HL2Central says CS:S leaked!

Nah, it can't possibly be true.

If a person can't wait just like one more month for CS:S (unless he has CZ, one week in that matter) and has to leak it, then hes a moron (like the HL2 anonymous leakers)...
Well, I was just talking to this guy about CS:S on CS 1.6, and he said he's already got it. Buggy and less graphics is how he described it. I asked him, "You mean the leaked version?" "yeah"

so...it might actually be true...
gheh.. if it needs the HL² beta then I think its compiled from that leaked source thing..

I think its sad to put valve in a bad daylight by pulling shit like this
Iced_Eagle said:

I swear to god I hope that ain't true...

Cliffe if it is true, let me say for all people at HL2.net that we won't download/spread it (file SHARE) or do any such thing, and if it is true, I hope the people get caught fast!!! We are on your side, and are on yours and VALVe's and the entire team's side!

I hope this doesn't delay CS:S or HL2!!!!

BTW I haven't seen any evidence that it is true, but he says that it is, and the way he describes it sounds like it is.

srry if this was posted before.. didnt see it here, or sorry if it was proven false etc etc etc
Its probably just the hl2 ports reseeded. so yes there has been cs:s out for a long time. Screenshots of that show its really old. Maps are exactly same and what not.
acme420 said:
yeah it was leaked back in 2003. its just counterstrike ported to source with 1 map piranesi. there wasnt any other maps and there wasnt any bot support or anything so theres nothing to do with it except start a game and walk around the map and see how they changed it in source to make the angles smoother. thats it. calm down there people theres no new leak.

Problem is, Javert said he talked to the guy at HL2C, and the map he was shown screens of was NOT piranesi.
I think somones reading to much into a couple of things, When the hl2 build was leaked last year they also had a really crappy version of CS, with a handfull of directly ported maps and nothing else, only a couple of sounds were updated.

This pack was rereleased last week with some meaningless fixes or somthing, and somone at the same time released a map pack of leaked early material of Condition Zero, including different alpha versions of Piranesi and a couple of others.

Somones emailed sombody and somone else has messaged sombody else and everyones got there wires crossed.
oh well, i knew it was leaked, not that i have it, i know few people who do, who wont share it out
Lobster said:
I think somones reading to much into a couple of things, When the hl2 build was leaked last year they also had a really crappy version of CS, with a handfull of directly ported maps and nothing else, only a couple of sounds were updated.

This pack was rereleased last week with some meaningless fixes or somthing, and somone at the same time released a map pack of leaked early material of Condition Zero, including different alpha versions of Piranesi and a couple of others.

Somones emailed sombody and somone else has messaged sombody else and everyones got there wires crossed.

We've already established this isn't the EXACT same thing as what was stolen with HL2.

As for the pack being re-released with a couple meaningless fixes, yes, this I Remember.. however, what do you mean "Early material of CZ, including different alpha versions of piranesi and a couple others?" Do you mean early material of CS:S?

The only map that was released with the stolen CS:S was piranesi.. so, like I said, Javert said that wasn't the map. So, unless someone made some new recreations of official maps, then this is questionable.
Isn't this the Cs source fix pack that hl2world made?
i got a pic of it? someone sent it me as proof, if im allowed to post it? its kinda crappy in my opinion, looks like no where near completion
can you send me a pix KinGadY or anyone who has a SS of it ?
KinGadY said:
i got a pic of it? someone sent it me as proof, if im allowed to post it? its kinda crappy in my opinion, looks like no where near completion

Could you also send me a pic?
Wow. You guys really need to stop requesting screens of stolen material.. furthermore, you're pushing for this thread to get locked.
Stop the madness! Aaahhh! :)
Shuzer said:
Wow. You guys really need to stop requesting screens of stolen material.. furthermore, you're pushing for this thread to get locked.
Stop the madness! Aaahhh! :)
I know, I suck just give me the damn screen lol..........or dont :thumbs:
Shuzer said:
Wow. You guys really need to stop requesting screens of stolen material.. furthermore, you're pushing for this thread to get locked.
Stop the madness! Aaahhh! :)

OMG. That avatar scared the shit out of me... :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
ill just describe it, its very crap! lol actually, its practically made from "Paint"
iamg30hd3 said:
OMG. That avatar scared the shit out of me...

Hmmm... you haven't seen Fenric's yet. And the way this thread is going you'll see it soon lol!

