HL2 vs. Doom3 vs. FarCry: A Review



Half LIfe 2 vs. Far Cry vs. Doom 3

The top three shooters available all bring something different to the table, and some will protest that comparisons can't be made, that the goals of each are too different. While all three are different, they are certainly not different enough to avoid comparisons. All three are pure first person shooters, all three represent the latest and greatest in graphics and technology, and all three put emphasis on telling an exciting story where you are the hero.

I will cover three salient aspects of these titles: Graphics/technical innovation, story/design execution, and most importantly, gameplay

As the GPUs and CPUs advance, the opportunites to present an immersive experience grow. For all that Doom 3 provides, it excels at this best. Rather than bore with details about the technology at play, suffice to say Doom looks great. Far Cry, on the other hand, applies technical innovation in some other specific areas. For one, organic outdoor areas look amazing, with draw distances better than anything before (at least that looked this good). The foilage at higher details levels is also quite satisfying. For a game player, which is more important? I will argue that standing in the middle of a forest with the sense that there is gameplay in all directions for miles is more satisfying than staring at a stainless steel exam table with a nice reflective sheen of condensation. Some will disagree and that is their right, but FPS innovations that improve the simulation of thre real world are more important to me than the latest pixel shader. So where does Half Life 2 rank in this category? My opinion is that it trumps both Far Cry and Doom. It packs in most, if not all, of the visual goodness of Doom and also provides great innovation with the physics engine. It certainly doesn't seem shabby on distance drawing either. Maybe most important, it takes a huge leap in the technology to display character conversation and emotion. It is simply amazing talking to the AI characters and watching them interact and listen to eachtoher. That's right. It's worth it to go through the conversation segments just to watch the characters not talking. At one point Alyx said "He's coming with me" and I caught a quick, small, sideways grimace from Barney. I think he may have a small crush on Alyx... This type of detail is unprecented. and highly appreciated by me.


Story/design execution
Here is where FarCry stumbles badly. With this great engine rendering this great chain of islands, the best FarCry can do is thow a lame character into a lamer story. Isn't the whole Terminator/Rambo one-liner hero-type over? The intro was effective at telling almost nothing about the people and events leading up to me taking control, and that story-telling was probably the most entertaing and informative of the entire game. While some of the grunt bad guys had some good lines, the bosses all were annoyingly over-the-top. The story and hero were about on-par with the SOF games. Abysmal. Doom3, on the other hand, had a very serviceable story. I should say it was aware of its mediocracy and avoiding celebrating it. I was plenty satisfied learning about the plot through the PDA entries and cut scenes. The early part of the game, before the apocolypse, was the most entertaining for me, moving around and experiencing a working Mars space station. If only Id had allowed the plot to develop more as the space marine observed weird goings-ons, rather than just flipping the switch (literally, the light switch) and saying "OK, go kill demons". Overall though, the station is a great design, lots of interesting machines to oogle, and I felt invested enough to try and escape or eliminiate the baddies (I was never sure whether the marine was trying to get out of there, or was trying to get to the bottom of things. I know I was trying to get the hell out of there). HL2? Well, this is the easiest one. HL2 hands down delivers the most amazing world to inhibit. While the influences are varied (Sand thumpers-Dune, Ant Lions-Space Ship Troopers, Resistance-V, Combine-Every Dystopian movie ever made, Alyx-Matrix, Striders-War of the Worlds, G-man-X-Files, the list goes on...) in entirety, the story and design work well. The levels are simply amazing. Almost every inch of the game world offers a beautiful photographic composition. The setting of an aging eastern block country was genius. The density is perfect fot the technology, and there are plenty of urban vs. rual opportunites.


While all three categories are important for a game, it usually boils down to gameplay. It may seem easy, as they are all FPS games, but gameplay is where most of the people will decide they like or don't like some of these titles. Doom 3 fails horribly here. The warning signs were all there early, so I don't know why I was so dissapointed. When Id was spinning Doom3 as an homage to earlier titles and focusing on the scare factor, I should have known it wasn't for me. I don't think many people who play these types of games are easily scared, so what are they really saying gameplay will be like? Well, I guess it's an homage to earlier days, but the gameplay is highly repetitive, thus predictable, and lacks any creativity. In the early days, due to technoogy not being good enough to provide the first two categories I've listed, games simply tried to be creative by spawning enemies to suprise in places you didn't expect it, and that's about all you get in Doom. At one point, one of the storage lockers was numbered 666 and marked do-not-open, and of course at that point I wasn't paying much attention to the game being cute, and sure enough a big baddie jumped out at me. WOOH BOY, you got me there. Way to be creative Id. Throw a couple false-floor drops into dark areas with lots of baddies? Check. Enemies spawning behind me as I fight someone ahead of me? Check? Seemingly dead bodies jumping up to chew on me?(HL2 suffers from this too) Check. And the best: Out of the way nook holding bad guy, with false wall behind that holding another bad guy? Check check. Looks like we got ourselves some gameplay now... If you couldn't tell, I don't like the Doom gameplay.

