hl2 - way better than you all think

May 24, 2003
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ok ok let me start off by saying that all you've seen so far is low quality crappy videos of hl2. it looks amazing better than anything to date but i think valve is toying with us. let me make my point when hl was announced they released a lot of media. in screenshots magazines blah, it looked good for the time. but when it came out it, it looked like they had redone everything. everybody was in shock. i think im expecting something the same for hl2 i mean if you look at the hl alpha and hl beta shots your gonna go thinking WTF IS THIS!!

take a look at these old hl alpha and beta screenshots that people thought were the greatest


it's time to choose
I remember seeing them sites a while back, and thinking, God I would love to have the HL1 alpha, wouldnt it be coll to have it tho ?
OH MY GOD! BWHAHHAHAA....no wonder they changed him!!! AHHAHA
sure, but HL2 was announced a while ago(well, not too long ago) and its like 4 months till its released...im sure what we have been seeing is the final product or close to it.
What was valve thinking!?!?! about giving him that hairstyle...to make us laugh ? :D hehe
I hope they got rid of that poncy little pony tail he had in Half Life :~
We probably won't even see Gordon. All the interviews have talked about the 'immersive experience' Valve are trying to create, where you are Gordon Freeman. Hence, you won't hear him speak, and won't see him. You'll see through his eyes, and live as Gordon.

Well, maybe you'll get to see yourself die as Gordon. Like an out-of-body experience. In which case, sure-- give him a decent haircut.

Wow your right, if HL did look like that the world would be different, for starters I probably would have acctually gone outside some time in the past five years. Seriously though how different would everything be without halflife?
Originally posted by djkanuk
We probably won't even see Gordon. All the interviews have talked about the 'immersive experience' Valve are trying to create, where you are Gordon Freeman. Hence, you won't hear him speak, and won't see him. You'll see through his eyes, and live as Gordon.

Well, maybe you'll get to see yourself die as Gordon. Like an out-of-body experience. In which case, sure-- give him a decent haircut.

Heck, your probably right. But I sure hope not. That would mean no mirrors or reflective surfaces! :( :(
yeah...your right Dave!, theres gotta be some mirrors or reflective surfaces, so we might get to see gordan!!!, unless he is invisible :/
It will kind of suck that you will almost never even see what Freeman looks like, I mean they added in all that facial muscle technology to make them look like they are talking and such, and you won't even be able to see it at work with the main character.

Maybe he'll move his jaw around a bit inside his mouth or something when you look in a mirror. You know not keep it perfectly and unrealistically still.
If they have Half Life 2 Death Match, I assume one of the player models will be Gordon Freeman.
Well, _I_ kinda liked the ponytail. But I'm female, so I guess that doesn't count. o.o

Anyways, I've never been able to get those farkin' movies from the Half-Life Nostalgia Project to work. They're always playing in a very corrupt sort of way. x_x

I wanna see 'em, dammit...
of course theres gonna be a gordon model :P
in fact (this may just be me, so Im speculating here) look at the tech demo vid, when they show off a character made of water... look carefuly tell me what model you see....
kinda looks like... :)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
of course theres gonna be a gordon model :P
in fact (this may just be me, so Im speculating here) look at the tech demo vid, when they show off a character made of water... look carefuly tell me what model you see....
kinda looks like... :)

Tbh I think it looks more like a person than a yellow face? :E
lol hehe honestly look at the shape, doesnt it remind you of gordon? I would almost swear its him.
but then again IM insane ;):dork:
ahh ya crazy. The stained glass is him, but the water is just a block of water.

I wasnt all that impress though with the water in half life2. That bit where the zombie knocks gord into the water, its just like old half life water with 1 layter on the top. Looked kinda odd, like there should be some merky bits in the water.

