Holy SH*T!

That looks like a Giant Hornet. Up in NC they were everywhere. Leave a light on at night and they would come swarming to it. It wasa pretty cool though, you could see them grabbing other insects (moths, other wasps, beetles) and bringing them back to the nest :D
I hate huge insects...makes me think I'm going to die :(
xlucidx said:
:eek: Good god, That is one frightening insect.
How the hell can the person even let it sit on his hand!?
I'd shit myself twice if one landed on me.
It's dead. I don't know the English word, but consider this:

It's dead, nailed and used for exhibition.
when i was on holiday i saw this huge bee so i hit it with a newspaper... but it turned out to be a hummingbird :( it wasnt too hurt though, luckily i dont have much strength

Worst I had to face was a queen wasp. ****er was hiding in my kitchen. Good job I'm an airsofter. Shame its so damn inaccurate. It was a case of open door a crack, try to spot it, aim a carefull shot, miss, try and hit ti on full auto as it BZZZZZZ'd round the kitchen all pissed off, miss wasp, but not coving, leave holes, close door to wait for it to land again. Repeat from start. After three attempts I got it, which just left a little plastering to do on the coving :D

Damn things abdomen ended up around 5 feet away from the head by the end. Instant annihalation :)

Garn, kill 'em all.
Found a big ass wasp in my room once. Didnt notice it till after i put on the shirt in which it was habitatin'.
I was at the beach once and i'd taken my t-shirt off. Only realised about 10:00 that night that it was in my t-shirt. A moth had landed on my back and the wasp was trying to attack it, and stinging me... I thought the moth was biting me, so i wiped off my t-shirt and handed it to my mates dad, who unraveled it and there was this wasp... just sitting there.

:( i hate wasps, they're scary buggers and so angry. I wish i had a bbgun to shoot them with, i think i'll get one!!
I actually think bugs are cool as hell. I guess I never grew out of that fascination most 5-year-old boys have. But yeah, Cicada Killers are scary as hell. They're not actually very aggressive at all, but quite curious. When I got stung, it was cause I was stupid enough to swat at it while it was buzzing around.

And also, are you sure you had a Cicada Killer in your room? First, that thing looked like it was black and yellowish- Cicada Killers are more black and white. Second, it looked more like a bee- Cicada Killers are like wasps, in that their thorax is very distinct from their abdomen. And finally, I believe they only inhabit the US.