FarCary and HL2 offer some great gameplay. It's really tight which I rank higher. For all the complaints I hear about FarCry AI, I had a great time working against it. We would skirmish along treelines and they would quickly flank me if I wasn't good about backpedaling. Every area had different approaches that would work, from driving a jeep into the middle of the camp, to sniping from afar, or something inbetween. There were also some big negatives to FarCry gameplay. Indoors, AI was omnicent, sensing you around corners and on floors above and below. In just a plain moronic move, they offered stealth gameplay alternatives without save-anywhere functionality. You would waste 30 minutes being quiet and then be discovered while you were laying prone, with the wrong gun in hand. The vehicles also really added to gameplay options. Do I make multiple passes along the beach with the .30 cal on the boat, or do I troll up to the shore down aways and sneak up? All viable options in this game...

HL2 offers a more linear gameplay, but is highly satisfying nonetheless. It is always clear when you should be driving, and when you should be on foot, but the levels are so amazing, as every step encounters some amazing gameplay options availble due to the excellently designed environement. In Doom3, a demon will attack you in a room. There is only one way this will ever play out. In FarCry, a squad will attack you in a forest, and there are many ways it could play out, depending on which gun you use, and which tree you hide behind. In HL2, a squad will attack you at a farmstead along the beach. You have a gravity gun, a dunebuggy with a gun mounted, and various weapons. There are multiple entries into the house. You can blockade the door with the physics engine, lob grenades outside, wait for them inside, simply get in the dune buggy and run, or throw some bug bait out there and go hide until the bugs finish them off. In summary, everything comes together. The gameplay is both linear and non-linear in that your actual options are more varied than you might initially think. The linear aspects lets Valve tell the story they want while the environment lets me play the game I want.


So the overall ranking is Half Life 2, FarCry, and Doom3. While not many will doubt the #1 choice of HL2, many may disagree with #2 and #3, but I feel FarCry offers more engaging gameplay, in a more dynamic world.
What about..

HL2 vs Farcry vs doom 3 vs Metal Gear 3 vs Killzone vs halo 2 vs Monkey Island vs loom vs tetris vs dukem 3d.

where is halo 2 in this ranking ??

halo 2 is nothing comparing to half life 2, but it's comparable to far cry or doom 3.
Generally decent games
Could be better games
Super Mario Bros.
*Game Equivalent to dirt*
Halo 2 would be something around here in the ranking.
I personally love tetris ... I play it every day in history class...
Vs. David Wolf: Secret Agent

One gold star if you remember that PC game.

Ritz said:
What about..

HL2 vs Farcry vs doom 3 vs Metal Gear 3 vs Killzone vs halo 2 vs Monkey Island vs loom vs tetris vs dukem 3d.

Newbie's Journey said:
where is halo 2 in this ranking ??
Halo 2 is a console game. It doesn't belong in a list ranking PC games. As far as ranking the games in question, I'd break it down like this:

Half-Life 2: Great graphics, great storyline, great gameplay

Doom 3: Great graphics, average storyline, good gameplay

Far Cry: Great graphics, below average storyline, average to below average gameplay
The thing which puts HL2 over the top for me (as well as many, many other things) is the multiplayer.

CS:Source may not be an amazing game, but it is definetly better than the MP included in both Doom 3 and Far Cry. Far Cry gets my best "Surprise" game of the year though, since I had never even heard of it until the demo.

I think I might install that game now actually, I don't think I ever did finish it amazingly enough.
i think farcry was good, except the CRAP story, the story was ok, i think it was worth a try, but it got GAY when the stupid monkeys appeared
Hl2 and Doom 3 are just as good as each other but I gave up playing FarCry when those stupid mutants and infinite rocket launchers annoyed the hell out of me. I don't think you can compare them though, they're good in their own little way. Just play them and enjoy them!
I put Far Cry over Doom3 in every aspect, but maybe not graphics.

I put HL2 on top laughing down at both of them.
Doom 3 was more consistently entertaining than Far Cry. Far Cry was far too inconsistent, where a really cool and fun moment would be immediately followed by a really frustrating one.
Ritz said:
What about..

