HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Source SDK, and Source Engine updates are available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Players now play grenade throw animation and RPG fire animation
Items and weapons punted from their original spawn position now return after x time has passed (sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time, sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time)
Improved player crouch animations

Source SDK
Included support for making HL2DM maps
Included sample source HL2DM map: dm_lockdown.vmf
Added xwad, vtf2tga, and glview tools
Fixed problems running vrad on certain machines
Fixed bugs adding game configurations with long paths
Improved detection of bad game paths

Source Engine
Fixed server plugins not loading under Steam
Fixed rcon kick failing
Fixed UDP logging functions not working properly with quoted strings
Cliffe could you tell us if and when Faceposer will be released?

Thanks in advance.
Awesome, also is there an mdl decompiler in the works?
These guys deliver the news to our very own back doors even though their program would make sure we received the new content anyway!

Brilliant :D
Damn it, I was just going to go on to a server and throw the RPG away (into the window opposite) so no one could use it :(
I played it a few seconds ago... something weird happend:
I got low on health, but no medi kit nor armor would recover any health/armor :|

I will test a bit now.

EDIT 1: It's working when I'm the server, perhaps I was playing on a not updated server. Did the DS get an update or just clients?
EDIT 2: Tested it again online, I coudn't recover any health nor armor thru the packs lying around.
Nice Cliffe, you guys are hammering out the updates.

By the way, is if pronounced "Cliffy" or "Cliff"????