Holy Crap!!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Those guys on hl2fallout are way ahead!

dunno if this been posted:

The board members of HL2.net are at it again, trying to see if Valve revealed any other information on that whiteboard picture from the other night.

If you may recall, Valve wrote some things that led us to a website with the G-Man's picture that when you viewed the Source code revealed a bird and Gordon in ASCII text.

Well one of the guys over at HL2.net spent some time looking at the password for the secret site: 437N452 and he came to the conclusion that it looked an awfully lot like a latitude/longitude grid reference.

Taking some of what Valve has told us about City 17 being located in Eastern Europe, he did some figuring and went to:


And plugged in: 43 degrees 7 minutes 0 seconds North and 45 degrees 2 minutes 0 seconds East...and came up with a location western Russia near the Caspian Sea! That pretty much fixes the location of the game's City 17.

Schnitzeljagd, baby! :bounce:
Heh if its a coincidence then its an interesting one :)

BTW C17 is right next to a coast and there are no mountains around it...
we would have gotten that if Munro hadn't closed the thread, grr.
/me signs up for HL2Fallout :p
Wow! Together, no one can stop us.
Where'd they find these coordinates, anyway?

EDIT: Oh, it was the password.
This about the time that half the people here hit their foreheads for not seeing that the password does look like a lat/long cooridinate.


But just remember guys, the person who figured that out spent hours, nay DAYS, staring at the password to figure that out. He has no life, we do. Cheer up!
blahblahblah said:
How are they ahead? I remember reading about that theory last night.
Exactly, they even said that we did it themselves:

"Well one of the guys over at HL2.net spent some time looking at the password for the secret site: 437N452 and he came to the conclusion that it looked an awfully lot like a latitude/longitude grid reference."

Go us!
crushenator 500 said:
oh, my, god !!!

who was it that found that, anyway. it says its one of us :O

yea, who did find out about it,.......i bet it was merc
Hey guys I'm at 47° 31' 60N and 21° 37' 60E. Can you find me? :cheers:
That's ok then. The way the original poster worded his post it sounded like they beat us to it!
Now that's interesting, even if it is some sort of strange coincidence...
good work, i wonder what's in store for us next. BTW sorry for the abnoxious posts i made last night....wasn't all there.
Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but you should check the map before getting all worked up for nothing. The coordinates point straight to Chechnya, hardly a "Eastern European" place. The only parallel I can draw with HL2 is the "resistance movement" that continues there to this day.
Ok...yes the coordinates do point towards what's left of Chechnya.

BUT...after years of Soviet/Russian rule, the architecture of Chechnya (what's still standing in Grozny for example) pretty much reflects those Eastern European influences as opposed to the Turkic influences of let's say Azerbaijan.

Besides, you must remember that HL2 takes place some years in the future after some event has radically altered the face of the Earth - the United States probably doesn't even exist anymore. These "cities" were established as havens for the remaining human population that would consist of many different ethnic/national groups irrespective of the the locaton of the cities themselves. By this time, the Chechen insurgency has probably been crushed.

I'm just basing this off of what Valve revealed so far - that City 17 is located somewhere in Eastern Europe
Dude that would be so cool that if in HL2 we found out that only a few countries exsist that the government made up/created and U.S. is completely gone from the planet, from aliens...bomb....it just sunk or something.
Ok, I guess it's time to run all the text we see on hotels, crates etc in binks through the "search for business" feature on that page ;)
This is awesome-O beep beep


  • Chechnya.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 375
Element Alpha said:
This is awesome-O beep beep

Is that a picture from Chechnya or the city of Grozny? If so, it does bear a resemblence to City 17.
clarky, no stolen build talk. You can't say more, but you already said it all. :|
I only suggested the info,, I was stoom. :eek:

sorry I was trying to stir it up,, I admit..

*goes and hides*
I played the leak, and I have no idea what you are talking about. :| Thanks for that.
clarky003 said:
I only suggested the build. no info,, I was stoom. :eek:

sorry I was trying to stir it up,, I admit..

*goes and hides*

Aside from telling exactly where to find that said information, you said it all.
ok, so ... yeh . right.. oh k. umm, no more to say really, my apologies.... so half life 2's out end of August you say :angel: