HL2 Vehicles

it appears i was wrong, i'd like a destructable car.. otherwise il just try and manipulate it and push it out of the level for a laugh :)
Still, im sure if the cars got blown up freeman would too (being inside it). So it wouldnt really matter :)
Perhaps the engine would start flaming, giving you a 10 second warning to get out of the car (like in GTA3+)

If it were destructable that is. But they aren't...
I trust valve what they are doing. Remember, destructible cars have been possible since a long time - but the fact that the warthogs didn't blow up in halo was prolly a design choice that made the gameplay so enjoyable.
lans said:
I trust valve what they are doing. Remember, destructible cars have been possible since a long time - but the fact that the warthogs didn't blow up in halo was prolly a design choice that made the gameplay so enjoyable.

Your're problably right, but at least in Halo, you could get flying vehicles, in HL2 we'll be stuck with land vehicles.... pretty sure I read that somewhere but I can't find it :(
Warthog in Half-Life 2, thats a possible mod. Grigory in the back, using the mini gun. And with those physics, we could do huge warthog jumps.
Have some people be Combine and some be resistance, and just duke it out in the middle of City 17, resistance fighters riding in buggy's, halo style, someone manning the turret and someone as passanger, and combine in apc's.. ;)
And also, being able to go inside the buildings and snipe from there :D

That would be great MP.
We should just make a multiplayer map, that is bloodgulch, but in half-life 2 style. You know where im going...
exactly, the only thing that i never liked about multiplayer is when you're running around buildings you can't go in them, it would be cool if you could go in every building. It would really add a challenge and new forms to the gameplay, such as a game of hide and seek and kill, something like the bourne identity?
"Captain, campers ahead!!"

Unless you can respawn immediatly like in TF, it would suck because it would become an AWP war...
I'd like an aardvark.

Actually, no. I'd like this
McFly said:
Warthog in Half-Life 2, thats a possible mod. Grigory in the back, using the mini gun. And with those physics, we could do huge warthog jumps.

warthogs in HL2....that would kick bee - you - tea -tea.
An umanned railgun tank.
Rafa 5.0 said:
"Captain, campers ahead!!"

Unless you can respawn immediatly like in TF, it would suck because it would become an AWP war...

Two things.

1. Exclude sniper rifles (Why would you have them in the first place??)

2. Make all guns *Not as accurate* on longer distances... That will make non-streetfighting pretty useless. Even if you could get onto a rooftop.
Dead-Inside said:
OMG! This one owns!! http://www.eradicators.co.uk/neale/feud3g.jpg

I mean honestly... It's awesome. It needs some polishing and some massive skinning (Actually it needs more detail as well), but it's just plain awesome.

Thanks. :)

It's for an as-yet unannounced game (not a mod), and I shouldn't really be showing it to anyone, but what the hell...
Pi Mu Rho said:
Thanks. :)

It's for an as-yet unannounced game (not a mod), and I shouldn't really be showing it to anyone, but what the hell...
is that as-yet unannounced game something thats very, very BIG?
Actually, no. The BIG project is something else :)
thing that gets me, gabe said vehicles were in MP didnt he?
and so far they seem to be implying that CS:S is hl2's MP, but its nothing more than a port with better gfx/physics (actually the physics were dumbed down, and look really shoddy in the videos I have seen)

so does that mean CS:S is going to have vehicles, or was it simply more bs?
Jess Cliffe said "CS:Source is the only multiplayer game that is going to ship with HL2", in response to being asked about if there was MP in HL:Source etc

That doesn't mean it's HL2's MP.

It's not an implication, it's an inference.
Actually Mr. Redundant, CS has always been a "tactical" game, so throwing vehicles in it would not fit in well at all, if would just get in the way and wouldn't be practical.

CT#1: Hurry up, get the hosties in!
CT#2: Damn u scies, get your asses in!
Hosties: Okay lets go.
CT#2: Go Go G*BOOOM*
T#1: Enemy down!
T#2: Affirmative

Terrorists Win!

Why Are People So Stupid As To Think Cs:s Is Hl2 Multiplayer? It's Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets not have this thread turn into a CS:S HL2 multiplayer flame war...

I think THIS would be awesome.
Yeah fob-ed, and that way we could go back in time to before the resonance cascade at BMRF and stop Freeman from doing the experiment, thus creating a paradox where Freeman never meets the G-man and nobody but the scies know about Xen and Freeman never gets to City 17, so he never goes back to stop himself and...and... and.... :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm rambling, ignore me.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, in a HL2 forum.... HAHAHAHAH, i'm sorry, that was just too funny

Hey McFly has a good cause. I mean if it was a CS forum then yeah I would agree with you, but come on it isn't nearly as bad a CS forum.
hmm, i'd like the vehicles to be destructable. It would give the game more challenge. And i don't want to be able to hit a buggy with an RPG and have it just sit there.
Yeah, anyways, has anybody found any other pics of vehicles that would be good for HL2 sp/mp.

o, hey geno..........
yeah................. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
it has been a while since we talked about vehicles hasnt it.....
Rafa 5.0 said:
Yeah, anyways, has anybody found any other pics of vehicles that would be good for HL2 sp/mp.

that are actually in the game, or from other games?