Honda what?

those are both the 1981 versions.

I personally like the trans am 81 version better.
damnit, the only mini coop dealership I know only has manuals... I ****ing hate driving manuals... I guess I'm going for civic coupe. it's like I have no choice.
I think the worldwide concensus is that manuals are better and cooler than automatics in every way. You will be happier and more respected for driving stick. It might almost negate the fact that it's a mini cooper.
try it until you get used to it and you will like it more
I don't like driving stick. Period. I don't care if I get respect for driving a manual. It's just a car. I'm not looking forward to people giving me respects because I drive stick.

I'm not saying this because it looks hard to drive stick, because I actually drove one.
Reminds me of a certain Dr Seuss story. And we all know how that turned out.
one of you change your i keep thinking you're the same person D: