Holy shit! Gman is an alien! (PICS!!)

anybody thought that maybe the G-Man origonates from a different language, and just learned english, wich is why he stutters. I mean if you just learned japanese, wouldn't you studder in the beginning?
anybody thought that maybe the G-Man origonates from a different language, and just learned english, wich is why he stutters. I mean if you just learned japanese, wouldn't you studder in the beginning?

Perhaps he is French.
I think the answers to Half-Life lies in the Matrix... G-Man will probably offer Gordon a blue and red pill:
"If you take the Blue pill you'll wake up in your bed at Black Mesa, and everything will be like a bad dream... Now, if you take the Red pill you will feel so high that you won't want the Blue pill ever again"

Hell, ever since Gabe stated that the Matrix was his inspiration for Half-Life 2, things can end up like anything... Maybe in the End of HL3 Valve will create the "Half-Life Online" game, where you'll be able to play the Combine or the Resistance, in many universes...
GOD! I'm having nightmares just to think about it.
I'm gonna come out of lurking and slap the next person who says that the G-man is Gordon from the future. With a wet trout.

Personally, I thought it's pretty obvious that the G-man is an alien or extradimensional entity of some sort. His odd speech was enough to convince me of that. It's not just a stutter. He has too much trouble controlling the level of his voice. And the speed of his speech is very uneven. You might say it's an impediment, but I've never met anyone or heard about anyone with a speech impediment quite like that before. And, like most people, I've met quite a few people with speech impediments.

He worries about being polite too much. He has odd powers with no visible technology powering them. He has odd mannerisms that don't match up with any human culture I'm aware of. He's cold and apparently devoid of the kind of affection and attachment even the worst humans (save psychopaths, perhaps) develop for something.

I don't think the G-man is human, or even from a human kind of universe. Sure, he could be, but the idea that he isn't explains everything that's so odd about him.

anybody thought that maybe the G-Man origonates from a different language, and just learned english, wich is why he stutters. I mean if you just learned japanese, wouldn't you studder in the beginning?

First, remember that he has had ten years or so to hone his English. He wouldn't still be stuttering if that's all it is.

Second, he'd have an accent. He doesn't. At least, not one that I can recognize.

someone mentioned earlier about star trek:TNG and I remember an episode of that (was on today) where the captain baldy person was in a shuttle and he got sent 6 hours into the past and he couldnt talk properly and sounded a bit like G-man but his speaking was better when he got back to his own timeframe. tis it possible that hes just travelling around time and is getting used to all this movement *no I didnt say he was from the future*
Maybe... if it was just the G-man's stutter that was weird. But there's a lot more to it than that. His diction and his apparent inability to keep the pitch of his voice normal aren't something that would explain.
Deadmatt said:
Well my theory is that Gman is the ghost of Microsoft Windows Narrator
He sounds just like that in the opening sequence of HL2


So true!!
Anyone notice the picture in Klieners lab of the scientists form black mesa on the wall? Gordon is in it, and Breen is Xed and scratched out, but has anyone noticed the scientist on the far right next to Gordon...looks a LOT like Gman, look at the eyes.
It looks more like the guy who greets you just before the portal in HL1 then the G-man. That guy kinda resembled the G-man himself, but it... wasn't him.
He's called Slick. I call him Mr Positive (he was the one who was being dead pessimistic at the beginning).
In my opinion, Gman's normal form is not a human one, since I notice too much effort involved in seeming human and treating Gordon as another human being would. Of course, it's hard to hide one's true nature. Or at least to impose another.
I really don't know if he's an alien (as in extraterrestial being). He could be another type of being materialized... something like "destiny", "God", "fate", etc., etc.
You never had the sensation everything just fits in it's place the best way possible yet not too obvious? (in the game, in life...) Maybe he's just a representation of that "thing" (call it what you call it).

