Hl2 source stolen so bad?



Hi Guys

I just wanted to say that i know it sucks that all Valves code was stolen and feel sorry for valve but valve you guys should have been more carefull and had the source on a secure wired network where only you and the developers had access to. I know like to work a home and send code over the internet but why not burn it to a disk then bring it in the next day or 2.

Anyways why is the source code being stolen such a big issue? The fact is that you probably will never get the source code back unless you create a virus that destroys the halflife 2 source code (spread it on all the peer2peer programs somthing like that but even then people probably would have copied it to disk..) O.k so the source is stolen that doesnt mean you cant finish HALF LIFE 2 does it!!Yeah alot of people have all your source to recreate all your awsome physics effects ect.. but the truth is no one has all the graphics/sound ect files so they cant exactly complie the code and create hl2 and sell it off.

When it comes down to it you guys are being GREEDY! halflife2 is still gonna be a huge success to the gaming world regardless if others have the source code. So how about you Finish your game off ?catch the hackers punish them! and roll in the money..

Now as a gamer lets think what this means. Well for a start the games that could be produced with the source code are gonna be 10 times better than any game out there at the moment(better graphics,physics,lighting,netcode ect..).Small time games programmers can make a decent game now without needing millions of dollars to fund there project. People can see how you create your special effects and modify the code to many other things.

Just my views Im sure some of you will agree with me on most things especialy the fact that valve should get on with it and make hl2 gold!

To Gabe + Developers - Hope you guys catch the hackers, I know it sucks that your code has been stolen but you gotta move on reality is your not gonna get all the code back , hope you get to finish hl2 off (ill be buying a copy). In one way you have helped the games industry move forward im sure alot of games devs will be anxious to see the code. So as a gamer i thank you for that and bring out hl2!!!:cheers:
i think i agree with you but i can hear the footsteps of the masses of flamers coming to get you
dude if steam code was stolen then all of you idiots that bought it threw steam just lost your credit card numbers

by the way I think all of this is really really funny...
guess what we never get to play Halflife2
The real problem that I think you're overlooking is that all of the algoritms and code that encodes and transfers sensitive data like CC #'s, SteamID's, personal info is now exposed to intercepted traffic can be decoded and the system can be exposed. The code must me modified to countr-act this vulnerability.

Originally posted by GJaaGular
dude if steam code was stolen then all of you idiots that bought it threw steam just lost your credit card numbers

There was never an option to buy it through steam when all this took place.. So how could people lose their credit card numbers?
No IF you bought it threw Steam an the Steam code has been leaked you are in jepordy...did i spell that right jeeerpody or is it jerpidy...I dunno my english aint so good

thus steam has to be rewritten
credit cards are mostly insured for these security risk reasons... all valve has to do is e-mail people who used credit card and tell them to cancel them?

+ steam isnt the game its only a user friendly part of connecting to a game - just like gamespy arcade is
oh an halflife2 will be out on the 30th of sept.....hahaahahahaha GO H4xxorz
Gjaa, you are an idiot, thanks. "Is this a big deal?" is a non-question, because it obviously is.

You can't buy anything through Steam yet.
Welcome to the land of the grown ups, it doesn't work that way. Valve put many hours into the code, and developers who look at it don't pay for it, which costed Valve many research.
And it doesn't matter that the small developers will make better games, that doesn't get Valve any money now does it? And let's not forget, eventhough they're close with the community, it is a company, and company's wanna make money. It's as easy as that, you wanna use it? Pay for it.
That makes alot of sense Pvt.. Now what did you say?

>> valve you guys should have been more carefull and had the source on a secure wired network where only you and the developers had access to.

Have you EVER been the subject of a concentrated, well planned attack? No.

Have you EVER worked on a project anywhere near the size of Halflife 2? No.

So please, you and the 3,143 other people who think you have something "informed" to say on the subject of Valve's security please SHUT YOUR MOUTHS.

>> Anyways why is the source code being stolen such a big issue?

Not only revealing your ignorance, you're also revealing your laziness here. There are numerous posts ON THIS VERY FORUM explaining why it's a big deal. A VERY big deal. There's a stickied one that brings it down to a level that should be understandable by yourself.

>> The fact is that you probably will never get the source code back

Yes. And that's a bad, bad thing.

>> so the source is stolen that doesnt mean you cant finish HALF LIFE 2 does it!!

No. However, it could mean the end of Valve in a worst case scenario. (Again, read the OTHER posts that explain this. Please.)

>> but the truth is no one has all the graphics/sound ect files so they cant exactly complie the code and create hl2 and sell it off.

That's not why it is a problem.

>> When it comes down to it you guys are being GREEDY! halflife2 is still gonna be a huge success to the gaming world regardless if others have the source code.

What the...? Did you eat paint chips as a child? Are you still a child? Being greedy? Valve is greedy? The company that gives you free mods, helps modders create more mods, and updates a game that is over 5 years old is greedy?

