HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Source SDK, and Source Engine updates are available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Players now play grenade throw animation and RPG fire animation
Items and weapons punted from their original spawn position now return after x time has passed (sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time, sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time)
Improved player crouch animations

Source SDK
Included support for making HL2DM maps
Included sample source HL2DM map: dm_lockdown.vmf
Added xwad, vtf2tga, and glview tools
Fixed problems running vrad on certain machines
Fixed bugs adding game configurations with long paths
Improved detection of bad game paths

Source Engine
Fixed server plugins not loading under Steam
Fixed rcon kick failing
Fixed UDP logging functions not working properly with quoted strings
Cliffe could you tell us if and when Faceposer will be released?

Thanks in advance.
Awesome, also is there an mdl decompiler in the works?
These guys deliver the news to our very own back doors even though their program would make sure we received the new content anyway!

Brilliant :D
vtf2tga <-- Team Fortress 2 Could it be !!!! "or am I just dreaming"
Good Update valve keep it up !
xio2k3 said:
vtf2tga <-- Team Fortress 2 Could it be !!!! "or am I just dreaming"
Good Update valve keep it up !
No it doesn't mean TF2, its vtf TO tga
lol TDE :P

Very nice Cliffe, can't wait for the scene manager and face poser!
Nice, maybe when I finally have time to work on my new maps, it'll have everything I need.

Thanks alot. I'm looking forward to tomorrows update already!
I might not be the King of Patience, but do they really have to release the only tool I want last? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the update Cliffe, I appreciate the work being done.
heh, updates are good... any chance someone is working on compiling the .smd exporter for max 6/7?
Included support for making HL2DM maps

Yeah, that might be handy when you're hosting a contest based around making them :rolling:
Sweet. Another great update by valve. :)
Cypher19 said:
Yeah, that might be handy when you're hosting a contest based around making them :rolling:

You could still map for HL2DM without the update, this probably makes it a bit easier, or something.
Yay, a sample map - I like those :).

Are there any sample HL2 maps that show use of enemies?
James Isaac said:
Yay, a sample map - I like those :).

Are there any sample HL2 maps that show use of enemies?
Well they included a map to play with, and its got a lot of nodes already in it, so just stick a few enemies in and compile and see what happens.

i hop valve will release an update once a week
Good work cliffe and crew.

I'm hoping to see a CS:S update soon too :)
pgod said:
Cliffe could you tell us if and when Faceposer will be released?
You'll notice a distinct lack of warning for when these updates come out. It's better that way. ;)
Varsity said:
You'll notice a distinct lack of warning for when these updates come out. It's better that way. ;)
Yep, its fun not knowing when the next one is coming out, little surprise each time (and its keeping us mods on our toes too haha)

Steam is really coming into its own now too. If this had been the conventional way, we'd first get some post about it, the first place it was hosted on would exceed its bandwidth in minutes, then everyone running to fileplanet to try get it, end up stuck in lines waiting for three or four hours, then there would be 10 clone threads of "WTF!?!?!? how install update!!! Valve sucks!!" etc.

So yeah, this is turning out pretty cool :D
yea, im definatly in the 'steam's cool' camp :)

hl2 = best game ever - and it just got better with hl2DM, this is unbelievable, valve are so far ahead of all other game companies, they should almost be handicapped to make it fairer lol
so is it just me or is the sdk still not complete?

faceposer is the only tool i know of that should be in there

are there others that havent been released?

plus is softimage xsi gunna be integrated into steam at any point?

and what happenhed to the most popular mods being steam-able?
Cons Himself said:
so is it just me or is the sdk still not complete?

faceposer is the only tool i know of that should be in there

are there others that havent been released?

plus is softimage xsi gunna be integrated into steam at any point?

and what happenhed to the most popular mods being steam-able?
1) its not the full full SDK.. there's many resources we can't seem to access too, unless there's other reasons for it, like some things having been made with brushes or other methods.

2) something to do with the eyes is yet to come

3) I doubt XSI will be intergrated, I'm not sure Softimage would go for something like that, they like to keep in control of those things.. But its always possible.. Just better not screw up my full version or else :)

4) Most popular mods being steam-able will probably come later, there's nothing out there for Source yet, not really and certainly nothing worth adding to Steam. I imagine if Sven Coop comes to Source that will be though.
I cant find vtf2tga :(

EDIT: Nevermind, i was just impatient. :o Anyone care to tell me how i can view extracted .vtfs with it?
Cant edit last post but nevermind, having to convert them one by one, then view them with Irfanview. Works mind, just tiresome.
The Dark Elf said:
Yep, its fun not knowing when the next one is coming out, little surprise each time (and its keeping us mods on our toes too haha)
And perhaps more importantly, there's no release dates to miss. ;)
lol, that may be part of it varsity :)
but i think it also helps the bandwith, so not everyone is rushing to get the update right away, they slowly start to hear about it, or something like that
I have to agree with everything that's been said here about the progress made so far.

Seeing all the great stuff I can do so far, I can only imagine what it will be like with the tools I actually feel I will be proficient with.
Now we only need some supportes for all the latest apps... Like retail XSI and max 6/7 etc. etc.
Nostradamus said:
Now we only need some supportes for all the latest apps... Like retail XSI and max 6/7 etc. etc.
there should be better plugins made with lots of cool features the otherds don't get, available to owners of the latest version of XSI :E:E:E
I am working on compiling the code for the SMD exporter for MAYA. I will be posting that SOMEWHERE, probably on VERC.

Oh, and the updates are welcome. Have always been and continue to be a fan of Steam. Very cool concept.