Holy God damn Gears movie Shit

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Gears of War.....



With games being a prime target of film studio execs for source material, it was only a matter of time before Epic Games' Xbox 360 hit Gears of War began its walk down the road to becoming a movie.

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Variety is reporting today that New Line Cinema has acquired the movie rights to Gears of War. Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey will produce the film, which is being written by Stuart Beattie (Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Collateral). No more details of the movie have been released, including crew and release date.

Gears of War, published by Microsoft Game Studios, has won several Game of the Year awards since its release last November. As of mid-January, the game had sold more than 3 million units worldwide.

The next task for the film is to actually get made. Several high-profile movies based on games are still in limbo but slowly moving forward, with Sony working on bringing Metal Gear Solid to the big screen, Jerry Bruckheimer bringing his brand of action to Prince of Persia, and Warner Bros. affiliate Legendary Pictures working on a World of Warcraft movie. Others, such as the big-budget endeavor to bring Halo to the cineplex, have stalled completely.

Microsoft was unavailable for comment as of press time.

There is no way this will go through. No way.

How do you make a movie out of a game that is basically just blood and guts being splattered onto the screen?
Almost worked for Doom 3....worked for Resident Evil...

Dont know about this one, though...the game is just too new...

Id prefer a movie based on Lost Planet...
How do you make a movie out of a game that is basically just blood and guts being splattered onto the screen?

That's exactly why - as opposed to most of those other adaptations mentioned - it could work.

Gears is not known for a complex plot. It's about cutting in half aliens with a ****ing chainsaw gun.
meh honestly gears of wars will become the next halo,but I hope not
eh no gears has no plot at all; it would make a horrible movie. They can still base it off the concept of gears though. i mean they don't have to do it by the game 'plot'.
Resident evil was made into a movie extremely well;cant wait for the next.
I wonder if the screenplay will be as boring and plain as the gameplay, if so, I bet every idiot in the world will go see this movie
This could be as awesome as Starship Troopers if they did it right.
aye, I actually just watched Starship Troopers a few days ago. When I first saw it when it came out I didn't really get it the way it was supposed to. Didn't realize it's basically a parody. The CGI in the movie still rocks today.
eh no gears has no plot at all; it would make a horrible movie. They can still base it off the concept of gears though. i mean they don't have to do it by the game 'plot'.
Resident evil was made into a movie extremely well;cant wait for the next.

Resident Evil was terrible as a video game movie.

Silent Hill and Mortal Kombat are the only two decent video game adaptations that I know of.
That's exactly why - as opposed to most of those other adaptations mentioned - it could work.

Gears is not known for a complex plot. It's about cutting in half aliens with a ****ing chainsaw gun.
That's true. Hell, most of the movies I watch are nothing but blood, sex and violence, and they do well.

And I agree with the Starship Troopers idea.

(Lancer ftw zezezezeze bitch!)
Theres not much to the Gears plot in the game, but theres enough fleshed out that a good writer could fill in for a movie. Marcus' background and his father, and the whole war previous to the game is all never covered and it leaves room for a writer to exercise some creativity.

That said I have to wonder if for a movie they would keep the crazy art and architecture from the game.
There actually is a sort plot to it. Humanity establishes civilization on the planet Sera. Resource called Imulsion is discovered, we begin drilling deep underground to harvest it. This pisses the Locust horde off and they decide "**** it this shit is getting old gtfo our home" so they attack all the major cities. Military evacuates cities and scorches the planet with orbital lasers to make the planet uninhabitable, but the plan fails. Then you have the other shit blah blah blah.

Maybe it could work if they at least explain some stuff. Bah hum****.
There is no way this will go through. No way.

How do you make a movie out of a game that is basically just blood and guts being splattered onto the screen?

I don't know. Pirates of the Caribbean kicked ass and that was a shitty theme park ride about ghost pirates.

It could work. But we'll see.
This could be as awesome as Starship Troopers if they did it right.
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.

