Holy f*** I'm getting married tomorrow

Congratulations, man. Best wishes and all that. :D
I'd put a Simpsons quote in here about how marriage is all that, but I'll just say congratulations. :p

And good luck, I suppose. GG.
Yeah, so one of the biatches here getting married. I am happy for you.
Congrats man! One California man to another, best of times for you and your wife.
Happy wedding dude.

Taiwan sounds like a nice place.

Your gonna get SO much sex. Congrats, man!
Pics of the honeymoon or it didn't happen.

Congrats, hope she's a babe.

EDIT: I go away for three days and Mutoid gets married? WTF?
It's a sign. It means you need to get out of here so we can get on with our lives :p
you're getting married? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...I mean congratulations!

also dont get drunk at your own wedding, you'll never hear the end of it ...just maintain a nice steady buzz just shy of slurring and you should be okay (my best man kept feeding me scotch on the rocks right before the ceremony to help calm the nerves. just dont over do it)
Grats man and +1 to don't get drunk, just tipsy.
She looks beautiful, you're a lucky man, bro

Who's the cheesy guy with the mic? ;)
Holy cats that was the best day of my life.
So hot.

And your wife looks pretty nice too.

EDIT: The guy with the mic is clearly Jon Lovitz, or the wedding singer Jimmy Moore (From The Wedding Singer):
hey congrats. but why arent you on your honeymoon? dude savor the wedding dress sex. it'll live on in your memories for years to come
As cheesy as he looks he was actually the best, funniest guy I've ever heard marry two people.

EDIT: Stern, who said I wasn't? :O
I leave this Friday
she has too much clothes ....I mean your wife is pretty congrats!!! :)
Damn dude, she's attractive! You two make a great looking couple.

Congrats again! Wedding suit makes you look 10 yrs older than casual. Also hot wife.

Just to keep your ego in line I'm going to tell you that you, your wife, and everyone involved in your wedding is horribly unnattractive.

Even though you're not
Mutoid I think I'm going to have to avoid any threads you post in from now on, I'm too intimidated by your clean-cut, boyish good looks. :(

j/k marry me you fool
ITT: a buncha 'mos all of a sudden D:
I don't take compliments well!
Seriously it's unreal right now though. Am I supposed to feel different? I was the same as before but now there's this ring on my finger. And the event that's been planned all this time has passed; it's done; there are no more vendor appointments to remember and there is no more money to spend. Guess I'm back to living my life one day at a time ... frig!