Edit: Oh and by the way, I'm a 100% sure that this leak was ripped off a machine in Korea during the expo.
/me claims himself to be pertfectly innocent when it comes to illegal games but...
CB | Para said:
Hmmm... you haven't seen Fenric's yet. And the way this thread is going you'll see it soon lol!

Edit: Oh and by the way, I'm a 100% sure that this leak was ripped off a machine in Korea during the expo.

Isn't fernics the one where the cat pops up and grabs the x? haha

Nevermind :x
Ugh I thought this thread would've died :\

I doubt this is new guys. Why? It would be everywhere by now, be the latest talk in the warez community and I know that is where some of ur eyes wander off to so obviously it would be hot news...

I really want to say that if someone has proof, then show it, otherwise bleh :\

BTW I think HL2C was just pulling our legs and posting old news and such........ I knew it would happen :\

It's the same with the Doom 3 "beta" it was merely the alpha with "fixes" and some more maps. some thought it was new, some didn't blah I don't care I don't like talk of leaks :|

UnkillableDot: LoL no not fenric's :p

*edit* Heh before I posted you had the robot, after the post you have the news guy :p omg teh avatar :afro:
Iced_Eagle said:
Ugh I thought this thread would've died :\

I doubt this is new guys. Why? It would be everywhere by now, be the latest talk in the warez community and I know that is where some of ur eyes wander off to so obviously it would be hot news...

I really want to say that if someone has proof, then show it, otherwise bleh :\

BTW I think HL2C was just pulling our legs and posting old news and such........ I knew it would happen :\

It's the same with the Doom 3 "beta" it was merely the alpha with "fixes" and some more maps. some thought it was new, some didn't blah I don't care I don't like talk of leaks :|

UnkillableDot: LoL no not fenric's :p

*edit* Heh before I posted you had the robot, after the post you have the news guy :p omg teh avatar :afro:

DoH! :sniper:

Im new just trying to find a cool avatar, cut me some slack :p
We need Gabe to clear this up for us. Or at least one of the admins :D
I can clear it up.

When the stolen build was leaked out, there was a very early build of CS:Source with it. It was basically just CS - no new maps/models etc.

HL2World are releasing a "patch" for it, consisting of new maps, menus etc.

There is no new leak.
This is getting ironic :]

BUT, this was already leaked with the pre-alpha version, as said before..
OK, as long as it's nothing new i really couldn't care less..
Pi Mu Rho said:
I can clear it up.

When the stolen build was leaked out, there was a very early build of CS:Source with it. It was basically just CS - no new maps/models etc.

HL2World are releasing a "patch" for it, consisting of new maps, menus etc.

There is no new leak.

That's only been stated, what, 20 times in this thread?

Problem being, from what we've heard, the said leak wasn't that. It had more maps than one (piranesi), according to someone I was talking to, it's got de_dust, just as we've seen in the latest screens.
If this is true, where is the damn thing?

It would be all over the planet by now, surely?

Not that I would be looking for it to find out, ohhh no... noes... not all preciouss..
Shuzer said:
That's only been stated, what, 20 times in this thread?

Problem being, from what we've heard, the said leak wasn't that. It had more maps than one (piranesi), according to someone I was talking to, it's got de_dust, just as we've seen in the latest screens.

That's the thing, though. It's always "someone I talked to" and "my mate said".

There's been no screens, no files, nothing.

Someone using the stolen build would be able to recreate something very similar to the maps seen in the CS:S vids. It's not that difficult, and there are people around that do such things.
Anyhow. From what I gather, what's being reported on really is just a slightly tweaked/updated version of what was released by anon last October. As someone just showed me some of what's being talked about, and it's really exactly what we've all assumed :) nothing to see..

However, someone IS telling me there's a bigger, low profile leak.. but I highly highly doubt it.
heh, I can't see how such a thing can be "low profile" all it takes is one of the jackasses to give it to someone who won't keep it that way and its all over the internet within a few short hours of its initial distribution.
The Mullinator said:
heh, I can't see how such a thing can be "low profile" all it takes is one of the jackasses to give it to someone who won't keep it that way and its all over the internet within a few short hours of its initial distribution.

Right. I agree completely. He claims to have screens, but he wouldn't send them, saying I'd give them to people and it'd spread like wildfire..

I really don't buy it at all. Seems too fishy to me
If someone says they have something, but can't show it to you, why the hell would you ever believe them? lol .. I learned that lesson in like 2nd grade or something..
I don't believe him, lol, that's the point :)
But, on the off chance that he's telling the truth.. it wouldn't even matter, since the CS:S beta is so close.