My regards
Bluecrow45 said:
In my opinion, Gman's normal form is not a human one, since I notice too much effort involved in seeming human and treating Gordon as another human being would. Of course, it's hard to hide one's true nature. Or at least to impose another.
I really don't know if he's an alien (as in extraterrestial being). He could be another type of being materialized... something like "destiny", "God", "fate", etc., etc.
You never had the sensation everything just fits in it's place the best way possible yet not too obvious? (in the game, in life...) Maybe he's just a representation of that "thing" (call it what you call it).

My regards
By my count, this thread must have been buried at least 28 pages back in this forum. Until you brought it out into daylight. You did this because...?
No, Buddha was an indian prince. Don't see Gman as an indian Prince

Way to spoil, someone is going to look at that forum and then come here and complain...

To answer the unanswered questions after 2 requests,the pic from the first post of this thread was from Water Hazard.
G-man studders because he hasen't spoken english in a long time,I have personal experince.I stayed in China for 1.5 years and then suddenly speaking english on the phone with my friend,I studdered a lot,he laughed his ass off just listening me trying hard to control my level of voice.
But I don't really have any reason to think he is a alien,just a bit different from most humans.
what i think G-Man is-
G-Man stands for Government Man (i think) and he went back in time from the future to find someone that could help him and the ones that is G-Man's boss so...G-Man created the accident at Black mesa, He started it all . He was looking for someone. for Gordon. He follows gordon to see how he handle the aliens and how well he fights (you do know that you can see him some times in game remember?) and in H-L2 you see him following you too ..he is watching you. In H-L3 he will take Gordon to G-Mans world and mean while you play as Alyx.
So. ALL this aliens and sutch is just a huge test.... The G-Man test.
And btw what did Gordon choose at the end of H-L1? he must choose to work with G-Man becouse he is alive and he is in the same train in the beginning of H-L2
well .. heheh don't know if this made any scence ^_^
The picture is just of him with a light source below his face. Like when you sit with a torch under your chin. G-Man was just telling ghost stories, probably.

-Angry Lawyer
Freelancer said:
ALL this aliens and sutch is just a huge test....

R u serious? wow thats an interesting thought u should start a thread about it!
I think the picture tube has just blown on the Combine's Plasmascreen and they need to call the repairman. Hopefully it is still under warranty.....
MarcoPollo said:
R u serious? wow thats an interesting thought u should start a thread about it!

Yup im serious? ... uh.. thats atleast what ive collected thru those games and i think its true ^^
and uh.. why start a thread about it? you got my post :D
MarcoPollo said:
sry this computer doesnt show sarcasm very well
You should get a sarcasm detector, like I have. It's through the roof right as a matter of fact. :dozey:
There are SO many threads being dug up lately. Really pissing me off. :hmph:
Is there an actual rule against resurrection of dead threads or not? Just wondering.
Blakeb155 said:
There are SO many threads being dug up lately. Really pissing me off. :hmph:

*envisions long-dead threads springing forth from the ground, ala Ray Harryhausen's skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts* :eek:
If someone, for instance, is new to the forums and is scanning through the backlog of threads and if they have something to add to it, why shouldn't they bring it back to life?
The_Wookie said:
If someone, for instance, is new to the forums and is scanning through the backlog of threads and if they have something to add to it, why shouldn't they bring it back to life?

If its something important to add to it, and they apologise for resurrecting it, I wouldnt mind. But most of the time its just to say something pointless like "I agree".
lordoftheroot said:
Take it how you want but i dont think that this proves that g-man is a Alien.
Beside one of G-mans many hobbies is hacking into TVs. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12832

I skipped everything in this tread after i saw the link. Has anybody noticed the background on the tv is the same to the background in Breens speeches? Notice the combine symbol.

If you already have i just embarresed myself :|
SimonomiS said:
If its something important to add to it, and they apologise for resurrecting it, I wouldnt mind. But most of the time its just to say something pointless like "I agree".

AKA Post count fodder lol AKA spam