>> Now as a gamer lets think what this means.

Yes. Let's start actually thinking.

>>Well for a start the games that could be produced with the source code are gonna be 10 times better than any game out there at the moment(better graphics,physics,lighting,netcode ect..).Small time games programmers can make a decent game now without needing millions of dollars to fund there project.
People can see how you create your special effects and modify the code to many other things.

No they really can't. People who just want to make a mod for fun already have the source engine and MOD support from Valve. Commercial companies who want to make games could get in serious trouble if they try to use Source without permission. Any legit company wouldn't dare trying to do so without paying the licensing fee.

>> valve should get on with it and make hl2 gold!

Of course they're going to. However, they may very well have to spend huge amounts of time working to sort out the problems this leak has caused. Yeah - the game could be delayed several months because of this leak.

Now please, go read the many other messages about why this is a bad thing before you post anything else.
Re: Re: Hl2 source stolen so bad?

Originally posted by Ahnteis

>> When it comes down to it you guys are being GREEDY! halflife2 is still gonna be a huge success to the gaming world regardless if others have the source code.

What the...? Did you eat paint chips as a child? Are you still a child? Being greedy? Valve is greedy? The company that gives you free mods, helps modders create more mods, and updates a game that is over 5 years old is greedy?

I think he meant "we" as in us, the community.. kthxbye
so if noone would use the code without permission because of lawsuit fear, what is the problem [BESIDES MORALITY: I need to make the point that this DOES suck]?

What are the repercussions?

I figure it would be having to divert their attention to a man-hunt rather than finishing the game.

I don't see VALVe going broke soon 6 million from ATI goes a long way, and there is always Gabe's backing. The game WILL be released

why wouldn't it?
"Ok guys the code is public, let's minimize losses and scrap everything" ?!?
Yeah right.

Does anyone know if the source code has spoiler information in it? It would suck to try and study it then *BAM* the reader finds out all the guns/creatures and locations
man sucks for valve one minute everythins goin great n ur on top of the world n now 5 years of work goin to shit...
art is the most expensive thing to do

so far they say they haven't lost any art files
Re: Re: Hl2 source stolen so bad?

Originally posted by Ahnteis

No they really can't. People who just want to make a mod for fun already have the source engine and MOD support from Valve. Commercial companies who want to make games could get in serious trouble if they try to use Source without permission. Any legit company wouldn't dare trying to do so without paying the licensing fee.

>> valve should get on with it and make hl2 gold!

Of course they're going to. However, they may very well have to spend huge amounts of time working to sort out the problems this leak has caused. Yeah - the game could be delayed several months because of this leak.

Now please, go read the many other messages about why this is a bad thing before you post anything else.

i was talking from a gamers perspective now stfu telling me stuff you dont understand yourself. With the realse of the source code other games developers can learn from it and create games of hl2.

"It means all the work behind the new features, the Source engine, the revolutionary AI etc is now exposed for anyone in the public and rivals to see, learn from, and God forbid, copy. Using the house analogy above, it means the new revolutionary solar powered house you were building has had its building plans stolen before you've built it. Now everyone knows how you solved all those problems which prevented people from building revolutionary solar powered houses."

now thats what valve are really worried about ^^^^
I seriously don't see a professional programmer looking at HL2 code to teach himself coding secrets. The engine may decrease a bit in value, but VALVe will still sell plenty of Source liscences.
i'm tempted to look at professional C++ code for a cutting edge game, cause i'm trying to learn c++ and am curious how much would make any sense if any at al...

Must. . . resist. . .
Re: Re: Hl2 source stolen so bad?

Originally posted by Ahnteis

Have you EVER been the subject of a concentrated, well planned attack? No.

Have you? Unless you have I suggest you kindly shut up.

Have you EVER worked on a project anywhere near the size of Halflife 2? No.

See above.

So please, you and the 3,143 other people who think you have something "informed" to say on the subject of Valve's security please SHUT YOUR MOUTHS.

Again, see above.

Not only revealing your ignorance, you're also revealing your laziness here. There are numerous posts ON THIS VERY FORUM explaining why it's a big deal. A VERY big deal. There's a stickied one that brings it down to a level that should be understandable by yourself.

I think what was meant here was that, and I can't put enough emphasis on this. What the hell is the point of this Holy crusade you all have against anyone who doesn't constantly praise Valve and want to skewer anyone who even thought of looking at the source code?

What the hell good is getting all bent out of shape going to do Gabe? I think at this point what'd be best is just to track down the people who hacked into Valve and took the code, anything else is totally pointless and a waste of time.

Yes. And that's a bad, bad thing.

And even more reason NOT to get bent out of shape over this. If you let it get to you then you will just make yourself seem like a total ass, as you did in this post.

No. However, it could mean the end of Valve in a worst case scenario. (Again, read the OTHER posts that explain this. Please.)

Oh don't be so melodramatic. Yes it hurt Valve, they lost a lot of valuable research they spent. However there is nothing that would single-handedly spell their end. Yes havok was licensed by them and it is not their code, but they also did not intentionally distribute it, it's not Valve's fault and nobody's going to be going after them. It's a sad thing but it's not the end of the world.

That's not why it is a problem.

Actually in the end that'd probably have been a much worse issue comparatively. The current problem can mostly be resolved by just changing a few security algorythms and such. Granted I'm not saying that's easy, but considering someone who would've leaked both media and game, well, I imagine a lot of people would probably have gotten that and made things worse. So comparitively this situation is nowhere near as bad as it could have been.

What the...? Did you eat paint chips as a child? Are you still a child? Being greedy? Valve is greedy? The company that gives you free mods, helps modders create more mods, and updates a game that is over 5 years old is greedy?

I think he's moreover making a crack at everyone like you who's blowing this way out of proportion. Seriously, take a vallium man.

Yes. Let's start actually thinking.

That means everyone, you too :p

No they really can't. People who just want to make a mod for fun already have the source engine and MOD support from Valve. Commercial companies who want to make games could get in serious trouble if they try to use Source without permission. Any legit company wouldn't dare trying to do so without paying the licensing fee.

No one but licensed developers have the engine, no mod maker touches the engine, it has also been said the SDK is NOT in anyone other then Valve's hands. And yes, no legit company would use source in its entirity, however they could use parts of it as a basis to learn new techniques. However I doubt any corporate developer would ever be seen touching Valve's code and opening that Pandora's box. This code is probably only going to make it into the hands of enthusiasts and will probably have little real effect in the commercial world.

Of course they're going to. However, they may very well have to spend huge amounts of time working to sort out the problems this leak has caused. Yeah - the game could be delayed several months because of this leak.

I'd say that depends on the complexity of their authentication algorythms. Personally I'd have gone with a good public/private key encryption as even if they discover the algorythm it's useless as the data can still only be decrypted by the intended party since keyfiles would be randomly generated. Re-tooling their existing ones is something only Valve knows, it could be as simple as generating a few new seeds for something or as complex as redoing it all from scratch, we don't know.

Now please, go read the many other messages about why this is a bad thing before you post anything else.

And why don't you lay off the insults? I don't usually get involved in these sorts of things but you need to either be helpful or shut-up, because yelling at someone does NOT help them and it makes you look bad.
Jesus, your an ignorant little dick arnt you.
Just think for a bit - there are many security and cheat issues.
Im not gonna bother listing them here cause there are a million other threads.
A source code leak is a HUGE deal. Source code is only released for obsolete games (like Quake, Quake 2 etc) once the programming secrets they contained are deemed out of date and no longer valuable to rival developers.

Half-life 2 is NOT an obsolete game. Is a cutting edge game incorporating many features that have never been seen before in a game, and more importantly is HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. What does this mean for Valve?

It means all the work behind the new features, the Source engine, the revolutionary AI etc is now exposed for anyone in the public and rivals to see, learn from, and God forbid, copy. Using the house analogy above, it means the new revolutionary solar powered house you were building has had its building plans stolen before you've built it. Now everyone knows how you solved all those problems which prevented people from building revolutionary solar powered houses.

As an example, the Strider as seen in the released videos, is an amazingly novel creature to see in a computer game. It is seriously big, yet maneuvers around and interacts with the landscape in a convincing and intelligent manner. Getting a Strider to function like this will have taken Valve months of painstaking AI and animation work. Rival developers would have had to guess how on earth Valve pulled it off. Now they can simply look in the equivalent of the Strider AI source code file, and it will all be there, conveniently commented and explained by the Valve programmers for their own internal private understanding.
Exactly and thats my point why it isnt such a bad thing for a gamer.

The simple fact is games are gonna be of hl2 standard well parts of them anyways.
Hey, look: I can quote myself, too. :eek:

Originally posted by alco
I seriously don't see a professional programmer looking at HL2 code to teach himself coding secrets. The engine may decrease a bit in value, but VALVe will still sell plenty of Source liscences.
Originally posted by bobito
The fact is that you probably will never get the source code back unless you create a virus that destroys the halflife 2 source code (spread it on all the peer2peer programs somthing like that but even then people probably would have copied it to disk..)
Sorry, gave up reading after that, that was pretty stupid. :(
Originally posted by Woggy
Jesus, your an ignorant little dick arnt you.
Just think for a bit - there are many security and cheat issues.
Im not gonna bother listing them here cause there are a million other threads.

Aside from authentication methods (which shouldn't be vulnerable anyway if they were coded right) there isn't much at stake. A piece of well made software does not need security by obfuscation. Look at OpenSSH or OpenSSL. They are totally open source software yet very secure. That is not to say bugs don't exist, no software is ever bug free. However there should be no cheat issues assuming valve has built source on a method other then security via obfuscaton. You need to calm yourself down.
Well, Fallout2man makes a point. None of us really know the ramifications of the leak. All we can do is pray that they are few and small.