holyshit a girl on the internet


Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Forum Girl said:
Haha, more like Cylons, amirite?

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever watched that show, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite shows of all time even though I have never actually watched it (but I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that episode where that thing happened (more Wikipedia) to that guy? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of television, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Toronto, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of Lost, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from my dad, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Old Boy I ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but your boyfriend will arrive to pick you up, and you'll jump up and kiss him, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 4 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you weren't single.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore, to date that piece of shit jock boyfriend of yours. He probably treats you like shit, too, doesn't he? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to load Counter-Strike and try to forget about you...

But I never will.
Funny? You have dissapointed me Adrick....

(True story or no?)
random thread on the subject of internet girls, but it could be true if you want it to be. anything for you bob
Toaster, Phobie, Bliink, Skaadi, Fishbulb, Gemma, Ms. Red are all evil?

It is all starting to make sense now D: EXTREME VAGINA MAFIA!!!
Minus the internet part, I know that all too well. It has happened to me more times than I care to count. ****ing pisses me off.
God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite shows of all time even though I have never actually watched it (but I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert).

****ing LOL
Forum Girl said:
Haha, more like Cylons, amirite?
Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who was paranoid, good madam, even though a lot of people are. God, that takes me back. That is definitely one of my favourite suspicions of all time even though I have never actually had it happen to me (but I heard others talk about it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that time where that thing happened (more talk) to that guy? That was one of the greatest days in the history of the colonies, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live onboard, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour shuttle ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I requested transport to your ship because it was such a quiet day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the battlestars anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not implying that they're artificial, haha. But here is my contact, my ID number, and my wireless address, in your very first transmission.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last week's rousing press conference, maybe we could go and grab a drink somewhere. We don't have to worry about money, however, because nobody has had a bank account since the war. But I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but then you'd hear the music and you'd stare blankly at me instead. I'll stand and watch you suddenly gain super strength, and spend the next 4 minutes before I die wondering why you never mentioned that you were a skinjob.

You frakking bitch.

You vapid toaster.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of unknown model, to have gone unnoticed for so long. You probably hate humanity too, don't you? You have no idea how much I want to box you. But no.

I wish you'd never come off the assembly line.

I wish you'd stayed out of my fleet.

Ugh, I'm going to crawl out of this bay and try to escape you...

But I never will.
What the **** you guys. What the **** are you talking about? What the ****.
forum girl said:
Haha, more like elves, amirite?

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who was paranoid, good madam, even though a lot of people are. God, that takes me back. That is definitely one of my favourite fantasies of all time even though I have never actually had it happen to me (but I heard others talk about it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that time where that thing happened (more talk) to that guy? That was one of the greatest days in the history of the Eldar, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Arda, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 week horse ride at great expense to the fellowship, if we were to meet. I could just say that I required access to your realm because it was such a dryad lovely day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the misty mountains anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes that pierce into my soul and know I want your ring of power. And no, I'm not implying that they're Vanyar, haha. But here is my true name, my lineage back to Numenor, and my family heirloom, in your very first message sent at great risk.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last week's rousing battle of free peoples against the coming darkness, maybe we could go and grab an elvish draft somewhere. We don't have to worry about trolls, however, because nobody has had a sighting of one since the war of five armies. But I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful Noldo hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said farewell o noble ranger, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to sing to me, but then you'd hear the music and you'd stare blankly at me instead. I'll stand and watch you suddenly dance super gracefully, and spend the next 4 minutes before I finish this chapter wondering why you never mentioned that you were an evenstar.

You incorrigible orc lover.

You vapid half-elven.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of ring wraith, to have gone unnoticed for so long. You probably hate Men too, don't you? You have no idea how much I want to court you. But no.

I wish you'd never come from the last homely house.

I wish you'd stayed out of my personal journey from ranger to king.

Ugh, I'm going to crawl out of this Middle-Earth and try to escape you...

But I never will.
We're having some pasta and changing the recipe. It is delicious.
I'm cooking up a delicious batch with wild mushrooms, it'll be ready soon.
Forum girl said:
More like breencast amirite?

I thought I was the only person who ever watched that show, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite shows of all time even though I have never actually watched it (but I got the drugged water which compelled me to watch it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that time where he said that stuff to us? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of his show, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your identity papers that you live in 15, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself and my family, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my apartment because it was such a breathable day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been allowed out of my block). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my address, my friend's address, and the address of the cafe where we illegally sneak coca cola, in your very first smuggled note.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of his show, maybe we could go and grab a water somewhere. I'll have to steal money from someone, however, because my bank account is empty after... Well. You know. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful, but rapidly calcifying hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but then you'll pull out a badge, and you'll say 'CIVIL PROTECTION, COME WITH ME' and I'll stand for a while and you'll pull out your baton and backhand me in the stomach. And I'll vomit from the pain until there's nothing left but blood and mucus, and then you'll bundle me a cell somewhere and walk away, and I'll spend the next 4 years wondering why you never mentioned that you were a metrocop.

You Overwatch bitch.

You vapid Combine ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore, to slave like you do for the Combine. They probably treat you like shit, too, don't they? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my life.

Ugh, I'm going to try to cut myself to forget about you...

But I never will.
Originally Posted by forum girl
Haha, more like rap victim, amirite?

I was rapped when I was a very young child, please don't joke about this.

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever posted in the forum, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite forums of all time even though I have never actually posted in it (but I read the Wiki entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that post where that thing happened (more Wikipedia) to that guy? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of internet forums, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you post in another game forum, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 second browser navigation to the site at great expense to myself, if we were to chat. I could just say that I navigated from my general off-topic chat because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the HTML code of the internet anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out of the forum for a little bit, and sit in silence in front of a webcam for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of The Office, maybe we could go and catch a game of COD4. I'll have to borrow money from my dad for the game, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Fallout 3 I pre-ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, stop ruining our team's score with suicides" and pat my back with your slender, virtual hands. Oh, God, your virtual hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our game, then when you said bye, I'd stare at your in game avatar for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to hook me up with a bait kill, but your friend will arrive to play in his clan game, and you'll jump up and give him the bait kill instead. I'll stand and watch you log out, and spend the whole 4 second browser navigation back to my usual forum, wondering why you never mentioned that you weren't a solo gamer.

You ****ing dick.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of clan-gamer, to play that piece of shit nerd friend of yours. He probably treats you like shit, too, doesn't he? You have no idea how much of a better game I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never got this game.

I wish you'd stayed out of my internet.

Ugh, I'm going to load Counter-Strike and try to forget about you...

But I never will.
Originally Posted by Forum girl
More like crytek suit, amirite?

Hahaha wow, just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever crash landed on the island, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite hostile environments of all time even though i have never really been here before (but I know people who have, which compelled me to follow orders and infiltrate the island, and now i consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that time where Prophet said that stuff to us? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of his speeches, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your data display that you live in Korea, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 17 hour VTOL ride at great expense to myself and my family, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my military battle-cruiser because it was such a breathable day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the ship anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been too far from it). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my serial number, my friend's serial number, and the serial numbers of my two comrades who were ripped apart after encountering an ancient alien race, experiencing the horror like you mentioned in our very first radiowave transmission.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I load my gun and try and rescue you, maybe we could go and grab some ammo somewhere. I'll have to kill everyone, however, because my orders are strict as... Well. You know. And I'll be sure try and save your father, even though he helped the Koreans in the archeological dig site and died so you can greet me with your slender, beautiful, but somewhat dirty hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but then you'll activate the strength component in your nano-suit, and you'll say 'DIE AMERICAN DOG' and I'll stand for a while and you'll spool your minigun and shoot me in the stomach. And I'll let the intestines seep from my body until there's nothing left but blood and mucus, and then you'll stand by until my unit leader senses i'm near-death and vaporises my body, and I'll spend the next 3 mili-seconds wondering why you never mentioned that you were a KPA officer with a nano-suit.

You KPA bitch.

You vapid KPA ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of cheap knock-off, to kill like you do for the better of Korea's technological advancement. They probably treat you with respect, don't they? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never got to the island first.

I wish you'd stayed out of the archeological dig.

Ugh, I'm going to try to concentrate on the pain you gave to forget about you...

But I never will.
I'm gonna hunt you all down and set you on fire.

Bonus fire for Koola, because he's nearer to me.
Forum Girl said:
More like we must push little cart, amirite?!

I thought I was the only person who ever got on the cart, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my carts of all time even though I have never actually gotten on it (but I yelled at the maggots to get on the cart, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that time where we pushed the little cart? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of goldrush, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your character loadout page that you live in 2fort, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself and my family, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my spaw point because it was such an explosive day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the map anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been allowed out of my base). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my spawn point, my friend's teleporter location, and the address of the medic healing us from the back lines, in your very first Steam chat.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I yell about maggots, maybe we could go and rocket jump somewhere. I'll have to steal ammo from a gibbed corpse, however, because my bank account is empty after paying for a bazooka each time I die. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your huge, beautiful, but weapon calloused. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but then you'll pull off the mask, and you'll say 'I'm going to gut you like a Cornish game hen' and I'll stand for a while and you'll pull out your butterfly knife and frontstab me to death. And I'll scream angrily in pain until there's nothing left but bits of broken dispenser and half my team is dead, and then you'll flick a cigarette on me and walk away, and I'll spend the next 4 seconds wondering why the pyro never spychecked you.

