hl2 will be a disappointment...



for some ppl....just about every game i highly anticipate is a let down in one way or another. why should hl2 be any different? i'm getting a bad vibe here...but its okay...
Well wait and see, if it sucks it sucks, if it doesnt it doesnt.
Not every game that is highly anticipated gets an avarage review score of 95%
Yeah, well considering the average review score for it is about
95-96%, I see noting to be worried about.
Your just hyped out, I was like that few days ago, Thinking maybe it wont be as good as you think. In the end it will be more not less what you think.
as long as i like it, i wouldn't give a cr*p if u dont like it :)
Fair point, but it will exceed for some people. And anyone who is disappointed is just allergic to change. I hope theres few/none retards on these forums days after release moaning how the manipulator is too bright for their eyes, or that the noise the zombies make is unbearable...geez just don't play and go away then!
Abdi said:
as long as i like it, i wouldn't give a cr*p if u dont like it :)

Amen brother !

I think on variety alone it will be a great game, there a few uber fans who have got into there heads that HL2 will have certain godlike abbilities that no game is gonna have for a while, and that it will defeat the purpose of developing games beyond it.

I do think however its gonna surpass everything that we have seen in SP fps games so far, and set a new standard for mature immersive story driven gaming, plus it has a crap load of cool stuff, so i dont think theres much danger of it being a dissapointment, IMO.
hope theres few/none retards on these forums days after release moaning how the manipulator is too bright for their eyes

Im going to be pissed if Gordon doesnt get a sex change after he gets off the train!
And if the Combine dont give me some flowers and offer to drive me to the nearest 5star hotel.
People who judge a game before they play it should keep it to themselves. Don't ruin everybody's day by posting something like this. Play then judge..and don't go on past events like "every game that I get so hyped about sucks when I play it". It's not good for you and it doesn't help the forums at all.

IMO HL2 is going to beat every other FPS for everything...and I can't wait to experience that.
If you're really hyped about a game, it will be a let down in some ways. Few games actually live up to their hype and the last I remember that did that was Half-life 1. 50+ game of the year awards, revolutionary single player, and a mod (Counter-strike) that had more people playing it than Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament combined, even when it was still in the beta stages.
If Hl2 is a dissapointment, I will eat Gabe whole. and have Lombardi for Dessert, and I will take pictures for Hl2.net to see.
dude no way...that'll kill you! It's not worth it man, you got your whole life ahead of you! :eek:

(cat shorten your sig tbh...christ sake...)
KBharvester said:
for some ppl....just about every game i highly anticipate is a let down in one way or another. why should hl2 be any different? i'm getting a bad vibe here...but its okay...
Frankly, I'm getting a very good vibe here. Plus there were moments in HL when the quality dropped a little for me, but overall it was fantastic. Those who are/will be disappointed should remember that HL2 is only a computer game, and that it can't be all things to all people.
if u hype urself up 2much it will seem worse then it is, just go into a coma 4 two weeks or suming
best thing to do is play hl for 2 weeks and when the game is out, you'll really see the change.

Or play PacMan.
If thew game is disapointing to anyone , it is because they hyped it up too much

For example if i cant read every single f'in word on stray news papers lying around city 17 , im gonna go shIt bricks coz the game will be crap.

Well mayb i havent hyped it up that much , but you get my point .....dont you ;( ?
Admin_Winnuting said:
best thing to do is play hl for 2 weeks and when the game is out, you'll really see the change.

Or play PacMan.

Or Halo2 , i hear thats released on the 9th. (wit alert)
KurtCobain said:
If thew game is disapointing to anyone , it is because they hyped it up too much

For example if i cant read every single f'in word on stray news papers lying around city 17 , im gonna go shIt bricks coz the game will be crap.

Well mayb i havent hyped it up that much , but you get my point .....dont you ;( ?

