Homers DOH!


Jul 4, 2003
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Ok so anyway, I was short on cash and I went to the local gas station to get a pack of smokes, so i said give me the cheapest thing you've got.... The lady handed me this all read pack of smokes, I look at the name and get this, they are called homers! So nervously i put one in and lit it and after the first inhale all i could muster to say was doh!, moral of the story is, save your lunch money kids, homers are teh nasteh

or you could just not smoke and save your life and wallet.
Innervision961 said:
But then where is the fun in that?

You can save money -> buy a fast car -> drive like a mad man in the desert -> kill yourself.

Same outcome but funnier.
Majestic XII said:
You can save money -> buy a fast car -> drive like a mad man in the desert -> kill yourself.

Same outcome but funnier.

or u can buy a super computer and play HL2 on it once its released? :p

of course that can take a while..hmm.. well if u don't wanna die a virgin.. and well.. u got cash.. hmm.. u know where im going with this.. :LOL:

put this way, u will die a happy camper afterwards.. i think :upstare: lol
Lol, indeed Majestic...

Or you could get some guns for that saved money and die guns-a-blazin'
Wait wait, you guys are telling me smoking kills you? What the hell, no one ever told me that, screw this i quit
Or you could light a homer up in the local gas station, and get a true quality 'doh!
Innervision961 said:
Wait wait, you guys are telling me smoking kills you? What the hell, no one ever told me that, screw this i quit

Heh... I don't smoke and even I'm getting sick of all this f-ing anti-smoking shit, I can't imagine how you must feel. :smoking:
I only like to smoke stuff that DOES something to you....like weed for example. A) you don't mess up your lungs as much B) IT'S FUN!
i play it safe anyway. in my opinion, if i never try it ill never know how good it is and therefore never have an urge to try it. ppl that do try it are stupid, but after that they r not stupid - its just their opinion whether to carry on or not. and if it really is that good u cant blame them for carrying on- only for taking the first puff in the first place.

if u understand any of that sh*t have a brownie point.
Smoking is a waste of cash. Just think, regular people is what, 2 packs a day? So, 3.65 times 2 is 7.3 bucks a day... So if you quit, you can save up for the most 733tz0rz video card in a little over 2 months. A good computer? 1 year! (about 2660 dollars)
2 packs a day?

When I smoked, I smoked a pack a week, if that.
Smoking is useless and a waste of money, but I too am getting sick of this anti-smoke campaigns.
Second hand smoking isn't that dangerous at all, but my government keeps telling the people it is, while all other research suggests the risks are minimal. But it's still cool to say to a smoker "f*ck off, you give me cancer asshole!" :LOL:
So your saying that when someone breaths smoke in your face and start having a coughing fit, its not harming u????
Oh? Second hand smoking isn't dangerous?

... oh, sure, it must be something else that makes my athsma act up whenever a smoker sits anywhere near me...
Smoking has no point, may as well smoke weed. Although im happy with nothing :) Alcohol will do me.
im 14 and the only thing im adicted to is technology.

but i really love red wine.

reeealy love it.

like blooood.....

no, im not a goth....

i just like wine.

WHAAAATT????? Dont look at me like that!!!!!!
Second hand smoke is just as dangerous - do all those carcinogens magically disappear because you got your smoke from a pawn shop?
yep, i can vouch for second hand smoke being bad for you. i used to hang around in the student's union and awful lot, and they all smoked, and by the end of the year i had a cough just as bad as the smokers did.

suicide42, weed isn't that bad. although it's a whole different thread altogether, it isn't as potent or as addictive as people say. i have had a smoke in months, and i don't see any reason to unless there's a joint going round at a party i may have a go. you should give it a try if only to know what it's all about. that was partly the reason i tried it in the first place.
Innervision961 said:
Ok so anyway, I was short on cash and I went to the local gas station to get a pack of smokes, so i said give me the cheapest thing you've got.... The lady handed me this all read pack of smokes, I look at the name and get this, they are called homers! So nervously i put one in and lit it and after the first inhale all i could muster to say was doh!, moral of the story is, save your lunch money kids, homers are teh nasteh

You've sucked on a hom0r?
Chris_D said:
You've sucked on a hom0r?

normally i would give that a 2/10..but holy crap i'm insane, i cracked up after reading that :cheers:
If you highlight the text, you'll see it actually reads "Hom0r"... how'd it go gray??
yeah whatever it was a typo, the only reason you would take time to point it out is because you wanted to know how it went so you could try it to, you think gay jokes are funny? I'm not homosexual but uh, thats not very polite now is it? Ah, maturity isn't it grand....(deleted)
and where exactly does it say homor? Oh and smoking one joint is the equivalant of lung damage caused by ten cigarettes just so you know.
Sorry I spoke. Don't call people names.
I didn't incite the name calling, you did. Sorry, i retract that then.
I didn't call you any names. I simply made reference to the fact that you sucked on a homer.
You could also save up your extra non-smoking money and buy a big fukkin house! Thats what UU did I just goit it this month! 1/1/04 weee!! well its not THAT big but too big for 1 guy...
In a derrogatory manor, its the next best thing. You insinuated that I commited a homosexual act, which would also be considered calling me gay, or at least thats how it sounded to me. But like I said, i'm over it... Sorry
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
You could also save up your extra non-smoking money and buy a big fukkin house! Thats what UU did I just goit it this month! 1/1/04 weee!! well its not THAT big but too big for 1 guy...

I've been smoking for several years, i'm addicted and don't really have the will power to quit right now... I would just end up spending my saved money on something else... like uh candy cigarettes
You clearly aren't over it.

Lighten up mate. It was a joke. How the ****, and why the **** would I give a shit if you were gay or not. I don't care. It was just a light hearted joke.
Dude i said i was over it, i meant i was over it, no hard feelings man.. That comment just caught me off gaurd for a second is all. Its all right man, I know it was a joke now.
Oh sorry for my remark to dude, I was just a little aggrivated with whats going on at home right now, hope you didn't take it personal, I was just trying to vent I guess.
Innervision961 said:
Oh and smoking one joint is the equivalant of lung damage caused by ten cigarettes just so you know.

Ahahah... that's a shocking lie right there...
The only reason I don't smoke is because it kills you. If it didn't I probably would :)