

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
It actually slows down game play.

When I first saw they had removed the deaths from the scoreboard, I thought "yes!! finally people won't be afraid of rushing nonstop!" but alas, now people are scared to rush for fear of losing 2 points off their HLstatX score.

I discovered this last night when I was playing dustbowl, we were on the first round and we were having a hard time getting past the first cap point to the second one. We had already capped the first, but their D was awesome.

Anyway, I was a pyro and and some medic ubered me and I was able to clear a path through the tunnel up top that goes to the gate. Once it was open I ran to the 2nd cap point...where NOBODY was. I was able to cap it halfway just by myself because the entire time hadn't set up any D for it yet.

I kept telling my team to just rush it because all they have is a few guys wandering around on it, but no sg's or anything set up.

When I finally get back to the gate what do I see...half my team standing behind the gate afraid to go through! I rush through hoping they would follow (of course they did NOT) and there was still no sg's or any real defense setup, just a demo and soldier camping on top.

So again, I shouted at my team to just RUN and we can take them, and finally...confused I simply asked if they were afraid of hurting their HLstatX scores and one guy said, "I know I am" and another responded "yea, me too."

I was dumbfounded. I mean seriously...heaven forbid you lose 10 points off your 12,459 points in HLstats. I know it's just a game, but it's pretty frustrating when people are so scared of playing and don't actually help out they just want to hide somewhere in safety randomly spamming/shooting anybody that passes by them so they can be cool and have 100k HLstat points!
Doesn't have anything to do with hlstatsx.

The average gamer has always been afraid to die. Welcome to a decade ago.
Doesn't have anything to do with hlstatsx.

The average gamer has always been afraid to die. Welcome to a decade ago.

I don't know, I bet if the game ONLY recorded 'good' things like kills/caps/buildings destroyed a LOT more people would just be running out there trying without a care in the world.
Funny. I've never thought dying would remove points from the HLstatx ranking. Makes sense.

I don't see the point at all of HLstatx in TF2. It is a system very easy to abuse: in my case in a 32-player server I play on, Medic Assist Kills and Uberchargers gives you a lot of points. Playing as medic 3-4 hours a day during 3-4 days gave me enough points to be in the top-20 players.

It's fun to see who has the most kills with what weapon or things like that. But the general ranking is pointless.
People really care about hlstasx?

I swear they only did with steam stats.
It makes some servers crash upon starting a new round.
HLstatsX is a stupid idea if a game like TF2 has its own stats, servers should just intergrate an announcement system that tells the players when a player has beaten a 'Most points for this round than your previous best', that would help alot of players feel giddy about them selves.
I don't know, I"m sort of torn between hating and loving stats.

I mean, I like to know how well I'm doing and with what classes/weapons, but I hate it that it transforms game play to the point where people are scared to rush because they'll lose 3 points.

Maybe if HLstatX only recorded the positives...sure we'd have a lot of people with 50k points, but that could be fixed by maybe making kills worth like 0.2 points or something. It's the deaths that people are scared of, and valve did the right thing by removing them from the scoreboard. Now I just wish HlstatX would too.
Valve did the right thing, and overall I think HalflifestatsX is pointless on TF2 considering there's already a frickin stats system.

Even the official TF2 steam group has a server with this damn thing on it. It's getting too hard to find a decent server without addons! :angry:
On some servers, building a dispenser/sentry can get you 5 points.

I've seen so many people abusing the system by sitting near spawn and building/destroying dispensers for points.
On some servers, building a dispenser/sentry can get you 5 points.

I've seen so many people abusing the system by sitting near spawn and building/destroying dispensers for points.

yea it's the same with just planting a sapper. So sometimes if you can find two engineers right next to each other, without destroying anything you can get like 20+ points just constantly planting sappers and having them knock them off.