Hmm. New here what of it?


Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Im new here and this place looks cool. I look to have a cool time here and would love for you guys play along like you want a new member here. :cheese:
i actually sat here for a good 20 seconds trying to think of something to spam :(
i'm growing old
Right o....erm, Where have you been Umbra? We've been waiting our entire lives for you to show up!

Welcome to the community :)
Didn't want to make a new topic so I'm just hi-jacking Umbra's.

So... hello there, I'm new too.

Spaced > The Office btw.
welcome both of you
we hate new members
but only because they tend to disappear after three posts
so stay around and i will love you :)
how the **** do you say your name!
HOW?! and dont worry ill stay a long time!
En-you-ee (How I say it, anyways....)

on-wee is how it's actually pronounced... but no one calls me that, it's always en-ooh-ee or en-you-eye or something
You have joined the collective. You WILL be staying for a... very long time.

*pushes lock gates button*
how the **** do you say your name!
HOW?! and dont worry ill stay a long time!

Or On-wee if you want to be picky, or Mr Frodo...but then we get into troubled water.
I welcome you to our forums. Now go over there and get me a coke! NOW!
Check out this Noir image of him, the face hasn't been changed at all. Perhaps now you'll understand. I'm really sorry Chris, he asked :(
Here have some toast with grape jam. *chops off his hand with an axe*
My my, it seems that it's going to rain today! Better bring a sweatshirt! *he pukes up Monopoly*
And how do you suggest we pronounce YOUR name, OOMBRAH? D: