Honestly is anyone considering remaking Perfect Dark?

ok if ppl are using the names, so are we.

i talked it over with a few people. the official name of our mod is:

Perfect Dark: Source
Be careful, though. Once they say shut down, there's no restarting the mod under a different name.
I will actually set up the forums today.
Personally I think you guys are crazy for using that name. Also, I think you said you are going to be using the sounds from that PD website, again, illegal. But it's up to you guys, I just hope no one tells Rare / Microsoft.
We've emailed Rare. Since they probably won't let us use IP, we'll either have to go in a different direction and make an original mod with Perfect Dark -esque gameplay, or disband.
A Perfect Dark mod would be awesome! Even if its not an exact clone, there were a lot of general things that PD has that would make a mod great. I cant wait to see what comes out of this. Good luck guys! :)
Yea ill be one of the coders. For all who are worried, dont. And once again, PD:S isnt going to be an exact recreation of the sp. We have our own ideas, however we will hold true to the PD enviornment and feel. Believe me, if your a PD fan, don't worry, we are too, we want this mod just as badly as you do. :thumbs:
if anyone really cares, I already did a remake of the Complex...It's bigger, some rooms aren't the same size, and theres soem other small things...i think I made the small dark room off the big square one bigger and added boxes... and the pillar room is full of stacked barrels...

But yes, I did remake the complex, there's an aussie CS server than has it in rotation, I've played a good game on there...
http://downloads.punkassfraggers.co...tory=Counter Strike Source Files/Maps/FY Maps

its on there, its mislabeled, I never got around to putting weapons on the ground, so it's actually a dm... but I was gonna fix it up, after I finish my current project, I'll gladly submit it to your cause
how nice of you zio! :) glad to see ppl are getting interested. we've got a nice list of features all set up.

  • Full graphical overhaul of all original Perfect Dark multiplayer maps and weapons.
  • A new twisted story completely rewritten for a Single Player quest, while still holding true to the PD world.
  • Co-op for Single Player missions.
  • 100% sourced version of Perfect Dark: Multiplayer.
  • Our "personal" additions to what we felt PD was missing. (These are the surprises noone knows about until we actually release it
wow..i've been searching for a thread like this forever and now seem to have finally found one. Im a bit late though but who cares. What was everyone's favorite dm map in PD? Mine was G5 Building...god i loved that map...so i decided to recreate it. Take a look at what i have done, its in an avi file - the layout is about 50% complete. The scale to the pd map is just about 110% accurate so check it out ^_^


Notice there are no textures...im working on possible remaking the originals or finding better ones.
I can join the team as a texture artist...I could rip alot of textures from the game, and if needed, modify them to make them look a little different... :p
PDS sort of died, MrMan and I went over to another remake called Tribute to Darkness.

Also, redgunner, the textures need to be totally remade, the ones in the game are of horrible quality.