Horror Films + Little Girls =...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Why is it that modern horror films feature little girls. Always with long black hair, pale white skin and ALWAYS drawing/scribbling on paper???

I mean there's:
Grudge 1+2
The Shining
Silent Hill
The Ring 1+2

as examples, im sure there are loads more. Hell, even F.E.A.R had one! And thats a game!

Does anyone else get as seriously freaked out about seeing little girls in horror films? If i see just one little girl in a movie nowadays i know she's going to scare the ***t out of me for the rest of the film. EVEN if she's the one running away or whatever.
Majority of them are Japanese remakes.

Rumour has it, Roman Polanski next film will have little girls.

It kinda worked at first. Taking something completely non-threatening and making it creepy as hell is a bit more unnerving that another guy with a chainsaw. Now it's just old.

When I say it worked I mean in the Shining/The Exorcist. These new horror movies like the Ring and especially the Grudge just suck.
I lol'ed all the way through the American Ring, and I hate horror movies. Little girls are creepy, especially with hair covering the eyes (It's a psychological fact that being unable to see the eyes has an unnerving effect - since that's where you mainly look on a face) But I really think there's some other niche that'd work way better than little girls.

Evil babies? You could have some good CGI scenes like in Alien, where the baby bursts right out of the womb through the stomach, and is all like "GRRAAAAAAGH".
Ghost girls and boys with magic powers, where would we be without them?
I lol'ed all the way through the American Ring, and I hate horror movies. Little girls are creepy, especially with hair covering the eyes (It's a psychological fact that being unable to see the eyes has an unnerving effect - since that's where you mainly look on a face) But I really think there's some other niche that'd work way better than little girls.

Evil babies? You could have some good CGI scenes like in Alien, where the baby bursts right out of the womb through the stomach, and is all like "GRRAAAAAAGH".
If you want evil babies, you're gonna get a kick out of this......

Some bastard is remaking It's Alive.