How about the graphics?

New Graphics

  • Love em

    Votes: 199 92.6%
  • Hate em

    Votes: 16 7.4%

  • Total voters
Like them in an artistic context, dislike them for TF2.
I think it's a nice to get away from the whole 'realism' bandwagon that recent games have jumped on to. One of the reasons the original TFC was so popular was it didn't try to be something it wasn't and instead focused on pure gameplay. I'm hoping to see a return of this in TF2 and I will certainly return to the gaming scene should this happen :)
I like the style of that picture they showed us. I'm very interested to see how they move and to get an idea of gameplay.
Fascinated by the new art direction, I hope they've nailed it.

'the most advanced graphics of any Source-based game released to date' - sweeet
We need 100% more pollage!

I love the look.
Pollified! :D I love the kinda cartoonish looks. I like it in the way I like Timesplitters 2 and 3.
I think it's a positive move to step away from the endless 'must look supa- realistic' cul-de-sac that constitutes 95% of western game design. How it plays is what is far more important.
It looks ****ing superb :)

I'm soooo ready for this.
TF2's art direction surpassed my expectations, and the graphics engine looks superb. What more could a man want? Anyway I'm glad they didn't go realisitic, as long as the world is detailed they can go as outlandish as they see fit.
gets to the core of TF, which always felt like playing with GI Joes to me
Love it, looks superb. I loved the style in Wind Waker and this seems to go the same way.
Can't wait to try it. :)
Wasnt sure what to think in the beginning, but now after seeing that 1 poster it looks great.
Love it! I'm very glad "cartoonish" didn't go the cell-shaded way.

But do you guys think it will actually be in a miniature environment? I mean, the screen does hint to it, they look smallish. Although that could simply be because the tiles on the floor are big.
Love it! I'm very glad "cartoonish" didn't go the cell-shaded way.

But do you guys think it will actually be in a miniature environment? I mean, the screen does hint to it, they look smallish. Although that could simply be because the tiles on the floor are big.
My friend and I were talking about this just a little while ago. It would be really neat if TF2 turned out to be a video-game extension of childhood games of Army Men :D
Hmm at the moment im a bit negative about it, TFC in terms of graphics got a good balance of realism. These look fake, I enjoyed looking a sniper in the eye and thinking lawl! Oh crap! Then stabbing the bastard.

But i'd like to see what it's like when it's actually in action.
Judging from what we've seen so far ( which is only the Player-Models ), it looks very promising.
Now all we need is MORE PIX ! :) ( wonder which "weapon" the Civilian will wield this time :D )
I like them, it reminds me a lot of Evil Genius, which I used to play on every lazy saturday.

It kind of looks like NOLF, but Evil Genius ftw
Looks superb! + good things come to those who wait.. and weve waited a freaking long time!:LOL:
It's the exact opposite as to what they said they were going for in RTB, but me likes :p:p
Love em, but only because I'll have yet another reason to play Fortress Forever instead.
reminds me of the game evil genius i love the art style! ill probably start making some maps when tf2 comes out because of that certian art style and the texturing wond be as hard!
As I said in another thread, it's Evil Genius all the way :D Anyway, notice the rocket guy on the right (almost said anti-tank) looks a lot like an allied soldier out of DoD. In fact, he looks a lot like the box cover art on DoD: Source.
I thought he looked more like the Nazi, in my opinion. The helmet, for sure, and his jacket is sort of trenchcoat-ish.
I thought he looked more like the Nazi, in my opinion. The helmet, for sure, and his jacket is sort of trenchcoat-ish.

I thought that just after I posted, but I was too lazy to edit :)
Cheers for finally being able to tell what class the guy on the other end of your gun is. That hasn't really ever been the case in a class-based shooter.

The graphics conceptually are amazing. Beautiful, even. But what will be most important is how they compliment the gameplay and how they move. We are all used to shooters looking stiff and industrial. This could change that. God willing, the game animates like it looks, with vibrant colors, exhaggerated explosions, and whimsical chaos. Can't wait.