How are you getting HL2?

How are you getting HL2?

  • Buying at store: Single-player only version; no mod support

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buying at store: Single and Multi-player version; mod support

    Votes: 39 45.3%
  • Buying at store: Collectors Edition

    Votes: 42 48.8%
  • Steam subscription package: HL2, HL1, CZ, DOD, etc. for monthly fee

    Votes: 5 5.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
As we all know, we will be able to get HL2 in several different ways. How are you getting it?
STAFFp18 said:
From suprnova

I sure hope you're kidding...

I'm just getting it from the store, no Steam for me, I want the box and manual and stuff :)
Yeah, I like having the box and stuff to, so I'm getting it from the store. I still look over my HL1 box with giddy excitement from time to time.
Jokes on you STAFFp18. With the implementation of steam piracy of valve games is gona become one hell of alot more difficult. At the very least we will have finished the game and on the the multiplayer aspect before you can even start.

Oh and I am considering steam, but I will probably buy it like any other game in a retail outlet. I would love to do the subscription thing.... but I doubt I could afford it....
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Jokes on you STAFFp18. With the implementation of steam piracy of valve games is gona become one hell of alot more difficult. At the very least we will have finished the game and on the the multiplayer aspect before you can even start.

Oh and I am considering steam, but I will probably buy it like any other game in a retail outlet. I would love to do the subscription thing.... but I doubt I could afford it....

umm you dont need Steam to play HL2.

as long as SP is all you want...
Steam is installed with HL2 when it comes out since steam will be HL2's backbone.
Im going all out for the collectors edition :D

Im sure it wont cost more than £20 over the normal version...if that.
Yeah, I was under the impresion that you needed steam to validate your CD-Key....

Well, fair enough. He definatly cant go online. Which is good because he would probably cheat anyway... :|
on the version i'm gonna get...
this topic has (like practically every new topic) has been discussed to death
From the store, there arent any game stores around here so i might have to travel to get it the minute it comes out or hope wal-mart carries the single/multi version (which they probably will)
i said collector edition, but that really depends on the price... if it is over 80€ i will go normal and multi version. even if it is 80€ it will cost me alot to drop those bills
I'll be buying it at the store. I've put money aside from Christmas and such so i dont have to use my credit cards. I've had this money so long, i'm dying to spend it already Valve.
well if you check on thier website it says hl will be 48.99 so i'm thinking it will definately sell the sp/mp unless they're gonna totally go anti-wal-mart and sell it for more than you can get else where
Im getting the Multiplayer version myself. I like to have a cd or dvd copy of a game in my hand rather than getting it off the net. Also, im on 56k, so steam download would probably be impossible.
STAFFp18 said:
From suprnova

3 of the last 4 of this idiots posts have been about how he will be l33t and ilegaly download Hl2.

he even made a thread with a link to a very well known warez site.

Dougy said:

One vote in favor.

If anyone pirates HL-2, I'll personally stick a knife in them (and people can takes bets as to where :D).
i hate piracy altogether, i'm so anti pirateing i seem to be one of the few in this site that hasn't played the leaked beta version
Where's the option to buy from Steam?

I don't want to subscribe but I'm on broadband and I want it the second it comes out.
no way!
the experiance of getting the whole package manual and all is priceless
Normal store version, unless it's a really cool collector's edition set
One more vote for a +kb on the warez lamer.

I've got a coupon here for a free Steam download of HL2.
Since the stores here are mostly slow on imports (normally 1-2 weeks delay),
Then after it's available here, i'll get the special edition, so i can run HL2 on my 2 machines at once (great fun if you're having friends over), and ofcourse for the goodies :cheese:

I hope steam is up to the job so i can download my copy, lets hope so.
Looked at website

They were talking about a way you'd have to log into Steam to install the game and you'll have to run steam (with internet connection) every week or so if you want to play the single player.

But I guess it's possible to take out that part of the code, we'll have to see if people can figure it out.

I personally am not against piracy. I believe it's a tool we can use for costumer satisfaction. Play the game before you buy it. If they make a bad game then don't buy it after you pirate it. Most people buy the game after they pirate it, as long as they thought it was good.

I'm not pirating HL2 I already pre-ordered it, because I trust Valve as a company. I'm going to go to Electronics Boutique (if I can find my pre-order reciept from past the FIRST release date!), and then I'm going to see if I can buy the cardboard cutout thing advertising HL2. :-D

EDIT: Synthaxx R-or, I looked at your website pictures, do you live in a spiced up cave?! :-p
It's a tough call... on one hand, I know I want the Collector's edition. On the other hand, I want the game the second it is released. I would also like to send some money directly to Valve, via Steam. I like Steam, and think it's a really good idea.

