HL2 World gets release candidate date from Gabe

Mr-Fusion said:
Well it'll probably get banned in Australia lol.

Those bastards banned GTA. It had to get changed so you couldn't have sex with hookers, kill them then take their money. I mean, honestly, what's wrong with that?

An M rating 15+ is the highest rating a video game can be given in australia, there have been a couple of occasions where they have deemed a game too violent or whatever that it was not suitable for a 15+ rating but since there is nothing higher they just banned it :(

Im not entirely sure about american ratings but based on the binks im guestimating an m15+ in australia. Not that it matters there will always be stores around that sell to the younger audience.
there SHOULD be a 16+ limit to hl2...and on doom3. but its like the cinema...they rate something like LOTR PG because they want all the money they can get, and couldnt give a **** about the violence levels. imagine a 13 year old playing doom3 and thinking 'hey that was cool, i wanna try it'. arent little brats like that enough trouble as it is??? and dont even get me started on kids playing CS...!!!!!!!!

ffs rating systems in any country are quite frankly: ****ing ****

i say DOOM3: 16+ (tho 'mature' sounds better)
HALF LIFE 2 : 16+
Well good for HL2world if they got the details before everyone else. Share and Share alike as people say.
Well im not 13 but not everyone that plays games like Doom3 think thats its cool to actually try that, we have more sense then that, but i do agree that they do it for the money
I hate to say this, HL2World, but the quality of your news posts made my brain bleed.
*Crosses fingers TIGHTLY*

If HL2 still has to go through more bug-scanning, I'll forget about HL2 because of Doom 3 :(. I don't want that to happen.
well with the new release date of august 13th (lmaorofl! yeah right!), doom3 may be in our hard drives very soon. i dont care what its like, as half life is the...new master, whereas doom is the old and crippled. you cant teach an old dog new tricks, so hl2 will blow doom3 against the beautifully reflective wall, wipe up the mess and then stand even taller in its place :)

just one thing bugs me...if half life2 is gonna be the 'best game ever seen on the pc', will games in development for future releases be any better??? and what if hl2 isnt what we all hope it to be???

anyway, that hl2 release date sure as hell cant come soon enough for us all...
Chris_D said:
It won't be going gold that quickly.

It will be "release worthy" in 16 days, so they'll send a "release candidate" to Vivendi.

Vivendi will extensively play test it too. They will definitely find bugs and report them to Valve. Valve fixes them and sends another release candidate. It's tested again. Basically the process is repeated until Vivendi are happy that they have the final product.

So we're looking at:

16 days until RC
Vivendi RC testing for 2-3 weeks
Gold - 2-3 weeks
Release - mid september, early october.

I doubt Vivendi will thoroughly play test it. If they are like most other publishers, they will be too eager to get it out the door.
Settle down you punk azz Internet HOOLIGANS. Why do yah gotta freak out every time somthing new happens. IT's the internet; take everything at face value. SHHHSSShhhhh do I have to put a blanket over your cage ?
We'd all want a piece of Gabe. On the risk of being flamed, we could all still get a piece each of him, plenty to go around.
if valve doesnt release this year...then i, and the rest of the world, will hunt gabe down, cut off his legs, set his house on fire and laugh as he tries to drag his bloody stumps out of the flames....:) not really.

i would b ****ing pissed off tho (all this money for mobo, ram and gcard) if they didnt.
Pureball said:
well with the new release date of august 13th (lmaorofl! yeah right!), doom3 may be in our hard drives very soon. i dont care what its like, as half life is the...new master, whereas doom is the old and crippled. you cant teach an old dog new tricks, so hl2 will blow doom3 against the beautifully reflective wall, wipe up the mess and then stand even taller in its place :)

just one thing bugs me...if half life2 is gonna be the 'best game ever seen on the pc', will games in development for future releases be any better??? and what if hl2 isnt what we all hope it to be???

anyway, that hl2 release date sure as hell cant come soon enough for us all...

Doom is old and crippled? Crippled how?...the game is going to be phenomenal.....it looks solid and is going to kick your PC in the a@@, you owe them a debt of gratitude as HL1 was built on id's engine...ahhh, why bother...done
KagePrototype said:
That's not a release date. They just mean to say they'll be RC-ready hopefully within 16 days.
he didnt say it was a release date
Doom looks Good and all, but I dont think it will be as good as Half-Life 2..(physics, in-depth storyline, intelligent AI). Don't get me wrong, Doom 3 looks awesome but its more run and gun oriented....and more scary :eek:
wtf, those doom fps are loowww unless u spend loads on a new pc. "2GB of DDR400 Ram " "comparable to systems that many of you own today" wtf, i doubt many ppl have 2GB of DDR400 Ram
I also notice on that benchmark page, on the first page they said they played it with a 1,5 ghz p4 and a g4 mx440 card and it ran just fine
mutt said:
wtf, those doom fps are loowww unless u spend loads on a new pc. "2GB of DDR400 Ram " "comparable to systems that many of you own today" wtf, i doubt many ppl have 2GB of DDR400 Ram

You'll be surprised to know that both D3 and HL2 have almost identical system requirements.
you should be..if an mx440 can run doom3 surprisingly well, then dont worry...itll look like a dogs breakfast but still.

and **** you a-train you console moron. pc is the master gaming platform, and hl1 wasnt built on id's engine noob.
ill give u the fact that it will be phenomonal, but hl2 will be MUCH bigger. are there as many adverts for doom3 than hl2?? enough said.
Yeah, the ram thing in the article: 2gb is to eliminate loading times from their test scores. They want to test the vid card and cpu, not the harddrive.
hl2 world owns. They have a good sense of humor and gabe likes them more cuz of that.
Its true, Gabe has posted in our forums. do some trolling and you'll see.

I tell ya, if you havn't visited yet... you're missing out.