Asundai said:I have to agree with the Half-Life thing, its one of the best games ive ever playedBut Doom3.. ugh.. id put that way down there as one of my least favourite games. They ripped the plot (what little there is), weapons, monsters, environment straight from the originals, and just slapped on a fancy graphics engine... and the gameplay can be summed up as "pick up ammo > demon spawns > kill demon > repeat" whilst running through extremely repetitive levels that all look exactly the same. Supposedly its a horror / action game too.. but i find it pretty hard to be scared when everything dies in one click of the mouse (hello shotgun). Annoying maybe, but definately not scary.
Everyone has an opinion and taste in games. My guess Doom 3 is a game that (1) Tries to recreate the ORIGINAL Doom experience of shoot everything with (2) Start of the art graphics and (3) and to bring ambience and a scary atmosphere to a totally new level.
The game did not scare me necessarily (I honestly think Ravenholm was scary... and I actually jumped out of my seat on the airboat level when a Zombie jumped out of the water), but it DID scare a lot of people.
FPS is a BIG genre and not everyone is looking for the same thing. Some people want a game you get in, point kill, and then get out. I had to set time aside for HL2 because of the story and the pacing... with D3 you just jump in.
While D3 is not my cup of tea, I know a lot of people who love it. I played the original Doom and Doom2 with my dad. He really does not like FPS, but he got Doom 3 and LOVES it. Why? It is simple, it is fast, and it is atmospheric. Not every game has to be HL2 (I know... this is sad to me hehehe) because not everyone wants HL2. There are gamers out there who want traditional FPS. And to that end Doom 3 is a success. Find locked door, go find key, back track to door, kill EVERYTHING that moves in the process, wash, rinse, repeat.
I would agree with my opinion on Doom 3, but I know a lot of people who like it. D3 is different from HL2 and will appeal to different gamers. D3 is a great classic FPS, but most HL fans do not want classic FPS shooters, we want what HL offers