Holy Crap New Enemy Discovered!!!

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ya the combines job is to keep City 17 sparkly clean and full of DX9 effects!!!!!
Okay... The revelation that this was a non-serious thread without any actual new enemy in it kinda pissed me off...

Then I saw the picture...

My god! Flyingdebris is right! I see him too!!


  • scrubitsoldier.jpg
    46.2 KB · Views: 349
haha that made me crack up.. you looked like the big foot or something w/that "Oh SHIT, the spotted me!" look
Is he spraying acid or something ? :O some new alien gun ?
graphics are like real :/
tooo bad it aint HL2 :D
someone should post a screen of that fat man from fear that looks like gabe.
Now this is one topic that's worth my time. Nice pics, all of them. Brings a smile on my face. :)
i vasnt cstop laithing it cant fucckg type or anything roflmao
Cool, thanks, I'll try making something cool out of it! :D
LOL cleaning the city17 houses to get ready for the release!!!
CrazyHarij said:
What do you think of this, huh? :D

LOL CrazyHarij! :LOL:
thats pretty darn good :)

btw, i hope the HL2.net staff add FlyingDebris' pic plus those Ghetto Fab pics to the fan art section.. these creations deserve to be there :thumbs:
yeah! I hereby officially apply my photoshopped thing with flyingdebris on it to be added to fanart section (if it's ok with flyingdebris of course.)
Very scary... .. please leave on the nightlight...

btw: Signs rocked.
thats very funny!
I will try to do something like that
Man he's got some good control on that hose. I'm gonna get the combine to wash my car
Way to put that combine suit that you made a while back to use good use! Awesome man. That is the first post that I have seen in these forums that actually made me laugh out loud. Brilliant, you must have been out of time to come up with something like that. The way that the "soldier" is looking at the camera like "OMG HE SEES ME!" is ****in hilarious. Nice Post.
For maximum effect, i'm going to suggest you rename the image something cooler sounding first. That way they don't have any hints until after the image is loaded...

And on that note: and my 200th post *woohoo* I will retire for the night. ... which I should have done around 9pm when I got home. *it's 3:30 am now*
LOL; that suit is excellent... you should put the one with the zombie into action to and have them confront eachother in a pic :D

You kinda have an "Oh shit, I'm wetting myself"-look tho :p

>>> Someones addicted
haha, you think so? A lot of other people have much higher posts per day than me.

They prabably don't work full-time...
Oh man that picture is bloody scary. Can't stand looking at it :) Reminds me of some strange leather fetichism (sp?) & the Matrix for some reason :E
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