Holy SH*T!


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
I just got home from a mate's house and ventured upstairs towards my room and the PC.

On my way upstairs I thought I saw something on the dark red carpet as I was towards the top, but chose to ignore it and assumed it was nothing. :hmph:

On my return to the stairs after equipping multiple cans of deodrant, I proceeded to drown my target in chemicals and give it a good old roasting. :devil: :D

Open the .3gp files (they work in Quicktime, possibly other media players) to discover what was waiting for me on my arrival home and the finished product.

http://s37.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1XCS73HRF6PGK395UL4CUI9B6B (300kb)
http://s37.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0RRK09SA7JMYN1QF0X41ALZBHL (180kb)
http://s37.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1PYHJWEEAXZ931PZTMN8FM6WVY (130kb)
I had one of those in my room the other week. It landed on top of my magazine pile so I shoved a glass on top of it. By morning it had actually chewed through about 20 pages of PC Gamer. So I picked it up useing the glass and magazine and let it fly out the window.
Christ on a bike! :x

Is that a 2p beside it?!
Reginald said:
I had one of those in my room the other week. It landed on top of my magazine pile so I shoved a glass on top of it. By morning it had actually chewed through about 20 pages of PC Gamer. So I picked it up useing the glass and magazine and let it fly out the window.

It did look like a mutant.:eek:
Cormeh said:
Christ on a bike! :x

Is that a 2p beside it?!

Yes, I thought that would be good to compare it with.

It looked like it could have eaten the 2p.
I dislike buzzy things as it is. Was it just some fat bastard wasp?

Or some other evil stingy insect?
Looked like a Locust to me. Or probley the world's biggest cockroach! :eek:
Is that only a 2p piece? Christ. If my memory serves me correctly mine was even bigger than that. It only just fit in the glass which has a diameter of .... *measures*.... 2 inches odd...

Still freakin'.... freaky. And I think it's a hornet if you are wondering.
I can't imagine trying to batter that thing with a rolled up newspaper. It'd probably kick my ass for it.
What on earth is that doing inside. I'm tempted to say a queen wasp but i thought they were even larger than that. So i'd say thats just some huge wasp which has got lost, probably from abroad perhaps? Imagine one of those stinging you in the eye! :eek:
Jesus christ, that thing is creepy.....!
I know what that is. I've had the same thing in my house last year..flying around on the kitchen window. :x Basically, it's a wasp queen. It was the same size as that one. We caught in a container and threw it outside. Quite nerve racking...but we were all ok in the end.

Here's a link to a page that defines the type of wasps and compares the size to a honey bee. (people with fear of bugs..don't look). :eek:

If you think that's big you should see the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, THEY CAN DRIVE CARS!
Seriously, there was this guy who made a little car for one. the roach is stuck in by velcro glued to his back and placed on a ping-pong ball. It works similar to a mouse, as the roach walks on the ball it spins and the car moved acordingly.
ríomhaire said:
If you think that's big you should see the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, THEY CAN DRIVE CARS!
Seriously, there was this guy who made a little car for one. the roach is stuck in by velcro glued to his back and placed on a ping-pong ball. It works similar to a mouse, as the roach walks on the ball it spins and the car moved acordingly.
That's pretty damn awesome, I've gotta say :E
Reginald said:
Is that only a 2p piece? Christ. If my memory serves me correctly mine was even bigger than that. It only just fit in the glass which has a diameter of .... *measures*.... 2 inches odd...

Still freakin'.... freaky. And I think it's a hornet if you are wondering.

I thought it was a hornet but close up that thing really looked like the Queen wasp in that link. :eek:
Devvo said:
I thought it was a hornet but close up that thing really looked like the Queen wasp in that link. :eek:

It's not a hornet. A hornet doesn't have a yellow and black jacket. A hornet is all black with a white stripe at the base of it (or near the stinger). I have never seen a queen hornet and I hope I never see one. :x

EDIT: The european hornet is red with yellow at it's base.

Here's a link to a picture of the hornets that appear in Canada:

http://www.pestcontrolcanada.com/Questions/Shula hornet.jpg

And this is a European Hornet:


It says wasp in the link, but it is a hornet.
the uk is getting invaded...

i ****ing hate big stingy insects :(
As long as those stay at your side of the Channel...
that was like the time i captured a massive bug and put it to hl2.net for a vote on its death, ppl voted fire so it got destryinate in an inferno :p
I had one of those myself (by the look of it) in my bathroom a couple of months ago.
That day I heard some loud noise coming from outside (the bathroom window was open), and at first I thought it was some kid driving around on a moped. But boy, I was wrong... In came this huge freaking ant, flying around in the room like a psycho and I was like "WTF was that!?!"!
I then walked out from the bathroom and closed the door, hoping it would hopefully fly out again, and it did after a couple of minutes.

But you should just hear that noise they do when they fly, it's really loud. D:
I would probley be running and screaming like a little girl. :eek::stare::rolleyes:
how big it is?

in my house I found a 10 centimeters hornet,and believe is not the only one big bug I hav found in my house
<RJMC> said:
how big it is?

in my house I found a 10 centimeters hornet,and believe is not the only one big bug I hav found in my house

You know..I seriously doubt you found a 10 centimeter hornet. That's 4 inches. Hornets do not get nearly that big...although I have found a water bug in my backyard once. Weird story:

About 5 or 6 years ago we had a trampoline in our backyard. One day we were just having fun on it and all of a sudden we look over and we see this HUGE beetle!..I mean huge. It was about...8 inches or 20 centimeters long. It was kind of a light brownish colour with a black and red stripe on it's back...that was pretty neat.

EDIT: I don't know if it was a water beetle, but it was huge!

EDIT#2: Hey cool..I found a picure of it...close your eyes if you hate insects or big bugs!!

http://inverts.cmnh.org/Web_images/giant water bug (Lake Erie Marsh).JPG
dream431ca said:
You know..I seriously doubt you found a 10 centimeter hornet. That's 4 inches. Hornets do not get nearly that big...although I have found a water bug in my backyard once. Weird story:

About 5 or 6 years ago we had a trampoline in our backyard. One day we were just having fun on it and all of a sudden we look over and we see this HUGE beetle!..I mean huge. It was about...8 inches or 20 centimeters long. It was kind of a light brownish colour with a black and red stripe on it's back...that was pretty neat.

EDIT: I don't know if it was a water beetle, but it was huge!

EDIT#2: Hey cool..I found a picure of it...close your eyes if you hate insects or big bugs!!

http://inverts.cmnh.org/Web_images/giant water bug (Lake Erie Marsh).JPG

well the true I exagerated but believeme it was longer that my fingers
Yeah, had the same kind of bug myself. shit up me and my sister, we had never seen this kind of species before. I was amazed that that huge bug could fly with that fat ass of its. I managed to kill it with a big angry book, I pressed till I heard a *snap*
that huge beetle is probably a Voracious Diving Beetle. And as to the size of that bug... I beat you. Have you ever heard of a Cicada Killer Wasp? My friend and neighbor has them in his tree. They get to be about 2+ inches (roughly 5+ cm) long, and 1.5 cm+ wide. They're black and white, and very very scary. I was unfortunate enough to get stung by one, and it's some of the worst pain I've felt. This is from someone who's had a nail through his foot, fifteen stitches in his face, and several dislocated elbows.

this is a somewhat small one (compared to the ones I've seen)

and this is the stinger

By the way, they're called Cicada Killers because they kill and eat full-grown cicadas.
JNightshade said:
that huge beetle is probably a Voracious Diving Beetle. And as to the size of that bug... I beat you. Have you ever heard of a Cicada Killer Wasp? My friend and neighbor has them in his tree. They get to be about 2+ inches (roughly 5+ cm) long, and 1.5 cm+ wide. They're black and white, and very very scary. I was unfortunate enough to get stung by one, and it's some of the worst pain I've felt. This is from someone who's had a nail through his foot, fifteen stitches in his face, and several dislocated elbows.

this is a somewhat small one (compared to the ones I've seen)

and this is the stinger

By the way, they're called Cicada Killers because they kill and eat full-grown cicadas.

:eek: :eek: Well...I guess my beetle's got nothing on that! Thank god we don't have any here in Canada. They look neat though.
JNightshade said:
that huge beetle is probably a Voracious Diving Beetle. And as to the size of that bug... I beat you. Have you ever heard of a Cicada Killer Wasp? My friend and neighbor has them in his tree. They get to be about 2+ inches (roughly 5+ cm) long, and 1.5 cm+ wide. They're black and white, and very very scary. I was unfortunate enough to get stung by one, and it's some of the worst pain I've felt. This is from someone who's had a nail through his foot, fifteen stitches in his face, and several dislocated elbows.

this is a somewhat small one (compared to the ones I've seen)

and this is the stinger

By the way, they're called Cicada Killers because they kill and eat full-grown cicadas.

:eek: Good god, That is one frightening insect.
How the hell can the person even let it sit on his hand!?
I'd shit myself twice if one landed on me.