*gg* .. ... not so lowd .. well the reason why we use Flash is that myself handles Flash very good, and we wanted to make it in c++ then i first have to learn c++ .. and that would take much more time..
@ FictiousWill: You can't port Flashgames (swf files) to DirectDraw. Cause there is no SDK/SourceCode for tge SWF Player.
nono, I wouldn't copy the code and say 'yay! a port!' I would re-code the whole thing so it acted the exact same way as it would within the flash player.
Well, the game mechanics themselves are the most important things, aren't they? You could just keep all the calculations and try to port whatever object reference system the game used, and write all the display code in DirectX, couldn't you? That's how they used to port between platforms in the 2D era.