HL2 vs Doom3

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Ive looked at doom 3, videos, screens and read some articles about it. Honestly can anyone tell me the hype about it. Your going to need a SUPER FRAGALISTIC system to be able to run it and on multiplayer when others play with less compatiable systems its going to be laggy. The environments are over detailed (good for single play but not so good for online) and its ultra violent with almost no reason. The story (in case you didnt know) is on mars. and experiment goes wrong and WOOE your in a non stop fragfest. HL2 although the story isnt revealed looks intresting and the fact that you can use the environments to your advantage makes it replyable and more intresting, although you are using weapons and guns.

Anybody have any other opinions?
I wonder if there has been a thread on this topic before? :)
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Doom 3 will be great for a while... Half Life 2 will be great for a lonnnnnnnng time..

Damn, this is like deja-vu all over again for me replying to this topic.
Well you cant compare them since Half-Life 2 will be a game and Doom III will be a tech demo......

Gee, I wonder how DooM III is a tech demo seeing that DooM III has more screenshots of gameplay...:|
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Gee, I wonder how DooM III is a tech demo seeing that DooM III has more screenshots of gameplay...:|

To (probably incorrectly) quote someones great sig off here, iD doesnt make games for our enjoyment anymore, they basically create the technology and then license off the engine. So I was using S-A-R-C-A-S-M when I said that. However, I do feel Doom III will not offer much more than graphics.

But I agree with the above posts, this thread is useless and a flame war ready to start, so Ill be shutting up now ;)
I look forward to HL2 for the sake of the HL2 the game.
I look forward to Doom III for the awesome mods it can spawn, considering they will probably have better story :p
peanut butter is where its at, got some bread, some PB, and some J good stuff, and melon!! melon is tasty.

i like computer games, they're entertaining.

i like women, especially women in little to no clothing, how bout you?
For my thoughts see the other 983542 threads on this. Feel free to post and compare the two games when you've PLAYED them BOTH.
Why dont we make the world a better place and assimilate the two and form ValviD ;) Then we can all enjoy Half-Doom 17 in harmony ;)
Im convinced that HL2 will be more successful than Doom 3, D3's gfx requirements are way too ambitious, and well.. it seems o me as if more people are interested in HL2 then in Doom 3. :eek:
Originally posted by Xtasy0

i like computer games, they're entertaining.

i like women, especially women in little to no clothing, how bout you?

Agreed. Any women in no clothing that would like to comment? That would be graaate.
Sorry about making this another post, i didnt bother to look at the others!!
Well, i typed up a long msg to sort you guys out who think doom3 has no story and is just a fragfest. Or iD only makes tech demos. Or the system requirements are too steep. LOL! The recommended system specs for the final game is 2ghz processor and a radeon 9800 will work just fine, and the game wont be out for another 6 to 8 months! But anyway, i decided against submitting that post simply because you guys seem to be offended when anyone around here speaks of doom3 in a favorable way. As for the poster, i don tknow wtf you were thinking coming to a hl2 forums and asking someone to explain why everyone is hyped abou tdoom3. As if these guys could even begine to answer that question.

You only see this kind of doom3 hating on a unreal msg board or a hl2 msg board. Doom had a bigger impact on the FPS genra than any other game since, yea even your beloved hl. HL wasnt a god of a game either. The only reason hl was a big hit was because valve made a type of game noone had seen before. And hl2 may damn well end up ruining the series, it may be a ****ing suckass game. You dont know yet. The kind of hype i see on these forums is identicle to the kind of shit i saw on various unreal2 forums before its release. They all thought it would be the saviour of FPS, and fact is that the first unreal was more widley enjoyed by gamers than hl was, like it or not. But you know what they talk about on the unreal2 forums now? Out of 20 threads on the front page there are like 2 or 3 that have anything to do with unreal2. IThe game just stunk. Everyone gave it bad reveiws. And the exact same could very well happen with hl2.

Whats the point of me saying all that? The point is its so ****ing stupid and useless to say one game is shtis or another game is that when both games arent out and you havnt played them. At this point, both games could be remembered as GODS of FPS, and both could end up being utter shit. So why dont you guys get off valves dick and just wait until you play something before you go talking about it.
Unreal II wasnt developed by the same team that did Unreal/UT, and I dont think it was hardly as anticipated as HL2/Doom 3

Your entitled to your opinions as we are entitled to ours, i think the point that most people are trying to make is that joining a HL2 board with the name Doom3>HL2 is like (to reference Die Hard with a Vengeance) walking in Harlem holding up a sign saying I hate n***ers. Its just asking to be flamed. Peace.
bac kto my name again =|

Even though my post here was peacfull and reasonable some of you guys are still just so offended that i think doom3 will be a better game than hl2 that you cant refrain from remarking about it even in someone esles thread. Thats sad. Whats even sadder is that its only personal preference.

Anyway, the point i was making about unreal2 is that its ****ing pointless to talk about how great or how bad games will be until you have played them.
I'm not offended by what you think

I physically hate you
Half-Life 2 and DooM III aren't even out, and you're starting to say, DooM III is better, we've barely seen the HUDs of DooM III.
But you also have to realize that the point of these forums is so that fans (and fanboys) can discuss how great they think it will be and such. If we werent allowed to voice our opinions of what we expect of HL2, this board would serve no purpose.
Doom3>hl2:hahahaha I bet you sighned up just to say that didn't you?

yeah, come on a Vs thread, I love these things. May the flameing begin...
Now we are turning this into a bash me for my personal preference thread, and phsyically hating me for my peference of games?

I htink doom3 will be better simply because i enjoy horror games more than, well, whatever you want to classify hl2 as. It doesnt look as appealing to me. As you can see your th eonly ones inciting flame wars here, im actually trying to head them off as they are pointless. Yet you still hate on me?
If we werent allowed to voice our opinions of what we expect of HL2, this board would serve no purpose.

Thats all im doing with my name =|
yeah yeah we know you like horror games better blah blah. Is there anything else YOU can talk about?
Doom 3 is gonna rock.... So if HL2... wait till both games are freaking out before you go and smash one or the other! God people are so stupid sometimes... just cause you played the leaked alpha of Doom 3 doesnt mean anything... so everyone just shut up and fight over the games after they are released!!!... please :)
Its funny that we as gamers in general feel the need to defend our favorite games fiercely, and pick apart any games that might be a threat to it, rather than just enjoy all games.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
Now we are turning this into a bash me for my personal preference thread, and phsyically hating me for my peference of games?

I htink doom3 will be better simply because i enjoy horror games more than, well, whatever you want to classify hl2 as. It doesnt look as appealing to me. As you can see your th eonly ones inciting flame wars here, im actually trying to head them off as they are pointless. Yet you still hate on me?

Although I disagree with you on Doom 3 being better, but hey, we're all entitled to an opnion. :afro:
I didn't read the entire thread, but all I've got to say about that is:
Doom3 and HL² will be both GREAT, choosing which is the best is up to you. No need to flame the other one.
Looks like the "ATi vs. nVidia" war... (good example when we know that HL² is powered by ATi, hehe)
Originally posted by Bass
Its funny that we as gamers in general feel the need to defend our favorite games fiercely, and pick apart any games that might be a threat to it, rather than just enjoy all games.

You can't enjoy all games if you think some are crap :bounce:

The only thing I feel the need to defend is the PC platform itself, God forbid anyone to say a console is better :dozey:
Whichever comes out with a Linux version first will win my vote for the best game. That means if Doom3 comes out six months after HL2, then Valve has 6 months to win my vote for the best game of all time :p

(you may now begin to flame me)
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