HL2 vs Farcry vs doom 3 vs Metal Gear 3 vs Killzone vs halo 2 vs Monkey Island vs loom vs tetris vs dukem 3d.


I just reinstalled Escape from Monkey Island...it's a classic :afro:

And yes, hl2>jesus>farcry>the governator>doom 3

Ritz said:
What about..

HL2 vs Farcry vs doom 3 vs Metal Gear 3 vs Killzone vs halo 2 vs Monkey Island vs loom vs tetris vs dukem 3d.

pfft... Everyone knows Tetris is the obvious winner. :p
i dunno the far cry storyline was ghey, but the gameplay was great. some indoor shoot em ups. tons of long distance stalking approaches from all different angles, sniping, it was nuts. with surround sound on i felt like i was there. i dunno its hard to compare hl2 and far cry. two such different games but both had features that made them each great to me. hl2 since not playin hl1 wasnt all that great of a story. ok get woken up, find alex, ok now save father, ok now save alex. there is a conspiracy between maybe aliens and humans aka combines and some weird dude aka gman that is likethe godfather which is so ****in cool (?). (i am at the 2nd to last chapter now) . i dont see anything to crazy about this plot either,from play hl2 solo without hl1 background. its pretty ghey if u look at it also, though not as ghey as far cry with its dr. moreau rip off storyline.
As the GPUs and CPUs advance, the opportunites to present an immersive experience grow. For all that Doom 3 provides, it excels at this best. Rather than bore with details about the technology at play, suffice to say Doom looks great. Far Cry, on the other hand, applies technical innovation in some other specific areas. For one, organic outdoor areas look amazing, with draw distances better than anything before (at least that looked this good). The foilage at higher details levels is also quite satisfying. For a game player, which is more important? I will argue that standing in the middle of a forest with the sense that there is gameplay in all directions for miles is more satisfying than staring at a stainless steel exam table with a nice reflective sheen of condensation. Some will disagree and that is their right, but FPS innovations that improve the simulation of thre real world are more important to me than the latest pixel shader. So where does Half Life 2 rank in this category? My opinion is that it trumps both Far Cry and Doom. It packs in most, if not all, of the visual goodness of Doom and also provides great innovation with the physics engine. It certainly doesn't seem shabby on distance drawing either. Maybe most important, it takes a huge leap in the technology to display character conversation and emotion. It is simply amazing talking to the AI characters and watching them interact and listen to eachtoher. That's right. It's worth it to go through the conversation segments just to watch the characters not talking. At one point Alyx said "He's coming with me" and I caught a quick, small, sideways grimace from Barney. I think he may have a small crush on Alyx... This type of detail is unprecented. and highly appreciated by me.

Interesting write up there, although I think you were too narrow in graphics. It really needed to be 3 categories:

1.) Graphic technology
2.) Artistic design
3.) Immersion: Interactive design/world

Some of your points, like FarCry's "gameplay in all directions" is an design element. If Doom3 was totally limited to closed hallways you would have a point, but Doom3 does have some open areas.

We also must be careful making a distinction between Artisitc design and Graphic technology. A game that has an good engine with excellent artists/animators will look better than a game with a great engine with poor artists/animators. A lot of this also has to do with taste, preference, and reference. HL2 tries to mimic the real world--which it does a good job of. FarCry tries to mimic a tropical island--which it does a good job of. Doom3 tries to mimic a make believe space outpost0--which it does a good job of. Artistically, I would say my _preference_ is HL2>D3=FC. Technically I would say D3>HL2=FC. Personally I hated FC because I thought it lacked execution and the story was linear and the "go any direction" theme really did not work (ton of non-passable areas in which real life you could scale). I thought the graphics were GREAT, but not well incorperated into the game itself. FC could have taken place somewhere else. D3 did a good job of using the graphics as a way to tell their story. True, not much of a story there, but if you are looking for a classic FPS (which a LOT of people want) with a lot of shooting, then D3 and the engine did the job. But again, this is a lot of taste and has to do with art design preferences--way to subjective.

And finally, because of HL2, when we discuss "Graphics" we now need to consider interaction. Do the NPC animate well? Do their body movements jive with their expressios? Do they have good facial animation and lip sync? How is the voice recording? Are the worlds interactive? Can I break stuff? Can I interact with stuff? Do I influence the world around me believably? Does this aid the story?

D3 and FC both had some basic physics... but they did nothing for the eye candy. And both games had shaky voice overs, lip sync, etc... These REALLY detract from the IMMERSION.