You spy bitch.

You vapid Blue Team ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore, to kill like you do for the Blues. They probably treat you like shit, too, don't they? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you with the Reds. But no.

I wish you'd never decloaked.

I wish you'd stayed out of my map.

Ugh, I'm going to I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra to forget you...

But I never will.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
Running Mate said:
Haha, more like terrorists, amirite?
Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever cared for national defense, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite wars of all time even though I have never actually fought it (but I read the CIA entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that battle where that thing happened (more CIA) to that guy? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of Iraq, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Alaska, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 2 day limousine ride at great expense to myself and to the nation, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my seven houses because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of Russia anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my congressional seat, my favourite intelligence agency, and my party webpage, in your very first hacked email.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks political debate, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from the national banks, however, because my bank account is empty after all the political rallying I've been doing. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but your husband will arrive to pick you up, and you'll jump up and kiss him, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole limousine ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you weren't single.

You ****ing milf.

You conservative ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore, to marry that piece of shit jock husband of yours. He probably treats you like shit, too, doesn't he? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never run for Vice President.

I wish you'd stayed out of my campaign.

Ugh, I'm just going to try to win presidency...

But I never will.
Okay I'll join your stupid meme. When I first started I was like "this is going to be shitty" but then, well, I'll let you decide.

Forum Girl said:
Haha, more like zombie goasts, amirite?

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever read that fanfic, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite fanfics of all time even though I have never actually read it (but I watched the flash movie it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that episode where that thing happened (more flash) to that guy? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of fan fiction, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Ravenholdm, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour motorcycle ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my office because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the nice contrysides anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that u shudnt come here. And no, I'm not a headcrab zombie, haha. But here is my wepon, my favourite normal people close, and my office lab coat, in your very first wet platform.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and watch the bird and the sun almost down from the top of the sky before I bring up last weeks episode of HLFLC, maybe we could go faster like the speed of sound. I'll have to get there fast, however, because my dirt is messy and bloody from headcrabs. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "LOOK OUT BRO" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful crowbar. Oh, God, your crowbar...

If I were to fast forward really faster to the end of our meeting, then when you said "you should come here earlier next time", I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to laughed, but your final bosss will arrive to pick you up, and you'll shoot the final boss in the eyes, instead. I'll stand and watch you walk real fast out, and loked back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you weren't single.


I'll get you back evil boss!

You must be posessed and have headcrabs, to help your brother to defeat the enemys. He probably fired his bullet too, didn't he? You have no idea how much of a better ticket I wanted to give you. But no.

Leave this place.

I wish you'd stayed hiden near by.

Ugh, it's time to live up to my family name and try to forget about you...

But I never will.

To be continued....?
This is simultaneously the best and worst meme I've ever seen.
There are no girls on the internet.

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who thought that , even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. (I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember when you tried to tell everyone you where a girl? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of Half life2.net , in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in UK, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour boat ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of Lost, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from my dad, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Old Boy I ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but you whould tell me your in some vagina mafia, and when i tried to pick you up, you'll jump up and break my kneecap, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 4 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you were a made man.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore lesbian to be part of that? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to try to forget about you...

But I never will.
Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who thought that , even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. (I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember when you tried to tell everyone you where a girl? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of Half life2.net , in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in UK, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour boat ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of Lost, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from my dad, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Old Boy I ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but you whould tell me your in some vagina mafia, and when i tried to pick you up, you'll jump up and break my kneecap, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 4 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you were a made man.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore lesbian to be part of that? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to try to forget about you...

But I never will.

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who thought that , even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. (I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember when you tried to tell everyone you where a girl? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of Half life2.net , in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in UK, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour boat ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of Lost, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from my dad, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Old Boy I ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but you whould tell me your in some vagina mafia, and when i tried to pick you up, you'll jump up and break my kneecap, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 4 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you were a made man.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore lesbian to be part of that? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to try to forget about you...

But I never will.

Where is your god now?
Shhh nobody would know.

IF YOU HADN'T SAID ANYTHING. Just delivering your copy and/or paste for you good sir.