holyshit a girl on the internet

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever watched that show, good madam, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definately one of my favourite shows of all time even though I have never actually watched it (but I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that episode where that thing happened (more Wikipedia) to that guy? That was one of the greatest achievements in the history of television, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Toronto, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up last weeks episode of Lost, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from my dad, however, because my bank account is empty after that special edition of Old Boy I ordered. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and pat my back with your slender, beautiful hands. Oh, God, your hands...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to kiss me, but your boyfriend will arrive to pick you up, and you'll jump up and kiss him, instead. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 4 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why you never mentioned that you weren't single.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of whore, to date that piece of shit jock boyfriend of yours. He probably treats you like shit, too, doesn't he? You have no idea how much of a better life I could give you. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to load Counter-Strike and try to forget about you...

But I never will.

this is how serial killers get started ..first it starts with a woman on the internet laughing at you and the next thing you know her head ends up in your refrigerator. some call it kismet I call it love