Hl2 vs. GTA: San Andreas (not a vs. thread)

Apr 16, 2004
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well, i found this to be pretty funny. Some kid in my english class and i got in an arguement over video games. here it is:

him: dude, get San Andreas. it is the best game ever
me: really?! best game ever?
him: yeah its so good and stuff! you NEED to buy it now!
me: hmm... maybe ill rent it or borrow it later, im sure it cant be that good..
him: NO! it is AMAZING! it IS the best game ever!
me: ....how so?
him: the graphics are sweet and it's really fun
me: to me it kind of seems like the last 2 or 3....
him: NO! you are an idiot! this game is the best!
me: i dont know...
him: (the look on his face shows he realized he said the wrong thing)
me: really? half-life isnt a good game?
him: yeah, it SUCKS
me: why?
him: for a new game, the graphics suck
me: its not new
him: oh well, still, the graphics suck
me: ...
him: the game itself sucks
me: give one other reason why?
him: well... it doesnt even have any weapons, its like one of those stupid Myst ****** games
me: which Half-life did you play?
him: the crappy one
me: which was that?
him: the one with all the gay scientests
me: it didnt have weapons?
him: yeah!
me: how far are you in the game?
him: i got to the part where you're running around talking to scientests
me: oh my god, you didnt even push in the sample!!
him: WHAT?!?! YEAH I DID!! (obviously lieing)
me: what happend after that?
him: uhh... i dont remember, it was a long time ago
me: i thought you said it was new?
him: DROP IT!
me: ...
him: ...
me: so.. San Andreas is good?
It looks like you didn't go crazy.

+1 points for that.
LOL thats funny, I get into frequent conversations with my friends like that. Mainly Halo 2 and San Andreas there good games, btu its Half-Life 2 were talking about. 5 points
Dude seriously, just shoot the kid in the face with a spork next time you see him.

lol, this only shows how much I pity SOME of console-only fans.
I had something like that happen with a kid I know, only with Halo 2...
Him: Only <insert some number here> more house until Halo 2 comes out!
Me: Yeah? Two weeks until Half-Life 2.
Him: So? Half-Life sucks.
Me: What?
Him: Yeah, Halo is newer, and Half-Life 2 doesn't even have good physics.
Me: What exactly do you know about Half-Life 2?
Him: Enough to know Halo 2's better.
Me: You don't even know what it is, do you?
Him: Yes huh! Half-Life had the worst graphics ever!
Me: Yeah, and it was made in the 90s.
Him: That's your excuse for everything.
Me: Shut up.
Him: MATRIX! (Upon which he attempts a back flip. He does stuff like that)
What is so damn good about Halo?! FFS all these people saying halo is so good, I don't get what is so good about it. I have it on xbox and pc and , Halo 1 im talking about, doesn't have anything new in it, It's just a FPS. with only about 4 or 5 guns that you can only hold 3 at once. Or was it 2... Im not a fan of the game.
I hate arguing with people now. I don't bother, you rarely get anywhere, especially with such an opionated topic.

I just say

"Well..I don't know for sure, you could be right, I could be wrong, but I think this is how it is: blah blah"

And end it...even if I KNOW I'm right, just for the sake of my sanity.

I'm not saying I'm always right though, but I usually don't insist something if I'm not 100% sure I'm correct.

Also, when someone says San Andreas/Halo 2 is better than Half-Life, I just think to myself "meh....console gamers only, give them a break I suppose"

I have a ps2 as well, and love San Andreas, but I know it's not as great a game as HL2 will be, despite what the masses think.

But that's just our opinion as PC gamers, right?

Most people don't have the attention span that PC gamers have...The train ride(s) ALONE would turn some people off of Half-Life 1/2.

If it's not constant run and gun action, it's not their game...which is why most people stick to consoles, you have more of a choice to buy just all action games, not slower RPG/MMORPG style games. Not to mention the games that have a large story line, like Max Payne 1/2, Mafia and Half-Life 2.

HL1 had a story line, but it was still mostly action.
That's the most frustrating thing about it. I KNOW im right, They THINK they're right. But only time will tell who is really right. The release of these games cant come soon enough.

Ps: my brother is a die hard Halo fan, Good thing im older and bigger then he is... it keeps him quiet.

San Andreas: it wont be to long before it's boring like the other two are.
I used to have arguments with my two friends about Halo 2 and Half-Life 2. Until one night they came over for Xbox, i showed them the E3 2003 demo and they haven't said a bad word about HL2 since.

Its pretty funny when that happens.
Admin_Winnuting said:
What is so damn good about Halo?! FFS all these people saying halo is so good, I don't get what is so good about it. I have it on xbox and pc and , Halo 1 im talking about, doesn't have anything new in it, It's just a FPS. with only about 4 or 5 guns that you can only hold 3 at once. Or was it 2... Im not a fan of the game.