I think I may (if this is possible) subscribe for the monthly fee version a few days before the game is released, download it the day it comes out - nay, the moment it comes out, and then buy the collector's edition and cancel the subscription. Best of both worlds, but there was no poll choice for that :)

I think Gabe said in an e-mail that this would be possible, but I'm not sure. I've honestly been waiting long enough for this game that dropping a big chunk of money on it would not only be fair, but it would feel justified. I've gotten at least $100 of entertainment from these boards, beyond halflife, and the community. I'd have no problem buying HL2 twice, once over Steam, and then again for the collector's edition. Call me crazy.
Qwiggalo said:
I personally am not against piracy. I believe it's a tool we can use for costumer satisfaction. Play the game before you buy it. If they make a bad game then don't buy it after you pirate it. Most people buy the game after they pirate it, as long as they thought it was good.

Yeah, right. Oh, i have this game, completely warezed, the ISO is burned... now let me go out and spend $50 just because i enjoyed the game. That way the game can sit on my shelf and collect dust, because i've already finished it. I don't think so, chuckles.

You keep rationalizing right to the police station. tell them that as a software pirate, you are helping software developers around the world. I'm sure they'll belive you. Maybe, if you're lucky, they'll give you a nice shiny medal.
Spiffae said:
It's a tough call... on one hand, I know I want the Collector's edition. On the other hand, I want the game the second it is released. I would also like to send some money directly to Valve, via Steam. I like Steam, and think it's a really good idea.

I think I may (if this is possible) subscribe for the monthly fee version a few days before the game is released, download it the day it comes out - nay, the moment it comes out, and then buy the collector's edition and cancel the subscription. Best of both worlds, but there was no poll choice for that :)

I think Gabe said in an e-mail that this would be possible, but I'm not sure. I've honestly been waiting long enough for this game that dropping a big chunk of money on it would not only be fair, but it would feel justified. I've gotten at least $100 of entertainment from these boards, beyond halflife, and the community. I'd have no problem buying HL2 twice, once over Steam, and then again for the collector's edition. Call me crazy.

If your crazy, then so am I!, I want the collectors edition but (for the same reason) i expect it to be late, so im gonna be using my ATI voucher on steam the second the games made available. (prays to god it doesnt lag to badly)
Wolf said:
Where's the option to buy from Steam?

I don't want to subscribe but I'm on broadband and I want it the second it comes out.

According to the products page of this site, you cant just download HL2 through Steam for a one time price, you have to subscribe.
got a voucher so buying the sp/mp with that

also going to buy the collectors addition day of release. if the collectors isnt out same day as original pack then buy the pack and collectors when it comes out lol so i will have 3! lol
Lethal8472 said:
According to the products page of this site, you cant just download HL2 through Steam for a one time price, you have to subscribe.

You'll be able to. Just as you could with CZ.
i think you can buy from steam without subscribing ... like pay for HL2, then any mods u want individually.
ill still probably go to store
What's the collectors edition?

If it's worth it I'll buy it.
Spiffae said:
Yeah, right. Oh, i have this game, completely warezed, the ISO is burned... now let me go out and spend $50 just because i enjoyed the game. That way the game can sit on my shelf and collect dust, because i've already finished it. I don't think so, chuckles.

You keep rationalizing right to the police station. tell them that as a software pirate, you are helping software developers around the world. I'm sure they'll belive you. Maybe, if you're lucky, they'll give you a nice shiny medal.

"I have this game, completely warezed, the ISO is burned... now let me go out and spend $50 just because i enjoyed the game. That way the game can sit on my shelf and collect dust, because i've already finished it."
I've done that, and I know tons of others that have. I don't understand why that's at all silly. It's just like buying a bed and actually paying for it 3 years later. Can you say "Tempur-Pedic"? It's all economics.

Now if everyone participated in pirating correctly. Or making it legally binded somehow.
4,760 Arrests, 5,500 Sight Siezures in 2002 over pirating ANY type of media, and 1,088,422 individual peers on suprnova ALONE. Getting arrested for pirating is HIGHLY unlikely.
Baal said:
What's the collectors edition?

If it's worth it I'll buy it.
free t-shirt posters

prob more like bonus cd's on how they made it and all that. But dunno

normally collectors addtions have movie clips and alot of things.

there is a thread talking about what the collectors addition should have inside

IE crowbar key ring! lol
Lethal8472 said:
According to the products page of this site, you cant just download HL2 through Steam for a one time price, you have to subscribe.
Don't be silly.
What about getting it from Steam but not subscribing? That's an option as well...

Ed. Yeah, what Wolf was sayin'! :p
its funny how everyone just shit their pants once someone said "from supernova".