HL2 SP MAP RELEASE: Antlion Troopers

nagual678 said:
this incontestably needs to become a mini-mod. map one or two other scenarios, include multiplayer support and you've got something people WILL play.

I was thinking the same thing... have rounds where each one gets harder and harder and have a score count so people can try to best their top score. Have #'s like Combine survived, Ant Lions killed, time, etc... And if he added some variations--like Zombie attack--man, this would be one killer SP mod!! Anf Coop would be sweet... anyhow the mod is great!
Newbie's Journey said:
****, i have registered with 3 email accounts, it's been 2 hours, i still don't get 1 single activation email.

Check your bulk.
How wicked cool is this! I am one of the 6 people on earth who actually enjoyed Starship Troopers.
HEY MAN ITS my fav movie of all time

no joke ive probably watched it over 300 times lol

still not got bored yet!


ps i could probably read u the frikkin script!
lord dubu said:
How wicked cool is this! I am one of the 6 people on earth who actually enjoyed Starship Troopers.
I love that movie! I'm one of the 2 people on this planet that enjoyed the sequel, lol.
Yeah, this mod was quite fun, but theres some things that ruin the fun.

Firstly, its kinda stupid that the best location for the turrets are there where they are at the start. You should have some crates or something so you could change their positions without having them falling all the time. You should ofcourse increase the wait before the waves is you place some crates in the map.

Secondly, the wall-ramps or whatever they are, are too thin. You cant the past the other combines to get good positions at the start. There also not any free mounted gun for you to operate. When the combine using one dies, antlions have already invaded the fort.

Third, theres not enough ammo for the shotgun. You should have atleast 6+30 shells for it stored somewhere.

And for the last, it would be nice to be able to get back to the base somehow before the antlion guard brakes the gate.

I also experienced some bugs(?), I was running outside the fort with a turret, and antlions were ofcourse coming at me. Suddenly, fps changed into frame per minute, and everything slow down. I dont have a very good computer, but it should be capable for better than 1 frame per minute.
also : i would not bet a grand on that, but i think i've seen an antlion behind the door knocking down a turret positioned in the starting alcoves.
that map was a lot easier than the people on hl2world made it seem. you don't even have to position the turrets. just stand at the side and whenever an antlion gets close to the turret, pump em full of lead.
Hey do I just start up the map from the map folder? Or do I enter map (the map name or whatever) in console? and If so, what is the name of the map for the console?
R@mmstien said:
Hey do I just start up the map from the map folder? Or do I enter map (the map name or whatever) in console? and If so, what is the name of the map for the console?

From the READ ME file you should have read.

Place all folders in your:

path/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/usernameXXX/half-life 2/hl2

Run the game and start the map Antlion_Troopers by opening the console and typing

"map antlion_troopers"

Anyway, this map was awesome. I just finished it and I was running out in the wild screaming with a huge amount of pissed antlions after me. :laugh:

This in multiplayer would be really great.
Ok, I did exactly what it said on readme, but still it won't load.

Help needed!

By the way, place what all folders? I see a only one file and that's about it.
Thats very sweet, VALVe should be asking you for help on their next project.

I seriously dont understand why there is not a part in the game like this with you leading the resistance not the combine.

You should lead the resistance and take over a combine base then setup and kill all the antilions.

How long did it take you to do and what are you thinking about for your next project?
****ing awsome! Starship troopers one of my fave films :D...
Im doing a followup map over my christmas month break. It will surpass this one in every way.
should be two folders maps and sound.

Put them in half-life 2/hl2/ dir and then

run with "map antlion_troopers"
good work romeo, i think i remember your name from the beta days, werent you a good mapper? (explains the amazing map weeks after retail :P)
RomeoJGuy said:
should be two folders maps and sound.

Put them in half-life 2/hl2/ dir and then

run with "map antlion_troopers"

I don't have folder call "dir". Do I have to create one and put the files in it? By the way, I got 1 file, 2 sound files and readme file.
There should be a folder in the zip

and sounds those files should be in there.

Then you put them in the

half-life 2/hl2


So it would be half-life 2/hl2/maps/antlion_troopers.bsp


half-life 2/hl2/sound/antlion_troopers/antSong1.wav and antSong2.wav
So, if I don't have sound folder I have to create one and put the sound files in there. Correct?

But I have soundcache folder in the map folder, but I don't think that's the one.
Looks good im preloading hl2 for the third time. its taking forever I had to reformat agian.
I have no idea how anyone could beat this game without cheats. I got pretty far, still was alive and then bam, an ant lion guard shows up and I am like, "Great, time for some impulse 101 & godmode." No idea how anyone could survive anylonger.
Run off the ramp and out of the base.. and play chicken with it outside... Thats what i did.. watch out for gunship shots though.. they sting...
Thanks Romeo. This is why I bought HL2,the endless mods. :)
I downloaded the lq version, took aa and aaf and still have major framerate issues (10in the bigger battles). granted, my computer is far from high-end, somewhere between low and mid. still, i ran HL2 fairly smooth at 4xAA and 16xAF all details high, so I shouldn't be getting it this bad. any suggestions?
romeo, it says on ur website that there r two antion_troopers maps, do i have both? can i play the second scenario with ver 1?
smoke said:
romeo, it says on ur website that there r two antion_troopers maps, do i have both? can i play the second scenario with ver 1?

Those are high and low-quality versions of the same map, IIRC.
This is amazingly fun. Make more Romeo!

Hop outside before your minute is up, impulse 82, enjoy. :)
Don't really like the matrix music tho. maby a more hl2 type of music would fit it better, and why not make some really cool antlion attacking sound instead of that combine alarm when the antlions come. Or maby add some of those stamping pilars around the place and when they suddenly shut down (because of gordon freeman defeating the combine in some powerplant and shutting the plant down - so you hear combine screaming trough the radio "that gordon is destroying their powerplant and suddenly, pwzzzt! all power off, pilars stop and the antlion attack")

it really gives a bigger scale to the event. like your really a combine and gordon is in some other place kicking butt and you face the consequences of the loss of that attack by running out of power.

Mediocrity said:
Those are high and low-quality versions of the same map, IIRC.
no it says there are two diff scenarios