Even if Source's rendering technology may (not saying it is, just giving a devils advocate) is not better than D3 or FC in many/any areas, the immersive technologies in Source make the graphics more enjoyable. I would rather see a 512x512 picture on the wall that can be interacted with, shot, thrown, tossed, and so froth, instead of a 1024x1024 static painting on the wall. To me, the picture that MOVES is better graphics because it is more immersive. But calling this graphics would not be fair.

Anyhow good post, but you should broaded "graphics" because the Doom3 engine, overall, is the most advanced. The 3 games all take different art/design directions that they all execute well (even if you do not like them).
Acert93 said:
And both games had shaky voice overs, lip sync, etc... These REALLY detract from the IMMERSION.

Doom 3 had excellent voice acting! I thought it was just fantastic, especially the pda voices, they were pretty believable!

Other than this though i agree with you, art design and technology needs to be separated to make a proper comparasin.

good thread.
I would give farcry the lower gameplay, It was just annoyingly hard at somepoints (i.e when you get stuck in the infested jungle with ten bullets, that was just dumb) It usually boiled down to hiding and trying to get as many haedshots as you possibly could before they could get you.
Mountain Man said:
Doom 3 was more consistently entertaining than Far Cry. Far Cry was far too inconsistent, where a really cool and fun moment would be immediately followed by a really frustrating one.

Can't describe it better then that. *not sarcasm*
Well Done
Doom3's storyline is *ok*, but am I the only one that sees the comparison to HL (is said comparison, not that they're the same? I'm not saying it's stolen from it, but it's kinda werid if you say the story totally sucked ;)
Other than that, doom3 really failed on having to use your imagination and finding your own solution for it, a thing I love in HL2
bryanf445 said:
i prefer scorched earth :)

Ah, the Mother of all Games. I used to love playing that with my dad when we got our first PC. Sometimes I just laughed my @ss off. :E
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Super Mario Bros.
SMB so low, below decent?? How dare you blaspheme.
Kommie said:
I would give farcry the lower gameplay, It was just annoyingly hard at somepoints (i.e when you get stuck in the infested jungle with ten bullets, that was just dumb) It usually boiled down to hiding and trying to get as many haedshots as you possibly could before they could get you.

It's really easy if you know where to go, but otherwise it was mission impossible. Just jump off the falls into the pool of water, move up to the shore on the left side, hug the moutain side and run like hell.
I have to agree with the Half-Life thing, its one of the best games ive ever played :) But Doom3.. ugh.. id put that way down there as one of my least favourite games. They ripped the plot (what little there is), weapons, monsters, environment straight from the originals, and just slapped on a fancy graphics engine... and the gameplay can be summed up as "pick up ammo > demon spawns > kill demon > repeat" whilst running through extremely repetitive levels that all look exactly the same. Supposedly its a horror / action game too.. but i find it pretty hard to be scared when everything dies in one click of the mouse (hello shotgun). Annoying maybe, but definately not scary.
HL (both of them) are sweet because it is gameplay like you have never seen before (something totally new). I think doom3 is not nearly as good because there are fancy shadows but the gameplay is repeditive, dark and there seems to be no AI (e.g. all the monsters spawn like three meters from you)
Just finioshed doom 3 and have to say i was reasonably chuffed with it in the end, especially as i now play using console cheats as a reward for finishing game, took a while mind!

By the way ryan 330i good revioew, well structured, get a job in PC mag publications you'll go far!

Doom 3 was good but the running around in corridors got a bit boring after a while, also running on a machine with a 64MB GPU and 250MB ram wasn't quite as much fun as it could have been but upgrades is on the cards!

I have only played a demo of far cry and didn;'t like it,m as you say the story seems a bit lacx, half life one was ace and as i have yet to bvuy HL2, come on paycheque 28NOV, i count the days, mmm 1GB ram upgrade and HL2, mmm new PC next year, uber beast that will run everything and have flash lights water cooling ......aaaarrrrgglllu soory started drooling there.

Yeah but from screen shots HL2 will rock over the lot IMHO
i prefered Doom 3, I enjoyed that game more then Half life 2. Half life 2 did not hit me as hard as doom 3 "As in wow factor" maybe because of Far cry and doom 3. As for Far cry i liked that too it just reminded me of a movie called "Congo".
Far Cry was sloppy game with no real direction except for several points on maps but it still comes off better than Doom 3's constant drudge through corridors with no fun experience, no replayabilty and few cool bits. HL2 of course tops both.
I've bought FarCry, Doom3 and HL2 all just when they came out, though I was able to play Doom3 only a month later. I bought it in the U.S. during a vacation and was back in Germany in September.

Now, to the Review. One thing I have to say is that graphic-wise, I don't know what all the fuss is about concerning HL2.
For one, the polygon-count isn't really *that* high, and without Bumpmapping as in Doom3, that really is visible. For another, there aren't any really spectacular effects. When I read that Source would have HDRI, I was really anxious to see it, but then I found that there is near to none of that effect. The typical lensflares which fade out when an object moves across them, polygons to create beams of light, heck, the windows would just be white with a flare until you come close enough, but that doesn't count as HDRI!
Pixelshading is no new feature, and I honestly don't think HL2 does a realy good job of it. The water isn't any better as in FarCry, Doom3 does a similiar effect on *glass-windows* (just not animated, but still), so there's nothing to funky about that these days.

You also need to keep AI-interaction and graphics apart. NPCs running around, taking cover, that's what FarCry did really well. Especially considering that FarCry had open areas and the enemy would try to surround you. HL2 seldomly has those open areas and though Combine soldiers hide a little, I didn't feel like they were covering each other. And, to be honest, most of the NPCs you see up close look like sh**, really bad resolution image-maps (and I'm playing on High, so that's not it).

From the image-map perspective, Doom3 tops FarCry *AND* HL2, you could go up close to *anything* in Doom3 and it would look good. Heck, it uses *4 polygonys* to create a cylinder, but with bumpmapping, it looks awesome and round.
From a lighting perspective, HL2 isn't a ground-breaker. If you've come to the part of Highway 17 where you can use the magnetic thingy (don't know the english name for that) to move around some large metal crates and lower a bridge to the next section, look at the shadow of that crane: it sucks, they've used a too low resolution for the shadowmap in that area. Shadows, in general, suck in HL2, place two objects behind each other and you get a double dark shadow where the shadows overlap, something unheard of in Doom3. So those running free and stating that HL2 can do as well as Doom3 in lighting are probably half-blind if they can't see the difference.

What I do admit is that HL2 has the best involving storyline of all the recent games I've bought and played, you're at the center of things and feel like you're there. Though I do expect Valve to commit a "Matrix": by revealing so little of the actual story and causalities (notice: not casualties, as in "dead people", but causalities, as in "this led to that"), people will have high expectations, and will be let down when they reveal the final plot in HL3. If they don't reveal it, they'll suck as well, cause you're later asking yourself: "Why the hell..?" Much like the scene where Neo fights all those Agent Smiths and flies off after fifteen minutes: he could have done that right away, no point made (which is, for a movie, aweful, normally, excessive scenes are cut out, not made longer). For the gameplay, it has a certain style, but they've really made it difficult for themselves to live up to expectations in the final chapter.

Finally, to the Physics: HL2 uses Havoc. PERIOD. They didn't do anything to get it, and it's a well-known, proven and good physics engine. Doom3, not in need of awesome physics, still does a pretty good job. Anyone seen the test-map with a stack of bricks? At least 60 bricks on top of each other would stumble down upon each other and the framerate doesn't really suffer (of course, depending on the Hardware you have). The physics aren't too exact, but neither is HL2 in certain areas. FarCry had good physics, but the FPS would drop dead when you stacked too many things and the engine wouldn't let them pause in a motionless state.
One thing where HL2 does suck though is the ragdolls, arms and legs are just flying about as if broken, neither Doom3 nor FarCry do that, and both you could still properly interact with, whereas HL2 does a bad job of recognizing where I'm hitting the body and where it's supposed to be flying then. Of course, this may be due to my german version, though I am playing it as U.S. with Steam set to English, and AFAIK HL2 wasn't cut for Germany.

Don't take me wrong: HL2 is awesome fun, but there are some aspects where the respect doesn't belong to Valve (the physics are due to Havoc) and other aspects are just hyped, but far from the truth (the engine isn't *that* good). Where they've exceeded everyone else is the presentation of the story as well as the Hero-NPCs, they act and look real good, but other NPCs look worse than the baddies of Doom3 or even FarCry. Just look at the African NPCs and count the *blocky* dark speckles all over their faces and you'll see what I mean (nothing against Africans of course, just the visual representation in this game).

And all that are just my 2 cents...

Top 5 games:

1) Half Life 2
2) Far Cry
3) Call of Duty

Doom3 somewhere at #71
mountain man how you can give doom better in gameplay than fc is beyond me,id say fc and hl2 should be tied for graphics,fc with everything maxed is more impressive to me than hl2 maxed
I was slightly disappointed with the City 17 aspect of the game. There simply wasn't enough of it... Imagine a cross between Far Cry and HL2 where you are leading the squad towards a target a half mile or so away. You'd traverse avenues, alleys, leap across buildings etc, all the while taking fire from the combine,all the while exploring a beautiful city. Now THAT was how I imagined the City 17 levels to be.