Holy Crap!..

Yeah, what a bargain! Why not buy a nice car or something?
hmmm, cool shame about the bars in the middle of the screens would annoy me....
(says the person working with one monitor on the desk and the other attached to the wall on other side of room :o )

hmmm, need to buy one...

/me checks wallet...

damn, i'm $20,000 dollars out...:P
*Newton pulls out a dollar and gives it to Stone.........

You're well on your way to getting it now Stone.
That multi-monitor display is cool, but I'd rather use that money for a Ducati :)
"I predict the computers of the future will be twice as big and only the four richest kings will be able to afford them."

Yeh. I think that Simpsons quote will do just fine.

I rather use that money to buy a new car.
You can get a dead decent LCD projector for about $1000, and just project it onto a curved panorama screen. (I know, not the same).

I agree, those bars in the middle of the screens would bug the crap out of me (but not nearly as much as crying about the $20,000 I spent).
For that kind of money I would rather just buy one of those huge plasma tv/monitors
It was a cool screen but maybe a little bit to expensive.
I wonder what the wallpaper size would be maybe 3072x768 :E