Holy Crap!!

Either way, your edit sucks. It's still clear that you got the information from the stolen build

/me waits for mods to do their stuff
Well i don't know what is in the leak so my theory of what City-17 is could be totally wrong.

However I posted this up a few times in the past, it is my theory on what City-17 is, and the given location doesn't seem to contradict it.

Its a very interesting read. Maybe HL2 takes place in City-17 because the Russians or whoever the Combine is may have been experimenting with technology related to the Black Mesa incident at that location?
why would the story all the sudden change continents. first hl was placed like in the mojave desert, or in the deserts of mexico. i doubt the hl2 fallout is correct..
wbcheater said:
why would the story all the sudden change continents. first hl was placed like in the mojave desert, or in the deserts of mexico. i doubt the hl2 fallout is correct..

It's already been confirmed that HL2 takes place in an Eastern European setting, IIRC

Besides, it's been 10 years since HL, and you have no idea where you are or what happened
Yes, Gabe has already told us that it's an Eastern European setting.
wbcheater said:
why would the story all the sudden change continents. first hl was placed like in the mojave desert, or in the deserts of mexico. i doubt the hl2 fallout is correct..
What? Seriously... What?
Freeman went to a f*cking alien planet for Christ's sake... I think a shift in continents is more than reasonable.
first hl was placed like in the mojave desert, or in the deserts of mexico.

HL1 took place in Black Mesa, New mexico (black mesa is an actual place in New Mexico)
Hmm... I can't seem to remember wich forum member it was, but he posted an image from his nation capitol city wich is almost completly identical to this image: http://www.halflife2.net/image_files/screenshots/08.jpg

If you happen to see this post, would you please put the image up again?

Ah; Romania, Bucharest! Thats where City 17 stems from, i knew i had seen it somewhere before...
Half-Life 2 has actually made me want to visit Eastern Europe. I hope they thank VALVe for the increase in tourism VALVe are providing.
Shuzer said:
Either way, your edit sucks. It's still clear that you got the information from the stolen build

/me waits for mods to do their stuff

hey, your trying to get me in trouble,, thats not nice Shuzer. Fenric was really ok with me 'theorising' on it in a thread ages ago. i changed it enough , so it was more of a theorectical response.

But I appologised ages ago, I think your being a bit harsh on me. I didnt even give any info out. I just mentioned the word. no spoilers. jeesh,,

*notes.. cant even mention the word 'leak' anymore on HL2.net,*
oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

if you take the letters in the word gabe and convert it to numerals you get 7125 and if you look on www.stupidshit.com and search for 7125 you get the phrase "welcome to my armpit sailor john" and if you inpu that phrase into google you get a site that links to the doom3 website.....

Omfg@!ZZZZX doom3 and halflife2 are th sem gam!@!!@!!!EWAEQ!!!!!1

clarky003 said:
hey, your trying to get me in trouble,, thats not nice Shuzer. Fenric was really ok with me 'theorising' on it in a thread ages ago. i changed it enough , so it was more of a theorectical response.

But I appologised ages ago, I think your being a bit harsh on me. I didnt even give any info out. I just mentioned the word. no spoilers. jeesh,,

*notes.. cant even mention the word 'leak' anymore on HL2.net,*

lol, my intent wasn't to get you in trouble, just to try and get the situation rectified. Personally, I already knew what you posted, but I don't want poor innocent people to see what they don't want to see

I wasn't trying to be harsh, sorry :)
its ok,, :) I understand.. I can be a bit too direct sometimes.. my bad.

oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

if you take the letters in the word gabe and convert it to numerals you get 7125 and if you look on www.stupidshit.com and search for 7125 you get the phrase "welcome to my armpit sailor john" and if you inpu that phrase into google you get a site that links to the doom3 website.....

Omfg@!ZZZZX doom3 and halflife2 are th sem gam!@!!@!!!EWAEQ!!!!!1


Lmao :)
acme420 said:
oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

if you take the letters in the word gabe and convert it to numerals you get 7125 and if you look on www.stupidshit.com and search for 7125 you get the phrase "welcome to my armpit sailor john" and if you inpu that phrase into google you get a site that links to the doom3 website.....

Omfg@!ZZZZX doom3 and halflife2 are th sem gam!@!!@!!!EWAEQ!!!!!1


I tried that and it didn't work :( :(
acme420 said:
oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

if you take the letters in the word gabe and convert it to numerals you get 7125 and if you look on www.stupidshit.com and search for 7125 you get the phrase "welcome to my armpit sailor john" and if you inpu that phrase into google you get a site that links to the doom3 website.....

Omfg@!ZZZZX doom3 and halflife2 are th sem gam!@!!@!!!EWAEQ!!!!!1


**sigged** :E

EDIT: heh, gabe really is 7125 in numerals. lets start calling him that, in accordance with the prophecy :D.

EDIT2: if you're reading this, then greetings #7125
lol thats class :D and xm8 i haven't seen that pic yet, would seein it either :p
tokin said:
Dude that would be so cool that if in HL2 we found out that only a few countries exsist that the government made up/created and U.S. is completely gone from the planet, from aliens...bomb....it just sunk or something.

that would be indeed cool. :)
i dont know about anyone else but i think things like that are so cool. i mean the people of valve must be pretty cool guys to be thinking up things like this. it reminds me of all those old adventure point and click games with the puzzles. its immensely satisfying as well when you crack something like that. good job to whoever it was and nice one to valve for bothering to take the time in the first place to think it up. :thumbs:
Just one question, can anyone point me to this whiteboard picture?
acme420 said:
oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

if you take the letters in the word gabe and convert it to numerals you get 7125 and if you look on www.stupidshit.com and search for 7125 you get the phrase "welcome to my armpit sailor john" and if you inpu that phrase into google you get a site that links to the doom3 website.....

Omfg@!ZZZZX doom3 and halflife2 are th sem gam!@!!@!!!EWAEQ!!!!!1


One of the most sound theories yet.
Is it on the secret website? What's the url and password again? I think I've misplaced it, and I'm a little confused about which thread I found it in yesterday.

edit - the picture I attached on the 3rd page, I just found it using google's image search
If you zoom in to the max you can see Gabe with a sign saying 'Well done on passing the second test HL2.net!'

I actually said that code was possibly a LAT/LONG reference in the #halflife2 channel on quakenet yesterday evening/night ... if anyones got logs of that channel you will be able to confirm this, and that I am indeed the first to discover this... and so HL2fallout are not in the lead at all.

Pobz said:
I actually said that code was possibly a LAT/LONG reference in the #halflife2 channel on quakenet yesterday evening/night ... if anyones got logs of that channel you will be able to confirm this, and that I am indeed the first to discover this... and so HL2fallout are not in the lead at all.


It was mentioned in the initial thread two (?) nights ago. So therefore, you weren't first :)
Sorry I am asking so many questions, I was just never around during all of this. Just what was the first 'test' you guys passed, or so to speak?