HL2 Vehicles

I know it would be stupid, so I'm hoping that at least fire will have some effect on it.

P.S. No, actually it's a Jetta.... :eek:
Then wtf is the 5.0 for? I have a 1990 Mustang GT, of course, its one of the fiew good years when they had the 5 liter engine...
5.0 is just something I thought of.... started with the name Rafa 1.0 while playing HL deathmatch, 2.0 for TF, 3.0 for sven coop, 4.0 for the specialists, and 5.0 for CS.
ahah. Kool. Ummm, back to the vehicles i guess......
It would be kool to ride on a hella fast Ducati motorcycle in a combine soldier and watch him explode..
better yet, have gabe put the Dodge Tomahawk in the game.
But getting back to the topic, I hope that fire and bullets at least have some effect in the appearance of it.

It would be lame to go through a road with mines, and have combine shooting at you, and go through fire and at the end, your vehicle comes out like nothing happened...
Yeah, i was thinking the same thing with guns.

Like if u pick up a gun off the ground, it would have little deformaties and colors on it.
This would be better in multiplayer, where u pick up new guns all the time. Iwas thinking that instead of each gun being perfect looking, the devs would put in like 10 differently modeled guns that will be in ur hands that would be picked at random.
Or better yet, find an old ass pickup truck that the resistance have been hiding, and just ride right into the citadel with the bed full of C4 and throw yourself out at the last minute.
Gotta go home, work is over, will continue posting when i get home or tomorrow..
Im sure someone will make a mod switching the buggy for a monster truck or something.
Well yeah, probably.

But when the game is released, that's the question, how many vehicles will there be, will there be damage, how realistic will it look!?!? :flame:
... Vehicles that are not important to the story... Are destructible. You can never destroy your only way out. Did that come out right?
A reporter of a Belgian magazine went to Seattle to play HL2 and when the rollermines were attached to his buggy, it melted away unless he would hit them off with the crowbar :p
Some magazines have said that vehicles were destructible... but in no vid we have seen any evidence of this, nor were the vehicles destructible in the leak (although that isn't a good comparison :p)

My opinion is that Valve is still toying with it. Just like they were toying with weapon dropping and such. We're up to their (and the beta testers') judgment. I hope they go for indestructible vehicles.
DeltaBlast said:
Some magazines have said that vehicles were destructible... but in no vid we have seen any evidence of this, nor were the vehicles destructible in the leak (although that isn't a good comparison :p)

My opinion is that Valve is still toying with it. Just like they were toying with weapon dropping and such. We're up to their (and the beta testers') judgment. I hope they go for indestructible vehicles.

I'm pretty sure vehicles won't be destructible in HL2. Even if they were, it be something as crappy as in far cry where the vehicle becomes a burned out rubble - not something as cool as localized vehicle damage. Although, I'm even doubting that valve would have bothered to make vehicles destrucible.
Yes, they are.

At least, Source supports it. If they used it in HL2SP, who knows ;) But it's a design decision(tm), as always *g*

In a MOD, you also can link specific functionalities to parts of the vehicle that function no longer if that part of the vehicle is destroyed etc. :naughty:
Rafa 5.0 said:
One thing that kinda dissapointed me, in the E3 2k4 videos, when Gordon gets into the buggy and the hovercraft thing, you can't see his hands grabing the wheel/handle bars!!! :x

I was really looking forward to that. :(

You can't see that in the e3 2k3 videos either. I wonder why.
PrivatePanic said:
Yes, they are.

At least, Source supports it. If they used it in HL2SP, who knows ;) But it's a design decision(tm), as always *g*

In a MOD, you also can link specific functionalities to parts of the vehicle that function no longer if that part of the vehicle is destroyed etc. :naughty:

Rick said in your email, the infamous "IT CAN BE DONE IN A MOD". That doesn't prove anything that it can be done in the "actual" game.
I think I read somewhere that the buggy of a magazine playtester got blown up by rollermines.
But I'm glad it doesn't blow up immediately when a grenade rolls under it.
PvtRyan said:
I think I read somewhere that the buggy of a magazine playtester got blown up by rollermines.
But I'm glad it doesn't blow up immediately when a grenade rolls under it.

I hope it's not PC Gamer UK though, because they over-estimate HL2 a bit too much though, remember they said striders are driveable vehicles and mossman is Gordon's love intrest...
I would think that having destructible components is fairly simple to do. You can now link inputs and outputs as well as connecting multipe entities so it shouldn't be too hard to link several destrucible entities (representing wheels, steering, chassis) and set damage limits and results of damage.
Unless they're too lazy to do it, I mean, they've only had 5 years to do it. :hmph:
lans said:
Rick said in your email, the infamous "IT CAN BE DONE IN A MOD". That doesn't prove anything that it can be done in the "actual" game.

If it can be done in a mod, then it CAN be done in the real game right?? Because the mod just takes elements from the game itself and tweaks it to create a desired effect, and I'm pretty sure that the Valve team could do way better than modders.
I wonder what gas prices will be in HL2?

edit:BTW just realized, this is my 151st post. I'm a bullsquid now! woohoo!
Gas prices will be kept to a minimum thx to the Breen administration and the fact that the buggy probably runs on batteries... :thumbs:
Foxtrot said:
I don't think there has been an official statment on this, but the vehicles will not be destructable.

I would'nt be so sure about that. I heard that The HL2 buggy has like a fuel tank on the back and if you shoot it and it catches on fire, the fire gradually spreads and eventually it explodes.
"DRRRRFFF!!!! IT CAN BE DONE IN A MOD!!!" ... I hate that answer ... I dont like mods ... I like the game the way its meant to be played , created by the designers ... grrr :cheers:
Kazuki_Fuse said:
I would'nt be so sure about that. I heard that The HL2 buggy has like a fuel tank on the back and if you shoot it and it catches on fire, the fire gradually spreads and eventually it explodes.

Really :eek: , where exactly did you hear this. :rolleyes:
I think I read somewhere(in an official interview), that the player will be restricted to land vehicles only.... APC's, jeeps, buggy, etc, but no air vehicles, alien gunship, helicopters or anything that can fly will be available.... correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll try to find the Interview.
Too bad you can't fly an alien spaceship :(

It'd be cool..

O0o and about the fuel tank, that'd be really awesome...but I wanna see proof lol...
I know what valves answer to this will be......

"Flying vehicles can be modded in..."
No, we decided that having vehicles take damage didn't add to the
experience in Half-Life 2 so we decided to not support it in our game.
Mods can certainly take advantage of this however.

