the "Half-Life 2 sucks!" troll threads can start. I'm really looking forward to it.

1) your name suits you very much

2) KNOBby is a headcrab noob

3) Don't believe ANY OF IT, UNTILL IT COMES from someone from the VALVE.
I swear this forum needs an immature moron filter so I dont have to read any of these random insults in between discussion.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Yeah, then all the "Half-Life 2 sucks!" troll threads can start. I'm really looking forward to it.

I don't know about you, I'll be long gone tho - Finally will have something to do! HL2 yay
Beside's, when's the last time you've ever heard of a game store having the correct date's? Ummm, never!

I can assure you retailers get more information than we do. When was the last time you had a business contract with a game publisher?
im not even come here after hl2 comes out.... no point
I'm sticking with my hypothesis...for now.

I believes you, knobby....but that's just gearing up for the major holiday push from vivendi, not the initial release date marketed by valve and co.

Expect retailers to have a small (wonderful) headache in a few days when they get the marketing info "from out of the blue".

Crossed fingers, anyway.


(i gotta have at least 25 posts by now. Would it be "wrong" if I posted itty bitty posts to the less important boards? Or will it just take good honest labor to get to 100? Want to get out of headcrabbage.)
the european retailer info does help your cause Knobby...I wish you'd put it in the first post...it could have helped reduce all this damn flaming, but oh well...You don't seem like those immature people who do this stuff to get a rise out of everyone...

I'm still on the fence, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
Originally posted by Direwolf
I swear this forum needs an immature moron filter so I dont have to read any of these random insults in between discussion.

Ignore list.
Yeah, but one thread's flamer is another threads informer.
>I swear this forum needs an immature moron filter so I dont have to >read any of these random insults in between discussion.

Amen, DILWEED. Kidding! Kidding...

>im not even come here after hl2 comes out.... no point

What's the point of you're coming here NOW?

I'll def. be coming after the release. Sharing level progress, easter eggs, impressions, getting the dope on mods, etc., etc., etc.


...rhymes with banana
Originally posted by crumbles
I'm sticking with my hypothesis...for now.

I believes you, knobby....but that's just gearing up for the major holiday push from vivendi, not the initial release date marketed by valve and co.

Expect retailers to have a small (wonderful) headache in a few days when they get the marketing info "from out of the blue".

Crossed fingers, anyway.


(i gotta have at least 25 posts by now. Would it be "wrong" if I posted itty bitty posts to the less important boards? Or will it just take good honest labor to get to 100? Want to get out of headcrabbage.)

Hey, that makes sense too...besides, if they were gonna reserve store windows and stuff for the release, wouldn't they usually do it a week or so before to build up hype? I think that this could very wel just be them reserving space to promote a game that's been out for a bit to boost Christmas sales...
Ok agreed i could of made my 1st post a little less BS rated but i dont often post on forums so please accept my apologies if i caused any hassle on here but i chose here to post since the forums seem to be poulated by inteligent games players that genuinely are looking forward to whats in my opinion going to be the best game released for many a year :bounce:
Heck, you sound real enough. And if you aren't, you're doing a good suck up job. Apology accepted from me.


rhymes with humbles
Just so you understand, Knobby, every time Valve has talked about the release date (including very recently) they always state September 30. Every time somebody comes in talking about the delay, it's always from some random, imaginary, or unverifiable source.

Unless you have concrete information that can trump Valve's own employees, it's probably best not to post speculative rumors of questionable veracity as this has an understandable tendacy to upset people.

This also isn't the first time these forums have seen someone claiming to have "honest to goodness insider info!" either.
It wouldn't surprise me if this was the UK release date, it's not uncommon for VU and other publishers to bring out a game in the UK months after the US release which is very frustrating for UK gamers.

Generally it all comes down to marketing strategy. This time it’s going to back fire big time. Enough of us have Broadband in the UK now that we can make a significant dent in VU’s profit from this game if we all turn to steam because they aren’t able to deliver on time.
I've just had a scour of gameplay to see what's released around that time and CS:CZ is pencilled in.

Possibly the Nov release date is this?

Roll on the 30th is all I can say.
wow you people sure know how to make yourselves feel better by denying everything he said
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Just so you understand, Knobby, every time Valve has talked about the release date (including very recently) they always state September 30. Every time somebody comes in talking about the delay, it's always from some random, imaginary, or unverifiable source.
I disagree - the problem is that although it's fairly widely agreed that HL2 won't make 30/9, there isn't any consistency on the 'real' date (from November to early 2004). Knobbys November date sounds the most credible to me so far.
wow you people sure know how to make yourselves feel better by denying everything he said

Not denying it. It just that perhaps there's more information that he doesn't have. That Hl2 will be release 9/30 and that Vivendi is going to put the effort into marketing a game for the holidays that has already been released.

