
_Z_Ryuken said:
It's not an attitude, it's a biological reflex. I instinctively pull away if a guy touches me. Even my best friends. No touchy. Bad touch.

Are you gay??
the_wolf27 said:
Are you gay??
When people ask (and they often do), I tell them I am heterosexual, because I would much rather be intimate with a woman than a man, but I attribute this to my distaste for masculinity.
By nature, I don't follow any societal norms concerning sexuality or very many other things for that matter.
Danke :).

I'm actually curious what group will be next to be quite honest. We're running out. I'm guessing either zoophiles (bestialists), another race of people or a specific country. Necrophilism isn't very common, at least to my knowledge, and we've gone through most races of people. I mean, I don't see people moaning about how those darn Pacific Islanders are going to come and ruin America with their delicious fruit and colorful flora/fauna.

But I'm confident there WILL be another group. It's how society works, accepting change one step at a time. A few decades ago interracial marriage was unthinkable, now Hollywood makes quite crappy comedies about it.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I don't follow any societal norms concerning sexuality or very many other things for that matter.

Me too, only in my case it must be some kind of rebellion. Most of my friends and family think I'm wierd for my overly liberal attitude :|
Infern0 said:
Danke :).

I'm actually curious what group will be next to be quite honest. We're running out. I'm guessing either zoophiles (bestialists), another race of people or a specific country. Necrophilism isn't very common, at least to my knowledge, and we've gone through most races of people. I mean, I don't see people moaning about how those darn Pacific Islanders are going to come and ruin America with their delicious fruit and colorful flora/fauna.

But I'm confident there WILL be another group. It's how society works, accepting change one step at a time. A few decades ago interracial marriage was unthinkable, now Hollywood makes quite crappy comedies about it.
It could always cycle over...or it might be whites in America. That'd be interesting. After all, apparently current trends indicate that pretty soon America won't have a majority race anymore.
_Z_Ryuken said:
When people ask (and they often do), I tell them I am heterosexual, because I would much rather be intimate with a woman than a man, but I attribute this to my distaste for masculinity.
By nature, I don't follow any societal norms concerning sexuality or very many other things for that matter.

So just so I'm clear are you a woman or a man.
99.vikram said:
Me too, only in my case it must be some kind of rebellion. Most of my friends and family think I'm wierd for my overly liberal attitude :|
What's really sad is my bisexual-emo-poseur-goth-arm-cutting-anti-authority-runaway-sub-intelligent sorry excuse for a sister thinks I'm gay because I am somewhat effeminate.
I always wonder if we really do share half of our genes, or if she got all of the defective ones. :rolleyes:
the_wolf27 said:
So just so I'm clear are you a woman or a man.
Infern0 said:
I'm actually curious what group will be next to be quite honest. We're running out. I'm guessing either zoophiles (bestialists), another race of people or a specific country. Necrophilism isn't very common, at least to my knowledge, and we've gone through most races of people. I mean, I don't see people moaning about how those darn Pacific Islanders are going to come and ruin America with their delicious fruit and colorful flora/fauna.
Are there enough zoophiles for this to happen? And is there any danger of them actually demanding to be able to marry or something? I mean, I might be entirely wrong on this but as far as I'm aware bestiality is most often purely sexual.

The next group? It may well be the religious.

Don't get me wrong here; I'm not one of these people who claims/complains that the religious are having their beliefs oppressed, or are somehow being picked on. But it seems to me as if the recent(ish) resurgence of extreme religious zealotism (zealotry?) - what with radical Christianity in the US and radical Islam elsewhere - is the 'last gasp' of organised religion. If much of the developed world stops suddenly being strongly or at least dogmatically religious, I can see a state developing where those who are strongly religious and who are dogmatically religious being discriminated against.

Or maybe that's...just bullshit.

Infern0 said:
If we didn't use plastic alot of our technology simply wouldn't exist or would be less efficient. Besides, wooden toys give you splinters and metal toys are heav(ier) and aren't as fun to burn/explode/melt.
But to be fair, steampunk is pretty cool.
My guess? Heavy metal. People into heavy metal must burn at the stake :flame: :flame: :flame: