Hooked to goddamn wow...

Jan 14, 2008
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Well i sold my soul to the devil.I started playing wow.And now im hooked.As i write this Wow is minimized :|
I stopped playing a few months ago, but Ill probably go back in for a month or two when the expansion hits. Then Ill quit again.
It's cool, just get to endgame. That'll alleviate all feelings of addiction the moment you realise what a shallow and pointless grind it is.

That, or your soul will be lost forever in infinite raid/arena gear progression purgatory, and you will never again see the light of day nor touch the flesh of another human being.

Good luck! :)
If you havnt all ready pick up the other warcraft games for some back story , although 1 is impossible to come by and 2 is pretty crap... but three is good. Any way good luck.
I looked at the thread title for a good 2 minutes before I realized what the hell you were talking about.
Levelling is alright, but as Bad Hat says, once you get to endgame it's more of a job than a game.
I think the monthy payment is the only thing keeping me from picking it up.
The thing you really have to be worried about is meeting really cool people who raid casually. That kept me playing long after I'd lost interest in the game itself. Those guys were legends.
I played a text based mmorpg that consumed almost every waking hour of a little over 9 years of my life.

Cutting myself off from that was the best thing I ever did. It's been a year now since I last played, and I have no pangs of withdrawal.
The thing you really have to be worried about is meeting really cool people who raid casually. That kept me playing long after I'd lost interest in the game itself. Those guys were legends.

This. When I first joined my guild was the only thing keeping me from quitting and we stuck together for a long ass time. The only reason I ended up quitting wow was because the guild broke up and there was no one to talk to anymore D:
The thing you really have to be worried about is meeting really cool people who raid casually. That kept me playing long after I'd lost interest in the game itself. Those guys were legends.

The main thing that keeps me playing a MMO is the people.
I play occasionally, mostly to kill time before War and Diablo 3
If you havnt all ready pick up the other warcraft games for some back story , although 1 is impossible to come by and 2 is pretty crap... but three is good. Any way good luck.
You know my Dad had the old Battle Chest with W1 W2 and the Expansion for W2
I quit for about half a year and just recently resumed. I've not really touched my main because I don't want to get sucked into raiding again just yet (for reasons both principled and practical). No, it's time to bring my alt babies to Outland.

I almost feel like I'm betraying myself.
i Played A Text Based Mmorpg That Consumed Almost Every Waking Hour Of A Little Over 9 Years Of My Life.

Cutting Myself Off From That Was The Best Thing I Ever Did. It's Been A Year Now Since I Last Played, And I Have No Pangs Of Withdrawal.

A Mud?
I hate you WoW. You took my friends, my time, my money. All I have to show for now, is a fat gut and a level 70 gnome warlock.

**** YOU.
Don't get why this stupid game is so addicting. It was fine when I had a shit computer and nothing else to do, but now it's just boring. Don't see myself ever going back to it unless by some anti-miracle all of HL2.net started doing so.
I would suggest playing a good game, and seeing how crappy WoW is.
My powerful champions faithfully await the return of their leader, of which the day will never come.

I stopped playing like 2 years ago.
Don't get why this stupid game is so addicting. It was fine when I had a shit computer and nothing else to do, but now it's just boring. Don't see myself ever going back to it unless by some anti-miracle all of HL2.net started doing so.
I would suggest playing a good game, and seeing how crappy WoW is.

Over nine million subscribers disagree with you.

A coworker recently got me to pick it up again... startin' all over as horde, leaving my 2 alliance 70's to rot. Just a casual little PvP guild, though, which is perfect. Good timing with the expansion too... I'll probably get a little bit of time at 70, then boom! expansion, everyone's on an even playing field again anyway.

During the first year and a half WoW was out, though, I played way, way too much. Second highest PvP rank + raiding as much as the game would allow. Mostly because my guild was awesome.
Over nine million subscribers disagree with you.


And Halo sold more than that, I guess 90% of this forum is wrong about Halo, too?
I like halo. It doesn't suck, but it's not great. Fun multiplayer... sometime shenanigans on co-op, too.

Solo play it sucks, though.
I bought the Diablo 2 battlechest, and it came with a free 14 day trial of WoW, so I installed and played.

It's kind of fun. Nothing else, I could never see myself getting hooked. Honestly Diablo 2 is more addicting, and more fun in my opinion. WoW is way to god damn slow. Magic takes forever to regenerate (your spells), takes forever in between attacks.. Like he's right there, why the **** are you taking your time, keeping stabbing him to pieces ffs.
And Halo sold more than that, I guess 90% of this forum is wrong about Halo, too?

Yeah, they are. Because Halo isn't a bad game. The franchise does, however, have overrated and underwhelming sequels. WoW probably qualifies as well with Burning Crusade.

Also, WoW needs to re-introduce 40-man raid content because half that ****ing window is useless now.
That is unlogical.
No man could be as dumb as the average woman.
Even Forrest Gump could outthink his mother.
Jesus Christ, I'm going to say it.

The only MMO that I've ever really been interested in was EVE. I started a free trial account the other day and tbh it's all way too complicated for my puny female brain. But there are SPACESHIPS. I ****ing love spaceships. Like seriously, if I had one thing to take with me to a desert island, it'd be SPACESHIPS. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. I love spaceships.

oh yeah also when the firefly mmo comes out i'll totally be all over that shit

Not me? You wouldn't take ME to that desert island!? What is this?

What if you had me IN the spaceship?
Leave it to toaster...

Name it a ****ing sitcom, srsly.
A toaster and a spaceship would make an excellent cartoon series.

/calls Cartoon Network
The only MMO that I've ever really been interested in was EVE. I started a free trial account the other day and tbh it's all way too complicated for my puny female brain. But there are SPACESHIPS. I ****ing love spaceships. Like seriously, if I had one thing to take with me to a desert island, it'd be SPACESHIPS. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships. I love spaceships.

oh yeah also when the firefly mmo comes out i'll totally be all over that shit

Im pretty much the same, only with a puny man brain. I played UO for about a year, and thats the last MMO I have ever played for a reasonable amount of time. I played SWG for a couple months at release, but it had no spaceships so I stopped playing and by the time spaceships were introduced I was completely uninterested in the game. Then I played WoW for like 3 months and got bored of its lameness.

But I played the EVE trial and was like "**** YEAH" and played it a lot during the trial days. But alas, i am poor, and the complexity of the game was intimidating.