I honestly don't see a good video-game movie ever coming out (with the exception of Super Mario Brothers).
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.
you shut your god damn whore face ಠ_ಠ

Also, Willie, you be wrong. It takes place where humanity has *always* lived on Sera. No spaceships, no colonizing, none of this "earth" shit, it's always been Sera.
So was this game actually good? I assumed from the ammount of advertiseing I saw (on buses and such) that it would be the biggest pile of shit ever made.
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.

I honestly don't see a good video-game movie ever coming out (with the exception of Super Mario Brothers).

FF: Spirits Within was decent.
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.

I honestly don't see a good video-game movie ever coming out (with the exception of Super Mario Brothers).

Wait, wait...

It's 6:04 AM, and I may be misunderstanding you...

Are you saying that Super Mario Brothers was a decent video game movie?
And yet you're calling Starship Troopers shit?

If that's the case, you just lost all credibility you ever had.
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.

I honestly don't see a good video-game movie ever coming out (with the exception of Super Mario Brothers).

Nothing in that post makes sense. Nothing.
It will only be awesome if John DiMaggio retains the role of Marcus. :D
Yeah, except for that fact that Starship Troopers was horrible. Hell, even the book was bad.

I honestly don't see a good video-game movie ever coming out (with the exception of Super Mario Brothers).

Then maybe you would hate a Gears of War movie no matter what, but if it's on those terms than it's not important to anyone else because most of the rest of us loved SST :p

As for the video-game movie part, are you telling me that a cinematic adaptation of the Half-Life games, done by the right people, starring Edward Nortion and Gordon Freeman, would be anything but unimagineably epic and good?
Video game movies fail because people know they come from games.

"It's a movie about some game who wants to see that?"

Lesson kiddies don't tell the public it's based on a video game.
This movie will probably get a high rating so the majority of the Gears of War fanbase won't be able to go see this movie cause they're all under 18.
How do you make a movie out of a game that is basically just blood and guts being splattered onto the screen?

Clearly you havent seen Resident Evil or Doom. Each of which are generally appauling but are cool at the same time. WHo needs a decent plot anyway??? Gears didnt REALLY have a good one, they just executed it well, and the gameplay made you not give a sh*t.

HOWEVER, there is only one person that would be able to pull the main character off....Batista....??? The resemblence is just...lol
Where exactly is it said the movie will be based on what we play in the game anyway? They could just, you know, write something different in the same universe as GOW?

Either way, I'm not fussed. I found Gears kickass in a whole manner of ways, not just for me as a person playing it. The atmosphere, the characters, the environments, the weapons, vehicles, enemies, the action... etc. Roll on, I say.
Just wait until they replace the aliens with geneticly altered humans
*broods in hate of the Doom film*
Where exactly is it said the movie will be based on what we play in the game anyway? They could just, you know, write something different in the same universe as GOW?

exactly my point. I mean the perfect example of that is the movie 'Tomb Raider'. that movie was ok.....but still it was what the character is.
Regardless of what the plot is, I understand some peoples concern for where the line will be between making this movie true to the game when the gameplay is mostly based around cover, flanking, etc and, as said, lotsa blood and guts. Sure, the names of people, the locations, the enemies and weapons will add to what makes it 'Gears of War' but not quite as much as staying true to the game, which I admit may be difficult. Otherwise it's pretty much going to be Saving Private Ryan meets any Warhammer 40K novel... or something.

I wouldn't mind seeing stuff that happens before the game. The Pendulum Wars, Emergence Day, Marcus abandoning his post, etc. Let's face, whilst we all know all this stuff happened, theres not much about it that shows what it was like. Theres that short movie showing a Corpser emerging from the ground, and a few concept/artistic drawings of Sera and shit, but I really would like to see more of it. I want to see what the Pendulum War was like, the COG military, the battle on Sera during E-Day, what Marcus does next, the retreat to that platou (sp?) fortress place... Hell, I'd like to see more that that interwined within the plot we already know of. Perhaps stuff about other soldiers, people living on Sera, the Locust even.

I can only wait and see.
Crysis could win a movie license. The only thing is Movie Execs don't usually play PC games :p
I'm getting sick of this game to movie crap....the game is much better.