Good enough to warrant two purchases? :rolleyes:
F*cking crack that kid one in the face for me. What a douche, he's obviously a GTA fanboy.
you sound kinda dumb
haha sorry
San Andreas is a great game. I baught it, ****ing tight ass shit.
Admin_Winnuting said:
I got the game and it's just like the old 2.
not at all. san andreas is quite possibly the most ambitious videogame i've ever played. it takes everything that was good about part 3 & vice city and one ups them at every turn. the voice acting is perfect, and the storyline much more interesting. not to mention the sheer scope of the game. 4 times the size of vice city, with enough content and sidequests to match. you can go skydiving, for god's sake.

i never expected such an improvement, myself, what with vice city being such a slight improvement over part 3.. really, the only game i can see challenging san andreas is half-life 2 and (to a lesser extent,) halo 2.
I think in terms of length GTA takes the cake. Its supposed to take 150+ hours to finish.
epmode said:
not at all. san andreas is quite possibly the most ambitious videogame i've ever played. it takes everything that was good about part 3 & vice city and one ups them at every turn. the voice acting is perfect, and the storyline much more interesting. not to mention the sheer scope of the game. 4 times the size of vice city, with enough content and sidequests to match. you can go skydiving, for god's sake.

i never expected such an improvement, myself, what with vice city being such a slight improvement over part 3.. really, the only game i can see challenging san andreas is half-life 2 and (to a lesser extent,) halo 2.

I was talking in terms of graphics.
The game is Really Big. There are alot of GamePlay Elements , that were borowed from other games, and of course lots of unique once.
You can play Basketball for god sakes!

Originally Posted by AphexT
Good enough to warrant two purchases?

Yes, I have baught it for Ps2, and i will buy it for PC, for the modifications i want to make and will be available.
Admin_Winnuting said:
I was talking in terms of graphics.
oh. well, yeah. aside from some better textures and an improved draw distance, it's very much more of the same.
epmode said:
oh. well, yeah. aside from some better textures and an improved draw distance, it's very much more of the same.

Yes, it is.
Halo was great and a revolution FOR THE XBOX.
Halo 2 will be the same FOR THE XBOX.
But Halo 2 is not a revolution even if it were for the pc... As when it comes to the PC competition is on a totally diffrent level. In terms of graphics, physics, gameplay, shading, mod support, engine limiations, mapping support etc...
I mean compare a game like Stalker or Hl2 or FEAR compared to Halo 2. Halo 2 simply appeals to fall short in alot of aspects. In map sizes, in graphics, probably gameplay(mods can be "Add-Ons" to gameplay), obviously mod\map support. And will have alot more engine limitations.

It's just a totally new level that has alot more competiton and requirments.

Personally GTA:SA will probably be better than Halo 2 if my ears seem to be..correct..
i talk to a lot of halo fans who are pretty stubborn to even admit that half-life 2 looks like a good game. im not going to attack halo 2 like a fanboy, but to me it dosent bring anything new to the table. when i first saw the trailer last year or whenever i was impressed with the scripted sequence coming out of the dropship. it had wounded soldiers and cool action going on in the background, and then i realized: "why does this seem cool to me?" and it clicked: "because it reminds me of the scripted sequences in half-life 1."
Who cares if the graphics suck in GTA: San Andreas. What other game besides Fallout 2 do you have that much freedom to do anything? I love following a cycle cop really close and then speeding up really fast and hitting the nos 5 seconds before i slam into his ass aha!
Best vs. thread ever.
And besides Fallout 2? Morrowind. Do what you want, when you want, how you want it.
Oh, or the Sims.
Or the Sims 2.
There are a lot of games with freedom in them.
GTA:SA looks kick arse, i'm getting it on PC the second it comes out. I'm playing through GTA3 again cos i love it.
Halo 2 looks pretty cool, I'll probably hire it at some point on X-Box.
Half-Life 2 looks rather nice, i've already bought it over steam so i guess i want it.

EDIT: WHAT??? there are cars with NOS in GTA:SA???? sweeeet
lol i dont have these kinds of conversations
my friend who wants to get halo 2 really bad just says you are really obsessed with hl2
i just say "what so you got a problem with that?"
Lunacy Fringe said:
Who cares if the graphics suck in GTA: San Andreas. What other game besides Fallout 2 do you have that much freedom to do anything? I love following a cycle cop really close and then speeding up really fast and hitting the nos 5 seconds before i slam into his ass aha!
whats nos?
ne0_shiny said:
whats nos?

The stuff that dreams are made of my son.
Actually nos is the gas stuff that when ignited makes the car go faster (thus endeth my knowledge of nos).
Robinhood_01 said:
The stuff that dreams are made of my son.
Actually nos is the gas stuff that when ignited makes the car go faster (thus endeth my knowledge of nos).
ohh so its nitrous oxide
well thats what i think its called
some people i talked to say that its not nitrous oxide cuz thats what they use for dentists/....
Shit I have nerds in my school that will pretend they have weapons and grenades in their hand and pretend to shoot eachother during class, acting it out and everything! So ****ing gay....they are juniors too.
tokin said:
Shit I have nerds in my school that will pretend they have weapons and grenades in their hand and pretend to shoot eachother during class, acting it out and everything! So ****ing gay....they are juniors too.

you should whip out your imaginary manipulator and take their imaginary weapons from them