Something i did like though and i wonder who else saw it, was that the blood on the zombies head reflected light in the same way the computer moniter did when he knocks it over.
He's not talking about the 'block' of water, of course thats just a block. He's talking about the model made out of water with the fire in the background.
I think it looked more like Alyx tbh, the model had their hands on their hips at one point. Generally that animation is associated with Alyx (can you see Gordon doing that? :p :E).
Originally posted by Dave
I think it looked more like Alyx tbh, the model had their hands on their hips at one point. Generally that animation is associated with Alyx (can you see Gordon doing that? :p :E).
Agreed. (yes I had to post to state that I concur. It's important to me)

i agree that hl2 will blow us away...i think they like to toy with us to just see our faces when the real hl2 is released...i cant wait..threads like these just make me more impacient:dozey:
i felt like reading an exciting novel, while playing HL1. Ofcourse, there were more to in that.
I cant see gordon in that watermodel, maybe if I close my eyes a little bit ;p

hehe I want that old gordon model would be fun for hldm or something :D

But what Im wondering is if the models in multiplayer will all be unique aswell (didnt they say this about barney and stuff? )
Originally posted by Dizzy.Iznogood
I cant see gordon in that watermodel, maybe if I close my eyes a little bit ;p

hehe I want that old gordon model would be fun for hldm or something :D

But what Im wondering is if the models in multiplayer will all be unique aswell (didnt they say this about barney and stuff? )

Ahh, thats where "Valves big Multiplayer secret" comes in. :cool:

I think it would be extremely cool if it was HL single player played out online with human characters controlling allies and enemies, with the AI controlling characters left without a human counterpart.

Of course, the server Admin or the first person on the server would assume the role of Gordon. ;)
Dave, thats a brilliant idea.
if it aint in, someones gotta do it.
no really that sounds awesome :)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
lol hehe honestly look at the shape, doesnt it remind you of gordon? I would almost swear its him.
but then again IM insane ;):dork:

dude that shape shifts its weight in its hips like a woman. Either Gordon is a drag queen or its not him.
I wasnt all that impress though with the water in half life2. That bit where the zombie knocks gord into the water, its just like old half life water with 1 layter on the top. Looked kinda odd, like there should be some merky bits in the water.

Clearly u are insane. The water in hl2 looks amazing. Now if u'll excuse me I'm going for a swim :cool:
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
Dave, thats a brilliant idea.
if it aint in, someones gotta do it.
no really that sounds awesome :)

its called co-op. Battlefield42 has it.

One thing im wondering about with this game.


I noticed that gorden had no reflection in the puddles of water. If i walk up to a mirror, will i get reflection like in the doom3 alpha? Or will they do that cheap looks like shiny mirror effect that some games do. They can do it, specially with that snazzy video camera effect. Dam that was impressive.
Originally posted by urseus
its called co-op. Battlefield42 has it.

One thing im wondering about with this game.


I noticed that gorden had no reflection in the puddles of water. If i walk up to a mirror, will i get reflection like in the doom3 alpha? Or will they do that cheap looks like shiny mirror effect that some games do. They can do it, specially with that snazzy video camera effect. Dam that was impressive.
mirrors are the most difficult thing to program into a game. i don't even see why hl2 would need mirrors, as you never needed them in the first one...
Originally posted by Alzxul
He's not talking about the 'block' of water, of course thats just a block. He's talking about the model made out of water with the fire in the background.

EDIT: I was wrong, after closer examination the model does have its hands on its hips and shifts weight like alyx, and the sloped chest... well she doesnt have the most bountiful bosom, again, your right
oh and one would assume it would be co-op, but I havent played co-op with people controling the enemies as well as alies IN SINGLE player, it would make for an almost, role-playing experience.

I have Battlefield 1942, it blows chunks imho, it just doesnt feel right... dont get me wrong its not THAT bad, the gfx are ok, it is the first of its kind (basically) but the troop combat is well unintuitive, and No I dont play CS, I hate CS. I prefer DOD to BF1942, they got the troop combat right.

/end rant
who the hell cares.. it's a model made of water in a tech demo.
actually, if you walk behind the model you can see that theres a label on it that says "Godzilla".
ok gotta go back to my beta version now :smoking:
Originally posted by greenberetta
actually, if you walk behind the model you can see that theres a label on it that says "Godzilla".
ok gotta go back to my beta version now :smoking: