HL2-Will It Revolutionise YOUR Life

seinfeldrules said:
One word: No. Its just a game.

what are you on about "No. Its just a game" isn't one word ... go back to school
I need to releive myself of some jobies. Does that count?
alehm said:
I need to releive myself of some jobies. Does that count?

no idea what your on about ... but im guessing thats only because of my lack of sleep.
Corupter said:
no idea what your on about ... but im guessing thats only because of my lack of sleep.

You know.. jobies! You ever used a public toilet and there was already a jobie in there and you keep flushing it so no one will think it was yours and people and are pounding on the door for you to get out and finally you give up and look at the next guy in line and say "Thats not my jobie!"
alehm said:
You know.. jobies! You ever used a public toilet and there was already a jobie in there and you keep flushing it so no one will think it was yours and people and are pounding on the door for you to get out and finally you give up and look at the next guy in line and say "Thats not my jobie!"

Haha sorry made me laugh right i get you know :cheers:
GaRpY is the worlds number 1 hdlm and ag player.

And he's British.
Morithacus said:
GaRpY is the worlds number 1 hdlm and ag player.

And he's British.

wow pretty impressive im glad hes British :bounce:
if you want something to revolutionarise your life; try love
It'll probably double my daily min amount of comp hours.

It'll probably make me raise the bar on quality.

But no "Revolutions".
Sprafa said:
It'll probably double my daily min amount of comp hours.

It'll probably make me raise the bar on quality.

But no "Revolutions".

Fair enough :cheese:

P.S. Ive only been here 4 days and im a bullsquid wOOt !
Corupter said:
Good on you.

Why thank you.

It will be hard trying to be the ebst against all the millions, and millions of noobs, but if my heart and mind are in the right place I will surpase you all :D
Corupter said:
Fair enough :cheese:

P.S. Ive only been here 4 days and im a bullsquid wOOt !

No wonder with your spamming, mate :D

I don't think it'll really revolutionize my life (to avoid the nerdbashers around here ) , but it sure will be a milestone and added to my list of the best games ever.

I will probably draw lots and lots of HL2 fan fiction, if it's a movie or a game I like I usually do something like that.. :cheers:
it'll revolutionise mine because i'll finally be able to get a new computer thus selling my old one to little timmy down the road and being able to afford the increased insurance on my car!!!

What tangled webs we weave..