HMmm Iraq sucked and i have a little boy. :)

thenerdguy said:
Sorry Guys,
Ive been in Iraq working for a sec company thats been hiring train conductors to train the Iraqi's to take over. (Sorry no internet for surfing)
My son Dominic was born last month on the 28th. :) Amy is doing great and my boy is awsome!!! HE weighted in and 8Lbs and 12 ounces.

I just got back today and ill post more later. (And a few months of back issues of THENERDNEWS)

omfg welcome back, been missing your damn news. You win the prize of bhc's most missed poster :o
thenerdguy said:
Man that sucks! I really missed him. :(
we also lost TDE. He comes around once a few months, but he once again disappears.