Also, someone on the board mentioned that it might have something to do with the new CounterStrike. Which would make a whole lot of sense.

As far as I'm concerned, all conjecture is just that until the official press release in the next day or so. If there's no press release by tomorrow night, I'll get antsy...

Originally posted by koopa
I disagree - the problem is that although it's fairly widely agreed that HL2 won't make 30/9, there isn't any consistency on the 'real' date (from November to early 2004). Knobbys November date sounds the most credible to me so far.

There are two dates suggested that are consistent:

and Feburary.

Both of which Gabe has responded to.

November - "I have no idea where they got that date from."
Feburary - "I have never said any date other than the 30th of September".

Every other delay date has been pretty much random.

No date even comes close to consistancy from a reliable source than the 30th of September.
Originally posted by crumbles
As far as I'm concerned, all conjecture is just that until the official press release in the next day or so. If there's no press release by tomorrow night, I'll get antsy...
Good points. IMHO if we don't hear a press release/gold announcement/etc before the end of the week at the latest, we can probably assume it's going to be a couple of weeks late.
Originally posted by Feath
Both of which Gabe has responded to.

November - "I have no idea where they got that date from."
Feburary - "I have never said any date other than the 30th of September".
That's the problem, really - these are politicians answers. He doesn't say that it's 'definitely going to be released on the 30th', he says 'I don't know where they got that date from' or 'I never said that'. If Gabe had been a little more emphatic in his response there would be far less doubt around here.
hmmm come on guys plz don't get ya hopes up for tomoz. it MAY not be the goldon day...is there any official word that it will be a gone gold day tomoz? correct me if i am wrong.
i mean i am still sticking with sept30th - oct 1st...or at least a week on in oct.

but you said yourself that HL went gold a WEEK before. well some said that. so what is stopping hl2 from doin that?
Originally posted by G·Man
What job?... You're probably 14 sitting on your fat a** with an open bag of potato chips on your desk, drinking a dike coke because you want to work on your figure so the kids in 7th grade won't pick on you..

I do believe someone was owned.
that made me laugh, nice one Mr. G
>Good points. IMHO if we don't hear a press release/gold >announcement/etc before the end of the week at the latest, we can >probably assume it's going to be a couple of weeks late.

I think that's a fair and safe assumption.

It's possible they won't make an announcement even though it has already gone gold...but it would be reasonable for us to assume it hasn't if they don't give us a bone.

Dang it.

Fingers crossed. Wishing sticks are being waved. Come on big 9-3-0!

Originally posted by koopa
I disagree - the problem is that although it's fairly widely agreed that HL2 won't make 30/9
Widely agreed? How do you figure?
there isn't any consistency on the 'real' date
Valve has consistently said the game will be available for purchase, either in a store or through Steam, on September 30.

What it really comes down to is you either believe Valve or you don't. It's that simple.
>Valve has consistently said the game will be available for purchase, >either in a store or through Steam, on September 30.

Amen. I believe!

Do you believe?

I believe!!

Hallaluejah! September 30th it will come unto us!

I believe!

....ok...off my chest.

(Another successful[?] post!....I'm going for the Ant Lion gold...yes...yes!)

[Hunter]Ridic - If I see any more comments from you like your first one on this thread I'll issue you with an abuse warning.
Same goes for everyone else who replied with something moronic.
>Yeah, he sure told me.

Dude, I'm not mocking you... I am also a fellow believer.

For another day or so anyway. But I also believe that I will continue to believe after tomorrow.



rhymes with humbles (again)
Originally posted by koopa
That's the problem, really - these are politicians answers. He doesn't say that it's 'definitely going to be released on the 30th', he says 'I don't know where they got that date from' or 'I never said that'. If Gabe had been a little more emphatic in his response there would be far less doubt around here.

Although could be seen as politicans answers, I see no reason why he would be trying to keep the "real" date a secret. And besides, they are typical of Gabe's short style of answering.
Delayed or not it's a matter of weeks before everyone finds out, it doesn't matter who said what now, the fact is: 14 days left that's two weeks. Wait and see
Originally posted by Feath
Although could be seen as politicans answers, I see no reason why he would be trying to keep the "real" date a secret. And besides, they are typical of Gabe's short style of answering.
My guess is that it's either going to make the date, or be very close to it - but it's touch and go. Gabe, while not actually a developer, is almost certainly close to the action - he's giving the rest of the guys some elbow room in case it slips. Doug is probably not quite as close, and so repeats the 30th date when asked (which is the best thing he can do with the info he has).

I can see where you're coming from on the answers, though - hopefully it'll all become clear in the next few days.
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