Honestly is anyone considering remaking Perfect Dark?

ill help...after xmas =] and new years..and 1 or 2 days after that =]
Will you be creating the maps exactly like the originals (geometry wise)? Or will they be upgraded to use Sources/current PC's capabities?

Also, will this be a singleplayer, multiplayer mod, or both? SP would be much tougher.
We're doing the multiplayer first, followed by the single player. The maps will be recreated exactly as they are in the original game, except they will take advantage of all of sources capabilities. Some geometry will be changed to add some flavor. Weapons will all function as they did in the original, and when we start hitting on SP, the characters may or may not be british...depends on who we get for voice actors lol.
Do you plan to remake just the mp part, or both mp and sp?
Both. Mp is our first and main priority though.
I'm going to set us up some quick PHPBB forums on my domain, I'll post again when they're up so we can begin to organize and whatnot.
ill help with mapping, and ill try other things...but yeha you'll have to change the name to perfectly dark or something cause itll be clossed down befor it really starts up :/.... happened to chrono trigger: resurrection http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/
i think alot more than changing the name from perfect dark to perfectly dark will be necessary. colour schemes, logos, names and character appearences will all have to change i think so that its no longer recognisable as perfect dark.

If you come up with an original storyline for SP then that would be a huge plus i think, cos then u can create original locations. obviously keep the theme the same, and make sure it appears to be based in the same universe...
slog i appriciate your concern, however perfectly dark wont be the name lol. it will be completely different, hopefully not even the same letters will be used. the single player will be what pd was, with different character names and appearences. guns will appear slightly different, but hold the same functions. incase u havent noticed gun functions arent copyrighted, otherwise thered only be the first gun games developers allowed to make games with weapons in them. :p
ugh, can you imagine only playing id games?

forums'll be up tomoz
sounds good audio.

heh. if copyright of gun function was enforced, we'd be on doom 85 by now.
Imperfect Light :D

I think that the sp levels would be much better than the multiplayer, multi was good but its just too much like the countless other mods around.
Well multi is classic, and PD sets itself aside when it comes to "other deathmatch" games with its innovative, numerous, and useful weapons, its carefully planned and wonderfully made maps, and its overall gameplay and fun factor.
mines! and slapping and the numerous amounts of other guns made pd...pd! :D

nah we would just be playing halflife 2 with crowbar and grav gun :p
Sounds like fun, PD was a really great game back in the days of the good ol' N64. I tried to go back and play the games I once spent days playing and the graphics are soooooo bad! I remembered them looking so much better than they really do, shows how much things have changed in such a short time. JL on the project guys!
all i remember from PD was having an all out 4 person pistol wars :D mm magsec.
camping the little octagonal room with laptop guns installed... :D
Found a great site, theres guides to every level with screenshots, weapon and vehicle overviews, in game shots, and also every single piece of music from the game in high quality mp3 format:


It took me a while but i downloaded them all, 150 MB in total, i'll zip em up and try to upload them somewhere soon...i think the fact that they are on a website for download means they shouldnt have a problem with us using them in our mod :\
There won't be a problem. If it's up for download, it's usable. We'll use that site as our base of operations. Good find MrMan, I love you even more now.
Lol alrighty then...i just got your PM btw i didnt realise the forum even had private messaging...i think i have your msn now anyway, if i havent added you mine is:

TravisBickleTaxiDriver 'at' hotmail.com

BTW ill be changing my name soon, im not sposed to be called MrMan lol that was a random name thought ;)

Oh and im not gonna be able to upload that 150MB file on this crappy network connection, getting speeds of about 4kbs lol would take forever...the sites good though, i recommend you guys go download any sounds you think we'll need
Cool :)

Can't change my name without making a new profile so im stuck with MrMan...ahh well
MrMan said:
Cool :)

Can't change my name without making a new profile so im stuck with MrMan...ahh well
you can PM munro, admin, to get it changed.

TDE and Chris_D can probably do it as well, but I'm not sure.

I'll make the forums as soon as I feel like getting off my ass :D
am i the only one that thinks a straight remake of the original SP wouldnt be all that. MP definately, cos thats always a different experience with the people you play with, but the SP i think should follow a new creative storyline, if you include it at all in the end, just cos it would be more worth the effort in the end i think.
Single player conversian would take ages, the point of the multiplayer is to see what it is like, if it will last, ect. Going straight out on a singleplayer involves alot of hardwork, time and dedication. I hope you see where i am coming from?
PD:S is a perfect recreation of the mp. The sp will take place along the same lines, however I am almost 100% positive by the time we start development on the sp aspect of the game, we'll have decided dozens of new plot twists and different story.
I could probly help with modeling but I couldnt do anything till after christmas though, I need a new monitor.
Don't think any of us are doing anything till after xmas :)
Yea, just recruiting. If you want in sainku just pm me some contact information. ;)
Great idea guys, just please please see it through and keep the community informed! G'luck!
Community will be informed every step of the way (almost...gotta keep some things a surprise ;)) The good thing about the team so far is, we know what the people want. We know what you loved about perfect dark. That feeling you got when you played it for the very first time. Our main goal is to bring that feeling back. To give you such a case of nostaglia that you'll never want to stop playing.

edit - oh and yea...my new avatar is bitchin' ;) :p :LOL:
Im playing through PD again, from start....feels so wierd to play
I might join if I can get it working under an emulator, I never actually played the origional so I wanna at least try it :D

EDIT: How about Half Light for the name? :LOL:
check your pm viper. ;)

seems like recruitments going well. ill post an updated list of the staff either tonite or tomorrow.
Thanks for the info :)

I'm not going to join officialy untill I have somthing to show for myself though :)
thanks. i dont see the ut2004 engine being a good one for pd but hey best of luck to them. any fan of pd is a friend of ours.
and wow its a two man team. they did all that? that is completely awesome. hm.......how useful they would be for pd source....and look, theres contact information. ;)