Holy Shit!

i could actually refer you to quite a few theologists and such that could argue that those lines did not mean what they mean today, and that the bible was actually prohibiting a form of prostitution, becuase in that age, many of the prostitutes were male and gay
not i think so, this isn't about what i think, i'm saying there are quite a few who've spent their careers researching and studying this stuff who believe those lines have a different meaning than from what we take them for in this age
Originally posted by Tredoslop
You think so eh?

Who, me?
If so, I say that because yes I feel that people buy into religion out of their fears.
Why be scared of death if your going to heaven? Wake up call, your not going anywhere.

EDIT: NM I see you werent adressing me haha
Originally posted by MrWhite
Nice to see another (atleast half-gay) person here Alanity... I thought I was the only one

I have a girlfreind currently
Same here. Kinda. I figured a forum for a popular computer game would just be filled with moronic homophobic 13 year olds. Oh and I don't consider bi "half gay". They're two completely different things.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
What? I saw on the news, it said God cleary disapproved of homosexuality.

you saw it on the news, big whoop
Originally posted by Alanity
Oh and I don't consider bi "half gay". They're two completely different things.

you knew what I meant

I used it loosely
Isnt "god" supposed to be tolerant, accepting, and forgiving? Wouldnt discriminating against gays go against his whole motto?
actually, though im athiest for... reasons relating to the discussion, god seems pretty damn vengeful and mean to me
Yeah I agree Mr White. Unfortunately as a child I was dragged to church, but havent gone in 5-6 years.
If you ask me organized religion is scarier then most of these suicidal cults. And until I see proof of Gods existense, you people are just talking to yourselves when your praying.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I'm Christian, I hate gays.:|

isnt it against christianity to hate? even those god smites?

You in your beleifs are going to hell.

Thank you, accept homosexuality, it's part of the world.
I'm just pointing out how faulty things can seem. im not saying there is or isnt a god, im saying the bible has been translated several times, and just messed with so much that maybe god isnt even saying that, maybe god is just trying to say "I like trout"

not to mention when translated to english whomever translated couldve just added that because homosexuality wasnt accepted back then either
i feel that it is biological for many homosexuals

we are wired biologically to become aroused at certain pheramones and all that, a simple mutation could easily wire somebody to be attracted to his own sex or both sexes

for some it may be a choice

either way, i feel that a person can express their love to anybody they want, male female no matter their gender
Originally posted by Tredoslop
You should watch what you say.
Edit:Not at MrWhite

Tell you what, Ill be on my way to hell, and Ill even save you a seat, since you are a sinner who commits the act of hate.
Originally posted by Doobz
i feel that it is biological for many homosexuals

we are wired biologically to become aroused at certain pheramones and all that, a simple mutation could easily wire somebody to be attracted to his own sex or both sexes

for some it may be a choice

either way, i feel that a person can express their love to anybody they want, male female no matter their gender

and for some of us lucky ones its both :cheese:
I'll say this: Jesus says a lot of stuff, he never mentions homosexuality, but he does say a lot about love, tolerance, and acceptance

I dont know if thats what I should say, but yes
And I apologize if I offended people with what I said. I just simply dont like having Christianity shoved down my throat as I have my whole life.
Religion is not a sham. If you so support being gay, then why not Christianity? And plus, there is proof that God exists, just don't ask me
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Religion is not a sham. If you so support being gay, then why not Christianity? And plus, there is proof that God exists, just don't ask me

Woah, I never said I am or "support" gays. I simply said I am tolerant and respect them and thier choices, and that they are not commiting any sin.

And Im not trying to start fights here, so I ask in a civil manner, what is this proof?
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Religion is not a sham. If you so support being gay, then why not Christianity? And plus, there is proof that God exists, just don't ask me

because being gay is biological but beleive in christianity is wieghing the facts and deciding for yourself

you cant possibly go to india and think they're all going to go to your "hell" for beleiving a different religion

but christianity is an issue which will never be resolved within people, we all just find out when we die, no sense in argueing about it right?
1.) there is no god.

2.) i find generally people who put faith in god are weak, they need to believe that there is a god, who is watching over them, taking care of them, it's unfortunate for them, because it's a sham.

3.) jesus was a black man who stole some bread, whats the big deal?

4.) this is totally on topic "holy [bull]shit!".

oh oh! gotta add one last point.

5.) when you die you simply decompose into worm food, there is no heaven, there is no hell.
all points I have already stated, except #5, as I will be cremated ;)
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I'm Christian, I hate gays.:|

I'm not here to judge your faith, but as a Christian I find that comment utterly useless and offensive. Undoubtably, homosexuality is immoral in the Christian value system - but how does hating people help anyone?
Let me say this:

I absolutly love it when people contrdict themselves and their arguements. :)

Hating Christainity for hating gay people is in itself a hypocracy. The majority of Christians i know may dislike gay people, but they don't shove it in my face... well, if they did, they wouldn't be my friends. I personally think that Christian people are generally nice people themselves... but I really think they are wrong in not accepting gay people..... thats just pointless... its like Muslims going out and killing Jewish people randomly becuase the Koran says "You shall kill them wherever you find them"..... and I think the Bible passage that is involved says "Man shall not lie with man"... and remember this book has been translated at least twice..... and things get lost in translation... I shall demonstrate:

"Killing is good"

becomes, after just two translations:

"The Slaughter is acceptable"

and just think how much havoc that can wreck on a complex and multi-deminsional phrase :p

Just stop the hating... :)
I was kidding when I said I hate christians (using a sarcastic backlash and tredoslops comment), I dont hate anyone

oh yeah, I think it says somewhere in the bible that you cant even look at a woman lustfully, so im pretty sure 90% of us are goin down
mrWhite... I found your comment amusing... I knew it was sarcastic... but a lot of people hate christians :p

Too much hate :(
Originally posted by mrBadger
mrWhite... I found your comment amusing... I knew it was sarcastic... but a lot of people hate christians :p

Too much hate :(

I completely agree.. there really is

its just a shame and truly sad to see there still be hate towards gays, blacks, people from other religions etc.

christians only take up i think its %16 of the religion population, and about %56 of america
let's stop the hating people :)

Nice avatar White :)

religion doesn't cause hate, people use religion as an excuse to hate