HL2 Retail/Steam Packages Confirmed!

figge said:

I have no DVD :(

U have a good enough computer to run HL2, but U dont have a DVD?

I mean what dose a DVD cost, like 20 bucks.
I sent an email to Erik concerning the ATI coupon thingy.
Anyone know where i can het the CE in the UK, Amazon and play.com dont have it.If i cant find it ill just get the standard version.Personally i dont care wether its on 6, 10, 20 hell ven 50 CDs, its Half Life 2 baby! Ive waited too long for this and not get it just because its on a few CDs, but on one DVD would be nice.
1 little question; whats "Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam."

I'm probably buying the silver, since i live in norway a probably have to pay for the shipping og the posters ect...

Great job valve, :naughty: , valve 1-0 vivendi
blade 24/7 365 said:
Anyone know where i can het the CE in the UK, Amazon and play.com dont have it...
I suspect Amazon.com et al are waiting for a release date at least before committing to listing all (hardcopy) versions of HL2. I could be wrong of course, but It would make sense to me :).
Does anyone remember the address of that company that was posted on these forums that had a nice HalfLife2.net link that let you get it for cheap?

I need to cancel it because I want to download it now. I never thought I was going to be able to get broadband but now I do.
Cybernoid said:
Valve is retarded. There's nothing more to say. To think that I actually respected them once...

Cybernoid, don't you realize how sad it is that you're that worked up over such a small thing?

Valve (or more appropriately, Vivendi) would be stupid to print every copy of the game as a DVD. DVD drives just haven't reached that level of widespread use yet. And CDs took over floppies so quickly because the improvement in storage was so drastic: 1.44 MB -> 700 MB and faster data read too. DVDs offer a 700 MB -> ~5 GB improvement...nothing like what CDs had over floppies. Plus, have you seen any games out there hit the 30 or 40 CD mark? That's what floppies were at when CDs replaced them.

Chill out buddy, the world ain't over.
How the fåck am I going to get a HAT and a POSTER through STEAM ??!
Do they come in print-able, fit-all-size ??

That doesn't seam that clever to me....
Cybernoid said:
Valve is retarded. There's nothing more to say. To think that I actually respected them once...

I think it's you who is retarded here. I can't believe someone can get so pissed off at a little thing like that. Why is it such a big thing that you have to install it using 6 CDs instead of one DVD. I mean it's only a one time hassle, after you've installed it you won't be needing the CDs any more. Installing the game from CDs is hardly "****ing normal users in the ass", as you so aptly put it. Sure, maybe it takes you a minute or two longer to install it but christ... this sort of burst of anger at such a miniscule thing. Some of the guys over here are just... sheesh. :rolling:

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's Vivendi who you should be bashing. I really doubt Valve has much of a say when it comes to the format of the retail editions. I'd say it's Vivendi who decides wether to use DVDs for the regular editions or not.

EDIT: Looks like Methias beat me to it.

BTW, Kadayi Polokov, thanks for the laugh. That eunuch line of yours was golden. :)

Oh also: You guys with ATI coupons should not be letting yourself to expect that you'll be getting the silver edition. You're in for (another?) let-down. I'm pretty sure the bronze one is what you're going to get. Although you now have the whole Valve back catalogue, I think the deal was that you get it only until HL2 is released. Can anyone back me up with this or have I been dreaming? I'm almost certain I they said so when they introduced the everything-on-steam-thing for the coupon holders. Anyway, the original deal at least was that you get HL2 (with CS:S obviously since it's the multiplayer) with the coupon, DOD:S was never a part of it.
Retail Collector's Edition!

:bounce: :bounce:

The end is finally coming to a close. :)
Def. The collectors edition of the Gold Package, wow that rocks, too bad the Raising the Bar book isnt in the CE, oh well
Cybernoid said:
Valve is retarded. There's nothing more to say. To think that I actually respected them once...

I can't ever recall you ever making one positive post regarding Valve or HL2 on this forum, it seems to me that you only come here to troll (and not even effectively) to attract attention. My advice move to San francisco, get a job as a bath house attendant and get it over and done with dude, I'm sure you'll get all the attention you need.
Question! I am going to buy standard edition.
Can i buy HL:S via Steam separately?
Damn, I have no idea which one to get.

