hl2 will be a disappointment...

I think the people who are getting board of the whole straight foward action "fps linear adverture" are the ones who are going to be disapointed. So many games have come out that have taken advantage of more freedom/rpg type eliments in games latley and have been brillant, (you can take the game as slow as you want, you can backtrack, you take the choice to move into the next part of the story, traps, gadgets etc).

I admit, i am a KOTOR fanboy, i have never played a game in my life that has been more enjoyable than KOTOR...it was rpg, but not TOO rpg. If more fps games incorperated more freedom and customisation eliments, i would be a happier man.

The original Deus ex is a fine example of what im talking about...im still very dissapointed that someone has not followed Dues ex's lead, and incorperated its eliments into a next-gen graphical engine (i hated invisable war).
Solver said:
Doom 3, by the way, hasn't disappointed anyone who really knew what to expect. People who knew to expect brainless monster killing got it and were very satisfied.

And playing on Hard is a must. I hope that Hard will make enemies more intelligent and get more of them, not add extra hit points to them, I find it more enjoyable that way. But anyway, Normal is, what it says, normal - having enough FPS experience, I definitely want to do it on Hard.

just because you have "expectations" and those "expectations" are met doesn't mean that it was a fun game. the bottom line is that doom3 was linear and repetative, previous opinions and expectations or not. what you thought before doesn't make a game suck any less.
Halo 2 will be disappointing to some.
As will Killzone, STALKER, FEAR, etc.


It is another unwritten law.
Solver said:
Doom 3, by the way, hasn't disappointed anyone who really knew what to expect. People who knew to expect brainless monster killing got it and were very satisfied.

And playing on Hard is a must. I hope that Hard will make enemies more intelligent and get more of them, not add extra hit points to them, I find it more enjoyable that way. But anyway, Normal is, what it says, normal - having enough FPS experience, I definitely want to do it on Hard.

Unfortunately, id never openly said about brainless monster killing. We were always under the impression of smart monsters, that would jump in in and out of vents giving you a tough and scary chase (like in the scripted sequences). Being a hardcore id fanboy, I was very shocked at how they weren't able to throw away the "engine dev" image, when normally they have shown that they are very creative, otherwise. All that "professional story by sci fi author" was bull.

It was like this:

100% for D3, 2 minutes into the game.

"OMG OMG, like teh gfx!!11"

90% for D3, 15 minutes later.

"OMG teh atmosphere, slightly HL-ish, but kickass"

80% for D3 in 2 hours.

"Nice scares, but too much like HL and system shock"

50% for D3, when alpha/delta lab repetition

"Gawd this game suks!"

62% for D3, in hell

"slight change of pace, but it still sucks..."

40% for D3, ending.

"WTF?!!, you call that an ending?"

On an average, with fanboy points included, I gave it a 84%.
lans said:
Unfortunately, id never openly said about brainless monster killing. We were always under the impression of smart monsters, that would jump in in and out of vents giving you a tough and scary chase (like in the scripted sequences). Being a hardcore id fanboy, I was very shocked at how they weren't able to throw away the "engine dev" image, when normally they have shown that they are very creative, otherwise. All that "professional story by sci fi author" was bull.

It was like this:

100% for D3, 2 minutes into the game.

"OMG OMG, like teh gfx!!11"

90% for D3, 15 minutes later.

"OMG teh atmosphere, slightly HL-ish, but kickass"

80% for D3 in 2 hours.

"Nice scares, but too much like HL and system shock"

50% for D3, when alpha/delta lab repetition

"Gawd this game suks!"

62% for D3, in hell

"slight change of pace, but it still sucks..."

40% for D3, ending.

"WTF?!!, you call that an ending?"

On an average, with fanboy points included, I gave it a 84%.

thats perfect you totally put my point into a percentage lol
Doom 3 wasn't a disappointment for me, In the PC Gameplay preview I've read the developers said that graphics were the most important to make a scary game, so that's the thing they there are going to put the most effort on. They also said AI was just as good as in the original Doom, multiplayer only supports a few players and that singleplayer was very short. So at the beginning I didn't really want to buy it. I thought it was more of a benchmark utility than a game, but after playing it at someone else I found out it was a great experience, despite the AI and, cheap scaring tricks and repetive leveldesign. So it was more than I expected = no disappointment.

Another game, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 has dissapointed me. Imo they really rushed the release too much. It has bugs, none of the 4 cameracontrol modes that you can chose from really fits me (the Ground Control 2 advanced cameramode is still the best one I've ever seen in a 3D rts), the interface style from RCT1 and 2 is much better, some indispensable features from RCT1 and 2 are missing in RCT3 like a list that sorts the thought of your guests so you know 86 guests need too pee for example. If they kept the style of RCT2 with it's interface and only added the 3D engine with good controls it would be another classic game imo (that's why I'm glad Valve tried to keep the HL1 atmosphere by using the same sounds and controls for HL2).

But the most disappointing game for me and for a lot other people until now is still Söldner, damn that game (or should I say bèta) contains more bugs than a beehive! :p

But I'm sure HL2 won't disappoint me or I'll eat my hat :p (only if I'm disappointed, I'm not talking about other people)
Reviews don't mean much. Most of them are not very credible anyway

What was the average score of reviews for Doom 3 when it was released? Something like 90-95%? Yeah, and it turned out that the game sucked balls.

I think HL2 will be a major improvement over Doom 3, but not nearly as good as it is being hyped. I knew Doom 3 was going to suck because i could see it with my own eyes. The preview trailers were totally unimpressive.

HL2 would have been much more impressive if it was released last year. But since that time, HL2 has been matched or surpassed by so many other games that have come out. HL2 already seems to be getting stale. It's not nearly as exciting as it once was.
Doom3 remains a matter of preference either way. Many people think the game sucks, many people love it. And for the record Doom3 reviews weren't as good as HL2 reviews.

I also don't really think the two games compare. Yes, they're both shooters and both got great graphics, that's just about the end of comparison. HL2 is an intellectual FPS with some puzzles, story-driven, where not every bit of the game is shooting action. The emphasis is on telling the story, making believable characters and having an interactive world where, for instance, physics aren't eye candy, but act as in real life and are hence important. Doom3 is a mindless FPS with only the classical 1993 Doom puzzles (find the key to open the door), which weren't really puzzles per se, as you only had one way to go and would grab the key anyway, and in Doom3 generally, not a minute goes without a fight. The emphasis is on showing off the graphics engine and on providing a game with a scary atmopshere and tons of brainless kills. Story is very simple, virtually no NPC interaction.

That means that Doom3 and HL2 are different games, in different genres, though they both are FPS. So, gameplay-wise, they don't reall compare.
imho it doesnt matter weather hl2 is a good game or not. dont get me wrong i think its going to be the greatest fps yet to be concieved. (im saying fps not game because you cant really compare an rpg to an fps)

The reason it dosnt matter if hl2 is good or not is because it paves the way for greater games in the future. Has anyone seen the demonstration of the engine for unreal 3? Its simply amazing and it has "source" to thank for it

just thought i throw out my opinion
for (int i = 0; i < oo; i++) {
if (HL[i+1] > HL) {
} else {
I think we can all agree, people are getting bored of linear fps shooters, the use of physics will give the genre a temporary boost in playability, then they begin to suffocate and eventually die.

I still believe character/weapon customisations (inventory, upgrades etc), non-linear storylines, freedom of choice, multiple objectives is where the future of video games is at. Save the linear objectives for multiplayer modes.