Hold on. Tom Cruise you ****ing retarded idiot.

YOu won't be calling him an idiot when the aliens really do invade.
Or when nukes start going off and he uses it as a fall out shelter. If i was rich id have shit all over my house. tap this book and a SAW pops out of the wall.. stuff like that. hidden rooms, cameras.. wish i was rich lol. people look at you like wtf, but if something happens they arent laghing at you then.

one of my fav quotes.

They laugh at my because im different, I laugh at them because they are all the same.

Dont know who says it, found it and fell in love.

a we bit off topic but oh well
goths, who ended up essentially being a subculture (ALL THE SAME)
War of the Worlds really fu**ed up his mind, or it was scientology?

I'd love to see the process of how these people make this shit up... documentary on tabloids?! MY IDEA!
Well if the combine suddenly attacked, I ponder if they would find him or not.
If I was rich I would build the ****ing sickest house there was on the planet. It would be more secure than USA IT SELF! from aliens, tripods, terrorist or combine!
To quote Will Smith;

"I dont think they flew 100 billion light years just to start some shit"
goths, who ended up essentially being a subculture (ALL THE SAME)

They didn't essentially become a sub-culture, they became a culture completely. But just like any other major culture it kinda began as a more rebellious / frowned upon thing.

And with my incredible circle logic eventually Xenu and Scientology will become the norm, and your children and their children will accept it, thus it will become true. I should hope you all have shelters to hide from alien invaders - and tinfoil hats!
Gothic kids are almost always beautifully good at being massive hypocrites.
Gothic kids are almost always beautifully good at being massive hypocrites.

As are the vast majority of people who tend to include themselves under the label "counter-culture". Singling out Goth kids is a bit discriminate.

New age hippie culture for one, REALLY irritates me. Much more so than goth culture.
Hippies don't usually make a huge point out of being different, they just are.
Tom Cruise in the future:

A new report in Star Magazine says that Tom Cruise is going to build a $10 million bunker under his home in Telluride in order to protect his family from an intergalactic alien attack.

But what if they cause a flood?
Then escape to the 5 million $ treehouse of all greatness.
Telluride = more than a mile above sea level...dont think he'll have a problem...

I believe the Tom Cruise thing; it's not too far-fetched.

If I was rich I'd have a bunker too.

I'd have a bunker too... but it wouldn't be for some ****ing ridiculous reason.
I think having a bunker makes you more of a target. If the enemy figures out you have a bunker there, they'll think "there must be something important there... nuke it!"
I think having a bunker makes you more of a target. If the enemy figures out you have a bunker there, they'll think "there must be something important there... nuke it!"

I'd develop a migrating bunker. Equipped with some of these for travel in any direction.

I'd like to be on Air Force One. Then figure out where the threat was from then proceed accordingly.

It's kind of an airbourne bunker.
I would like to live on some high tech island in the middle of the Pacfic with lots and lots of defences.
I would like to live on some high tech island in the middle of the Pacfic with lots and lots of defences.

No one would object about nuking a small island. It'd take at least a day for the fallout to reach the mainland!
Exactly, no nukes coming my way, but when i'm the last man standing, I can still fight them off! haha

edit: I kept looking at that picture wondering why it looked so small and clean, and just realized it was a model of one. LOL I saw a show on them before, they are pretty damn amazing!
does anyone else think that this would make an AWESOME "punk'd" episode ?

Freaking out the Scientologists by having thousands of people dress up in realistic alien costumes and pretend to invade?
Freaking out the Scientologists by having thousands of people dress up in realistic alien costumes and pretend to invade?

yup , either Tom Cruise or John Travolta although i think punking Tom Cruise would be 10x funnier.
Tom Cruise must have like an arsenal of closets in his house. A new one each day.
I'd build one of the Vaults from Fallout. Preferably one that's not all f*cked up.