How are you purchasing HL2

How are you purchasing HL2?

  • through Steam

    Votes: 41 31.3%
  • from an Online store

    Votes: 20 15.3%
  • from an Offline store

    Votes: 63 48.1%
  • Other (say what)

    Votes: 7 5.3%

  • Total voters
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
I think buying the Collectors edition is the best because it has the extra stuff in and the 'surprise'
i r getting teh 133702 hl20r from teh AMAZON!!!1111!1!111!1!!!!


lol, sorry, needed to be a stupid freak for a second then. I pre ordered it like last year from my local GAME shop, then cancled to get the cash back, and recently have pre-ordered again, from, cos its like 26.99, bargain!! :flame: <<insert David Dickenson referance here>>
Black Mesa corp said:
I think buying the Collectors edition is the best because it has the extra stuff in and the 'surprise'
Do you realize how many times this has VERY RECENTLY been discussed?

Anyway, retail.
lol, but if things stopped getting 're discuse' then the forum would just die lmao :( , does get to point when ur sick of polls saying

"so0r, what bit of hl20r are you l00king for3ward to m0st"
:dozey: Collectors Edition, if I can manage to purchase it. My mother is going to pay for it, getting it at: Bestbuy, or CompUSA, or Fry's, or EB Games, or Gamestop. We're happy, I get teh gamezorz, my mom gets a huggorz, and the retailer gets profitzorz.
i'll buy it thru steam so i can play ASAP, and then if the CE has cool extra stuff in it that i can't get elsewhere i'll buy that too from a store.

edit: isn't the whole "surprise" idea based on a few lines of unreadable text from the PC Gameplay mag cover? who said a "surprise" is in the CE?
"excuse me sir, I'd like a copy of half-life 2 if you please, and be quick about it!"

Something along those lines....
i'm starting to think that this thread has a life of it's own and replicates through user accounts
you know what is realling Pi**ng me off?? Cant find CE anywhere on a uk site?? i mean i walked in to my local Gamestation, and also Game, and asked if i could get hl2 CE, and they just looked at me odd. The only reply i got was from another lad about to ask the same question in Gamestation.....dear god, it better not be a US only release!!! :angry:

Edit: Valve said that CE will contain a "suprise" :cheese:
Edit: Valve said that CE will contain a "suprise"

can u give me a linky? (about Valve's surprise statement)
it's definitely not a i heard from a friends mum who works in a gamestore manager's sister's hairdresser's kinda thing?
I'll order the CE online once I know for sure what's in it and if it's worth the money.
The surprise is:

It's only available in the US. There are 5 copies and they will only be available to the highest bidders on Ebay.
Depends, if its not in the shop when i want it then ill get it through steam.
linkey...linkey linkey....just trying to think of where i heard it. It was on a post on here i think, or was it in one of the news things..gimme a few mins
Store, I never buy thing on the internet with credit card.
Offline store, I just don't trust the Internet to give it Credit card NO.
I'll buy it at my local game shop.

(BTW, do pre-loaders get a hard copy of the game, like a box with discs?)
(BTW, do pre-loaders get a hard copy of the game, like a box with discs?)

No. If you order it through Steam you just get the right to access the preload. If you bought an ATI video card and sent in a copy of your voucher and proof of purchase to ATI then you can receive a CD (otherwise it's just a download as well).
both through steam and through a retail outlet/store.
1 copy of the G-man box/CE edition (dependant on what is included... and it's a bad sign we still don't know what that is)
and then another copy via Steam.

I am now building my third gaming rig (4th pc I will own though) which will replace my current rig, and my currect pc will become a hl2 linux server (well when hl2 comes out... in the meantime it is going to be a HL:TS server)
I'll get it from the ''offline store'' powerstore, her in malmö :p
Buying CS:CZ off of Steam convinced me that it's a good idea. I don't get another box and manual to find a home for, and it's also cheaper.
buying it retail..CE version of course.
i might be getting a second copy for my other PC.. and that would probably be the Gman box :cheese:
I don't really care about the box and Steam it is for me. I'll probably burn the cache files onto CD's (if that's possible) just in case I need to reinstall when I don't have internet (the only reason I'd be worried about getting it from Steam).
With Canadian dollars. WTF you think'in. Steam is a rippoff. No physical manual CD/DVD, box and you don't get a price drop? F-THAT. Only a moron would buy over steam.

Just so you can play as soon as possible? I guarantee that I will have a copy the first day. Whoop dee doo you got your game 4 hours before me. In the long run you will have wasted your money.
from an Offline store

I have the ATI voucher. That gives me Hl2 on steam.
I reserved Half-Life 2 Special Edition and Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar - A Behind the Scenes Look @ Gamestop.
wonkers said:
With Canadian dollars. WTF you think'in. Steam is a rippoff. No physical manual CD/DVD, box and you don't get a price drop? F-THAT. Only a moron would buy over steam.

Well, CS:CZ was cheaper over Steam than in retail. I'd guess HL2 would be as well. I haven't seen anything that says otherwise. :)

And was the moron comment really neccessary?
AmishSlayer said:
I don't really care about the box and Steam it is for me. I'll probably burn the cache files onto CD's (if that's possible) just in case I need to reinstall when I don't have internet (the only reason I'd be worried about getting it from Steam).

You just need to split up the files. You'd probably be better off with a DVD5 or DVD9
wonkers said:
Just so you can play as soon as possible? I guarantee that I will have a copy the first day. Whoop dee doo you got your game 4 hours before me. In the long run you will have wasted your money.

Huh? Just because you don't get the the IMMENSELY precious manual and the ultra cool CD's (OMGz0rz!) and a case! *insert stimpy-shriek* ??

y00 only get teh gaym.. bah!

in the long run that truly IS a waste of moneh..
i won't be buying came with my vid card.
that damn 9800xt that is crap now, but was the shit when i bought it, all so i could get my sept 30th 2003 HL2.
well i guess i got it....too bad it's nothing but vaporware.
cadaveca said:
i won't be buying came with my vid card.
that damn 9800xt that is crap now, but was the shit when i bought it, all so i could get my sept 30th 2003 HL2.
well i guess i got it....too bad it's nothing but vaporware.

Dude, the 9800XT is still a fantastic video card. Sure, it's not the best video card on the market, but it's a long way from being crap like you said.
I have the ati voucher (which gives me hl2 over steam) and im STILL buying the Ce 80$ and the book. Its not a wast of money. I just like having my box mamual etc etc.
KagePrototype said:
Dude, the 9800XT is still a fantastic video card. Sure, it's not the best video card on the market, but it's a long way from being crap like you said.

not working for a hardware company, like i am, are you? the 9800xt is prone to problems. 6 RMA's later, and i still have an artifacting card. I would not call that fantastic. And no, it's not overclocked, nor will it ever be. i have 3 9800 pros in other rigs, and they play great (well, actually to be honest, one of them that has a XT pcb and gpu artifacts as well).

i'm just a little bitter that i was misled, but hey, sure, every game i have played since then has looked awesome, but had they not offered HL2 for free, i would not have bought this card. i would have stuck with the 9600pro 256, which, last year, was quite the card itself. And when i bought Doom3, and it sucked in the FPS department, i would have bought a new card them, which, more than likely, would have been an x800pro.

There will be a class-action lawsuit filed in the next few weeks against VALVE, Vivendi, and ATI.
cadaveca said:
not working for a hardware company, like i am, are you? the 9800xt is prone to problems. 6 RMA's later, and i still have an artifacting card. I would not call that fantastic. And no, it's not overclocked, nor will it ever be. i have 3 9800 pros in other rigs, and they play great (well, actually to be honest, one of them that has a XT pcb and gpu artifacts as well).

i'm just a little bitter that i was misled, but hey, sure, every game i have played since then has looked awesome, but had they not offered HL2 for free, i would not have bought this card. i would have stuck with the 9600pro 256, which, last year, was quite the card itself. And when i bought Doom3, and it sucked in the FPS department, i would have bought a new card them, which, more than likely, would have been an x800pro.

There will be a class-action lawsuit filed in the next few weeks against VALVE, Vivendi, and ATI.

I wouldn't say it's smart saying you work for a hardware company, yet still can't figure out to make a card function after it's intentions.
FISKER_Q said:
I wouldn't say it's smart saying you work for a hardware company, yet still can't figure out to make a card function after it's intentions.

I don't blame ATI for 9800xt's fault''s sapphire for not giving the gpu sufficient voltage. 1.73v on a XT is way too little...should be around 1.8v. they keep sending me cards that will artifact after a minute, or as a good example you'll understand, artifacting in the darker areas of CS:S.

now, my problem with ATI in this regard is that sapphire, being the OEM for ATI, should be following reference design and voltages. but they for some reason have stopped. Either ATI needs to tigher the apron strings, or sapphire QA has to get better. i mean really, i bought an XT, and have only had it in my possesion for less than 3 months of the past year since i purchased it.

Maybe the issue could be driver related, but the lower voltage, and the TRAS being set to 2 instead of 1...c'mon, these are the mistakes of a new company, not the second largest video card manufacturer.

i should also add that this happens only with 4xAA. for 2 different cards in 2 different machines do the same thing, i know it can be solved by drivers. plain and simple the cards artifact when pushed...playing HL for 8 hours shows no issues. Farcry and Doom3 result in vpu recovery issues.

read up on the SDK, and you'll know that i am not wrong in my conclusions. the issues are not mine...regardless or what you and your infinate wisdom think. grow up dude.