HL2 Vehicles

Rafa 5.0

Jul 5, 2004
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One question about the vehicles, I haven't seen this in any of the E3 videos but will there be "real" damage to the HL2 vehicles?

For example, will you be able to shoot out the tires on the buggy or shoot the gas tank and watch it go up in flames??? :D

Also, if you break or "wreck" the buggy, are you able to "weld" it back together and fix it that way? :E

I don't think there has been an official statment on this, but the vehicles will not be destructable.
I know stuff like that will happen in Halo 2 :D

not sure about hl2... but i'm sure if you ask, you'll probalby get "not nessiscarly, but it wouldn't be hard to mod in"
We barely know anything about the vehicles at this time, but i hope we see a lot more than just a buggy and that boat-cycle, and i hope they do get damage...
We don't know , but it doesn't seem so at least from what it can be seens o far, in the e3 2k4 vid a 'nade blows under the buggy and nothing happens, i guess you can be harmed while driving the vehicles but the vehicles can't be destroyed.
Much like the first Halo. Although, that wouldnt be such a bad idea now that i think of it, just get vehicles from ppl once they are killed. Its better than having 20 people camping around the vehicle spawns like in Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam for multiplayer.
SidewinderX143 said:
you'll probalby get "not nessiscarly, but it wouldn't be hard to mod in"

If i read that one more time i will slap valve with a trout.
You can't answer that question. we have to wait and see..
Cuz I know the Source engine is capable of damage to vehicles, when the strider starts shooting at those resistance fighters and accidentally shoots the parked/abandoned car, you can see it blow up.

If Valve could implement this for the drivable vehicles, it would be so kickass!
i wont be suprised or dissapointed if valve makes the vehicles indestructable. they might feel that having your buggy get blown up everytime a grenade goes off next to it, forcing you to reload the level, might "take you out of the game." id like to see it in multiplayer or a mod, but i think not having to reload sequences over and over b/c you loose your transportation will keep you immersed in the gameplay.
I agree! But maybe the don't implement it cause they need you to go through some parts with the vehicle who know or maybe they can be destroyed lets hope.
I think that its possible that in SP or a certain level where a vehicle is required to go somewhere, they will be indestructable, while in MP they will be damageable.
Because in the video where they're showing off the physics of the game, and those blue nades attach to the buggy, it almost drives off the cliff, so if it falls off, I bet you could still get through the level, just not as fast, and it may be more difficult.
except its fallen into a river, and youll die trying to get to it...
It's in the Info thread somewhere that the vehicles (freemans) are damageable (and obviously the combines :)). Not sure wether it would be positional damage, ala. GTA: Vice City. Hopefully the enemies vehicles will be atleast, would be fun to shoot the wheels out from under a combine buggy :)
Well that's what i'm saying, if it can fall into a river, what prevents it from being blown up, either way it would be useless and you would still have to finish the game without it....
The challenge will come in keeping the car working, making the game more challenging! Like, the hovercraft scene where you have to avoid the explosive barrels, as theirs no way that you'd be able to walk down there with all the tanks shootin at u :)
Rafa 5.0 said:
What do you mean positional damage??

attack, the tires, and they'll deflate. Attack the engine, and it'll blow up. SHoot the headlight and it'll smash/go out.
I would just like to know what vehicles we are gunna see!

Lets list what we have seen!:
Water-Land Hovercraft Thingy!
Thats it............

WHat do u think there should be?

I think there should be another combine type of buggy, some apc's, a fiew types of tanks, a motorcycle, a regular speedboat, a submarine, and the combine citadel...
McFly said:
I would just like to know what vehicles we are gunna see!

Lets list what we have seen!:
Water-Land Hovercraft Thingy!
Thats it............

WHat do u think there should be?

I think there should be another combine type of buggy, some apc's, a fiew types of tanks, a motorcycle, a regular speedboat, a submarine, and the combine citadel...

Would you like fries with that?? :eek:
a submarine?! :rolleyes:
The game will be from firstperson, i dont know how good big vehicles would be, they could possibly do a tank (like Battlefield 1942 (first person mode). I dont have a clue about the others!! Driving the crane will be fun enough :cheers:
I wish vehicles would just go away in games... excepting the Tribes series. ;)
I was joking about a fiew of those vehicles, maybe a mini science submarine, the kind they use to investigate the deep sea. I wouldnt mind doing battle with some types of creatures from xen that live in water.

oh, and letters, stfu.
dont post comments that are not positive towards the aim of the conversation.
I'm sure Valve will include some "surprise" vehicles, but if the vehicles have positional damage, just imagine....

You're hiding behind a bush, you see a combine vehicle/buggy, with like 5 combine, hauling ass coming your way, you aim at one of the front tires and fire, boom! major wipeout, combines flying all over the place :cheers:
Hehehe, I think I'm the only one in these forums that has actually commanded a Freighter in a video game :D

Really though, if Valve makes it to where you shoot the gas tank of a car and the car erupts into a giant explosion, I will be mad. Cars just don't spontaneously explode from a single bullet. Heck, you could empty entire clips into a cars gas tank and nothing would happen. Now, huge bullets on the other hand have alot greater chance of actually igniting a large enough spark. So if a .50caliber round passed through a gas tank, well, there is a good possibility it would flame. But not blow up into a firey giant explosion like in most movies :/
Excuse me Mr. McFly, but I will post my views pertaining to the subject whether you like it or not.
Dsty2001 said:
Really though, if Valve makes it to where you shoot the gas tank of a car and the car erupts into a giant explosion, I will be mad. Cars just don't spontaneously explode from a single bullet. Heck, you could empty entire clips into a cars gas tank and nothing would happen. Now, huge bullets on the other hand have alot greater chance of actually igniting a large enough spark. So if a .50caliber round passed through a gas tank, well, there is a good possibility it would flame. But not blow up into a firey giant explosion like in most movies :/

Completely agree with you :thumbs:
anyway, Vehicles are always kool in games... and Half-life 2 will be no exception! :thumbs:
Dsty2001,not even a large bullet would make it explode. Since the gas in a tank is not under pressure, then there will be no explosion. There will simply be a fire.

Although I dont see why they couldnt make cars explode in a game.... It is a game after all, its not real life.
Letters and Mcfly... play nice boys, I didn't start this thread to go into flame mode, just wanted to know if the vehicles would be as "real" as the rest of the HL2 world.
One thing that kinda dissapointed me, in the E3 2k4 videos, when Gordon gets into the buggy and the hovercraft thing, you can't see his hands grabing the wheel/handle bars!!! :x

I was really looking forward to that. :(
There's been threads on that very thing Rafa, it's all to do with Immersion/Animation and other such factors. Quite a boring topic really ;)
Since there is fire on the game(and it looks quite awesome), does that mean that if the buggy is parked right on top of the fire, nothing will happen to it??
That would be stupid, it should at least turn to a scorched color!