


Well I bought HL2 for 60 bucks (pretty expensive for a game) a few weeks ago and you know what? I STILL can't get passed the half-way point in the first level without my comp crashing. It happens at different points in the game everytime. Sometimes it'll crash in the main menu, sometimes half-way through the first level. When it crashes, sometimes it gives me a "couldn't read memory" error or whatever that is... and sometimes it doesn't give me anything; it'll just kick me back to my desktop after the sound loops a few times and that's it. I'm sure there is probably some sort of hardware conflict or something but it's pretty weird cause it really doesn't do it with any other programs. I tried completely deleting my HD and reinstalling windows... I have an AMD 64 3000+, ATI 9600 256mb, 512mb ram... My system certainly isn't the best you can buy but it's decent enough that i should be able to get through the first level, right? I mean if everything is brand new installed and latest drivers, etc... why the hell does it keep crashing? I don't think it's a problem with my comp. I know others are having a lot of problems with their game but is anyone's this bad? I honestly just want my money back... but i highly doubt they'll give it to me since it's open. WTF do i do now?
try getting a program to test your RAM. You may have some bad registers. Your swap file may be too small or ran out of drive space.
Also, a tip, I had repartitioned my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP pro, but made a partition (2X the size of my RAM) just for my swap file that way it would never be fragmented or damaged. I did this after creating my system partition. After setting up Windows I moved the Swap file to this partition.
Fixed it. It was RAM related. I remembered that a long time ago on one of the original Need For Speed games my comp would do the same thing and the problem ended up being that the RAM wasn't inserted into it's slot fully. So I opened up my comp and switched the stick into a different slot and it works! If anyone has the same problems I was having give that a try. It's easy and who knows, maybe it'll work. Thanks mjrhzrd.