I wanted to buy a retail boxed version, I was hoping to be able to get hl2, css and hls without the tons of extra things like strategy guides and whatnot. But in order to get HLS you'd have to buy the collectors edition, and I don't have a dvd drive :( not to mention 6 cds is just a little over the top.
I've completely come around to Steam lately, this 'gold' release has just clinched it for me. What a gas, Vivendi must be up in arms. I'm perfectly willing to spend weeks downloading the whole thing on my worthless connection, I just need to hear a PRICE first. Valve?
Homie said:
IM very upset i just guess i wont get DOD:Source because i want to get the cd not online files all annyoing.

They said you can buy DOD:S when its available separate. So dont worry.

About that news all i can say is WOW. HOLY CRAP at least we are getting something soon.This seriously means hl2 is like around the corner.
Raziel-Jcd said:
They said you can buy DOD:S when its available separate. So dont worry.

About that news all i can say is WOW. HOLY CRAP at least we are getting something soon.This seriously means hl2 is like around the corner.

I hope HL:S is also available saparately via Steam
Paappa said:
I hope HL:S is also available saparately via Steam

It should be also, I expect it will have a nominal price tag.
i bought half-life, i'll buy half-life 2. don't you think half-life:source should be available to me for free whatever pack i buy? charging me again for this game which is now over 5 years old is insane.

there are no updates apart from graphics, and valve themselves said it was really simple and straight forward to port old stuff to source, much easier than expected.
Finally! the verdict is in! I'll be purchasing the Silver package I think. MAYBE Gold if I get my $500 next week.

Mostly because I can play the full version of CS:S immediately. w00t

Crap, I can't keep up with so much HL2 news! :P
Couple of questions I would like answered.

If you buy the retail version of the game can you play it while your offline?

If you buy the steam version can you play it offline?

If you buy the retail version of the game can you still download it through steam?

Lastly, is the version you get on the DVD just a pack file that you put in your steam folder or is it something totaly separate from steam? (That would probably answer the above questions anyhoo).

Also I realy hope that you HAVE to have an internet connection to enable the game. I.E. it verifys you key online. That would totaly reduce piracy and hell, if they dont have the internet they can't complain here anyway :D
Cybernoid said:
Valve is retarded. There's nothing more to say. To think that I actually respected them once...

We've been waiting for what, 18 months now? And you don't have the patience to wait for a few minutes longer to install it?

Sounds like a little pampered momma's boy to me...

Do get get all those things(hat, book etc) shipped home when you buy the Gold edition?
CS:S is based on the multiplayer code of Half Life 2.. Steam.. So of course there will be possibility for modmakers to create online mods. If Valve has decided not to do the relativly easy thing to create DM i find it wierd, but i also find it unlikely.

No matter what i will be getting the gold package and ill enjoy SP!
You won't need a CD or DVD drive to install it. You can just use Steam.

You can play the Steam games offline by running it in Offline mode. Duh. You don't need to have the CD/DVD in the drive with Steam either. You will need to authenticate it once online though.

ATI voucher holders will probably get the bronze package as that is the same as the Standard retail edition.

I'm just hoping this Gold Steam package is available to UK people. I wants my HL2 stickers!
I shall be buying the gold version, more cash > Valve that way & I'm not that bothered bout the box/manual ;)
hmmmmm, if cs source gets shipped next week trough steam? doesnt that mean that vivendi accepted the source engine ? no bugs etc? isnt that pretty damn good news ? or am i wrong:P
Are there steam versions going to be less expensive than the equivalent boxed versions? I think they should be seeing as there is no box, manual, CDs, or packaging with it.
wtf?! I thought HL1 : source would be a free download. And now I have to pay for DOD?!
Let's see here, the standard retail edition, for $50, gets you Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source. The Collector's Edition, for $80, gets you Half-Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, a t-shirt, and a preview of the strategy guide. Wait a minute, they're charging $30 more for a 5 year old game, a t-shirt, and an advertisement for the strategy guide? $30 EXTRA DOLLARS FOR A 5 YEARD OLD GAME AND A T-SHIRT??!?!! What the f*ck is up with that!

I want Half-Life: Source, but it sure as hell isn't worth an extra $30!