WHAT!? We cant read the newspapers? Your joking right?
The only reason this game will disappoint would be that everyone and their mother are hyping the game to an unreachable height. People will be expecting a rolls royce when hl2 will be merely a caddy.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Im going to be pissed if Gordon doesnt get a sex change after he gets off the train!
And if the Combine dont give me some flowers and offer to drive me to the nearest 5star hotel.

Dude, you didn't know that was already in there? It's all scripted and great! That's the plot twist that Valve talked about (and some reviwers) It happens right at the begining of the game!
Only potential thing I could see as disappointing would be overall length of the game. It has been estimated at 20 hours or so. For some reason, I felt like HL was a much longer game for me. Anyone remember what the estimated length of HL was? And no, I'm not talking about the whole HL done quick thing, I mean original estimates.

Thanks in advance.
yer i no wot u mean beazil, sum games i compleate alot quicker then the estimated time
I really hope that's not the case this time trevjim. HL felt really epic to me for that reason, but maybe I just sucked ;)
The 20 hour estimate is apparently "for experienced gamers". Which means that if you take your time and go through it slowly, it will last you longer. And since this isn't a shoot everything that moves, blast many monsters game, I plan to take my time. I believe it can be upwards to 30 hours easily.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Im going to be pissed if Gordon doesnt get a sex change after he gets off the train!
And if the Combine dont give me some flowers and offer to drive me to the nearest 5star hotel.
Bloody classic "moaners" reasons for a bad game. STUPID EXPECTATIONS!!!

Just have a look at the steam forums, god people are retarded

"Where the **** are the tanks, OMFGGGGGG. WHRES THE ROKET LAUNCER!£121!!3!1!!1ONETWO1!"

haha, if you had anticipated black&white then i understand your opinion. but we speak about hl2... hl2, okay?

Errr, no i mean, what was the last game that was highly anticipated and turned out really bad? ... No, doom3 isnt bad.
KBharvester said:
for some ppl....just about every game i highly anticipate is a let down in one way or another. why should hl2 be any different? i'm getting a bad vibe here...but its okay...

look i dont know about anyone else but this might be true with Doom 3. But HL2 for sure will never cease to be a suprise and keep you intrigued. its not AHHH MONSTER, KILL MOSNTER, AHHH MOSTER, KILL MONSTER etc. etc.
Solver said:
The 20 hour estimate is apparently "for experienced gamers". Which means that if you take your time and go through it slowly, it will last you longer. And since this isn't a shoot everything that moves, blast many monsters game, I plan to take my time. I believe it can be upwards to 30 hours easily.

And the 20-hour time was completed on Normal mode. If you're playing on Hard and you're dying more, replaying more, and being more cautious in general, the game is going to give you at least 5-10 more hours. I always, always find games more rewarding on Hard. Deus Ex and Doom 3 come to mind.

Doom 3, by the way, hasn't disappointed anyone who really knew what to expect. People who knew to expect brainless monster killing got it and were very satisfied.

And playing on Hard is a must. I hope that Hard will make enemies more intelligent and get more of them, not add extra hit points to them, I find it more enjoyable that way. But anyway, Normal is, what it says, normal - having enough FPS experience, I definitely want to do it on Hard.
some people set expectations too high....

computer noobs have a strange idea of what computers are able to do and so get pissed when they cant type thier maths homework for them and scratch thier arses...
Solver said:
Doom 3, by the way, hasn't disappointed anyone who really knew what to expect. People who knew to expect brainless monster killing got it and were very satisfied.

And playing on Hard is a must. I hope that Hard will make enemies more intelligent and get more of them, not add extra hit points to them, I find it more enjoyable that way. But anyway, Normal is, what it says, normal - having enough FPS experience, I definitely want to do it on Hard.

first of all doom 3 was retarded. the only scare was the monster jumping out at you. 50 times in a row milkman12 says 30,000,000 times. it just got old after a while
KBharvester said:
for some ppl....just about every game i highly anticipate is a let down in one way or another. why should hl2 be any different? i'm getting a bad vibe here...but its okay...

your mom said the same thing about you.